独家【秀动呈献】澳洲治愈系民谣Tamas Wells 2016重返中国暖冬之旅

演出时间:11月23日 21:00-11月23日 22:30

艺人: Tamas Wells/烯烯

场地: 北京 愚公移山

地址:北京市东城区张自忠路3-2号段祺瑞执政府旧址西院 查看地图


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Tamas Wells 问候视频


澳洲治愈系民谣Tamas Wells2016重返中国暖冬之旅


Tamas Wells 一支来自澳大利亚美丽城市墨尔本的治愈系的民谣乐团,从他们的音乐中可以感受到从心里透出来的纯净、安宁、恬淡与温暖 。


自2000年初, 他们开始了自己的音乐事业,给整个澳洲乐坛带来了不小的情感冲击。一首《Valder Fields》让他们征服了美国、英国、乃至日本、韩国和中国的听众。他们的音乐有种打动人心的魅力。带着感情的简单舒缓的旋律和轻柔醉人的嗓音,让人体会这一份充满春天气息的温馨,如沐春风。


干净的嗓音,清新的吉他,简单的歌词,这*是Tamas Wells的风格。没有激昂的旋律,*是这种平淡,慢慢地渗透到我们的内心。木吉他配上简单的鼓点,偶尔用些钢琴做点缀,往往*简单直接的东西才是*动人的。不需要太多修饰,不需要太多华丽,Tamas Wells*能带给我们一抹清凉。 像午后的一缕清风,像原野飘来的阵阵花香,像石子投入湖水泛起的美丽波光,像不期而遇的一次爱恋…对于这般纯良而质朴的音乐,也许任何文字都像在矫饰。 


2016年,Tamas Wells即将再次重返中国,为刚刚进入冬天的十一月,带来一场和煦恬然的澳大利亚民谣暖冬之旅。



Australian folk pop band Tamas Wells 2016 China winter tour


Tamas Wells is an Australian singer-songwriter based in RangoonBurma.Wells first came to attention in his home country in 2002 with airplay of a three-track demo《Cigarettes, a Tie and a Free Magazine》,recorded with three friends. They followed this up with an EP 《Stitch in Time》 in the same year.The band took off in 2004 when they were spotted by record producer Tim Whitten and invited to record their debut album《A Mark on the Pane》with Popboomerang Records. Beginning that year, they performed five national tours.

In early 2006 Wells relocated to RangoonBurma, to participate in a community health HIV/AIDS education project. The band's second album《A Plea en Vendredi》, appeared later that year.One song called《Valder Fields》 was known among several countries at that time.In August 2007, the band performed a sell-out tour of four Japanese cities. Wells' third album《Two Years in April》was released in 2008, and was followed by tours of Australia, China, Japan and Singapore in 2009 and 2010. In 2010《Thirty People Away》 the fourth album, was released.In 2014 《On the Volatility of the Mind》 the fifth album was released and followed by a tour in China.

After two years,in this winter of 2016,Wells will come to China again for several shows.

Looking forward to meeting you all!