
演出时间:10月20日 18:30-10月20日 20:00

艺人: Scott Henderson

场地: 上海 Blue Note Shanghai

地址:上海市虹口区四川北路867号中信广场3-5层(中信广场店) 查看地图


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参演艺人:Scott Henderson

演出场地:Blue Note Shanghai



入场时间/Door Time:5:00 PM

演出时间/Show Time:6:30PM

地址/Add:上海市虹口区四川北路867号 中信广场3-5层

3F-5F, Citic Plaza, No. 867, Sichuan North Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai




剧场票价Ticket Price:







Scott Henderson - guitar

Romani Labaye - bass

Archibald Ligonniere - drums 

Scott Henderson Trio

Scott Henderson是爵士界近40年来*重要的吉他手之一。


他的专辑《Tribal Tech》和《Well to the Bone》发表,被许多人认为是他的主要作品,备受欢迎。*近的专辑《Vibe Station》也是如此。这位来自洛杉矶的这位吉他手一直处于他那一代的*,成为世界各地的数百万音乐家的灵感来源。

自2013年以来,Scott Henderson与其三重奏在世界各地巡回演出。成员包括:贝斯手Romaine Labaye和鼓手Archibald Ligonniere。三重奏在过去几年中曾在拉丁美洲演出多次,并于2019年7月推出他的新专辑《People Mover》,此次全球巡演将包括欧洲、拉丁美洲、亚洲、澳大利亚和美国。


Scott Henderson is one of the most important guitarists of the Jazz history of the last 40 years.


Since the years of Tribal Tech into successful albums like Well to the Bone or the most recent Vibe Station, considered by many as his master piece, this guitar player from Los Angeles has been always at the top of his generation, being an inspiration for millions of musicians all around the world.

Since 2013 Scott tours worldwide with his Scott Henderson Trio featuring Romaine Labaye and Archibald Ligonniere. Scott Henderson Trio has performed several times in Latin America in the last years and will be presenting his new album People Mover, to be released in July 2019, second step of a worldwide tour including Europe, Latin America, Asia, Australia and USA.

Scott Henderson

Scott Henderson出生于1954年,成长于布鲁斯摇滚的*时期。在南佛罗里达州开启了他的音乐生涯,在那里他同很多乐队演奏,从Led Zeppelin 到James Brown的所有音乐应有尽有。在他的学习成长过程中,Henderson受到Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Jimi Hendrix, Ritchie Blackmore和他*喜欢的布鲁斯吉他手Albert King的影响。


Born in 1954, Scott Henderson grew up in an era where blues-rock was at it's peak. His formative musical years took place in South Florida where he played the clubs with various bands, playing everything from Led Zeppelin to James Brown. As he was learning his instrument, Henderson was influenced by Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Jimi Hendrix, Ritchie Blackmore, and his favorite blues guitarist Albert King.




Even though Henderson claims to be more of a blues-rock player, it was the influence of jazz that led him to the style of playing and composing that he is now famous for.


Scott在佛罗里达大西洋大学学习编曲和作曲,于1980年搬到洛杉矶。他与Chick Corea Elektric Band,还有小提琴家Jean-Luc Ponty一起巡回演出,与Zawinul Syndicate录制了两张专辑《The Immigrants》和《Black Water》。Henderson在1984年与贝斯手Gary Willis一起组建了传奇乐队Tribal Tech,并录制了十张广受好评的专辑。


Scott studied arranging and composition at Florida Atlantic University, then moved to Los Angeles in 1980. He toured and recorded with Chick Corea's Elektric Band, violinist Jean-Luc Ponty, and was pleased to get the opportunity to work for four years with one of his favorite musicians, Weather Report's Joe Zawinul. He recorded two albums with the Zawinul Syndicate, "The Immigrants" and "Black Water". Henderson formed the legendary band Tribal Tech in 1984 with bassist Gary Willis, and recorded ten critically acclaimed albums. The most recent recording is "Tribal Tech X" released in March 2012.


1991年,Scott被Guitar World评为*爵士吉他手,1992年1月,他在Guitar Player年度读者投票中荣获爵士吉他手*名的位置。他的个人首张布鲁斯专辑《Dog Party》是他对音乐家本源的完美呈现,同时还赢得了1994年Guitar Player杂志的*布鲁斯专辑称号。接下来的几张专辑《Tore Down House》和《Well to the Bone》,Henderson携手传奇歌手Thelma Houston。除此之外,《Vibe Station》是Henderson作为*以来*有成*的作品之一,由贝斯手Travis Carlton和鼓手Alan Hertz共同演奏的器乐三重奏唱片,这三人在全球50多个国家巡回演出,以Tribal Tech的名义演奏及录制。


In 1991, Scott was named by Guitar World as the #1 Jazz Guitarist, and in January 1992, he was named #1 Jazz Guitarist in Guitar Player's Annual Reader's Poll. His first solo blues album "Dog Party", a welcome retreat to his musical roots, won best blues album of 1994 in Guitar Player Magazine. His next solo albums "Tore Down House" and "Well to the Bone" paired Henderson with legendary vocalist Thelma Houston. "Vibe Station", Henderson's latest and most accomplished work as a leader, is an instrumental trio record featuring Travis Carlton on bass and Alan Hertz on drums. The trio has toured extensively throughout the world in over 50 countries, playing music from the solo albums as well as some of Henderson's music recorded by Tribal Tech.


Scott还和Vital Tech Tones一起发行了两张专辑,这是与贝斯手Victor Wooten和Journey乐队前鼓手Steve Smith的三重奏合作。2009年,他开始以HBC三重奏的名义进行全球巡回演出,其中有贝斯手Jeff Berlin和鼓手Dennis Chambers。


Scott has also released two albums with "Vital Tech Tones", a trio collaboration with bassist Victor Wooten and former Journey drummer Steve Smith. In 2009 he began touring worldwide with the HBC Trio, featuring bassist Jeff Berlin and drummer Dennis Chambers. Their first record "HBC" was released in October 2012.


对于像Scott这样的音乐家来说,当代吉他手想要同他学习的需求很大。他是好莱坞音乐学院的教师,在那里他的开放式咨询课程是*受欢迎的。Scott还为Guitar Player杂志和许多其他吉他出版物撰写专栏。


As is often the case with a musician of Scott's caliber, the demand is great that he share his knowledge with the current generation of guitarists. He is on the faculty at Musician's Institute in Hollywood, where his Open Counseling sessions are some of MI's most popular. Scott has also written columns for Guitar Player Magazine and many other guitar publications.


Alfred出版公司发行了Henderson的教学DVD《Scott Henderson-Jazz Rock Mastery》和他的*本书《The Scott Henderson Guitar Book》。他的另外两本书《The Best Of Scott Henderson》和《Scott Henderson - Blues Guitar Collection》通过Hal Leonard出版公司发行。还有他的教学书《Jazz Guitar Chord System》,无疑是一种革命性的方式,让学生学习爵士乐和声的多元性。


Alfred Publishing has released Henderson's instructional DVD entitled "Scott Henderson - Jazz Rock Mastery", and his first transcription book "The Scott Henderson Guitar Book". His other two transcription books, "The Best Of Scott Henderson" and "Scott Henderson - Blues Guitar Collection" are available through Hal Leonard Publishing, as well as his instructional book "Jazz Guitar Chord System", a revolutionary way for students to study the pluralities of jazz harmony.





