独家融合古典、爵士和中东音乐的法国即兴单簧管二重奏CABARET-ROCHER巡演 义乌站

演出时间:09月06日 20:30-09月06日 22:00

艺人: Etienne Cabaret/Christophe Rocher

场地: 金华 义乌•隔壁酒吧

地址:浙江省金华市义乌市南门街777号隔壁酒吧 查看地图


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参演艺人:Etienne Cabaret / Christophe Rocher

演出场地:金华 义乌•隔壁酒吧

单簧管二重奏CABARET-ROCHER来自布列塔尼,乐曲活泼。Etienne Cabaret (右)以演奏传统的布列塔尼单簧管而闻名,喜爱并深受混合摇滚爵士乐和即兴音乐的影响。Christophe Rocher (左)是诺蒂利斯的艺术总监,25年来一直与*伟大的即兴演奏者一起演奏,并努力在音乐创作方面开辟自己的道路。

Two major clarinet players from Brittany invented this lively duet. Etienne Cabaret (right), very well known as traditional breton clarinet player, loves to mix rock jazz or even improvised music together. Christophe Rocher (left), artistic director of Nautilis Ensemble, plays for 25 years with the greatest improvisers and builds his own path in creative musics.

Christophe Rocher的音乐以爵士乐为主,并试图寻找“作曲”语言,进行完全的即兴创作音乐。作为音乐现场的积极分子,他也是布雷斯特的马格纳提克斯和诺蒂利斯乐团协会的创始人。Christophe Rocher一直在尝试通过他的音乐传递活在当下的思想,在发展自己独特音乐的同时又带给人们惊喜。

His activities are mainly occupied by jazz and the search for "compositional" language, or totally improvised music, activist of the musical scenes, founder of the association Plages Magnétiques in Brest and of the Ensemble Nautilis. Christophe Rocher has always tried through his music to live the moment, to develop his own voice.


In 1997 Christophe created the association Penn Ar Jazz / Plages Magnétiques (2 festivals, a regular program and many actions aimed at the public, around jazz and improvised music). For 10 years, he supervised the "Luisances", improvised music meetings in Brest. Today, he continues to be actively involved, as an artist, in supporting the territorial development of the Penn Ar Jazz project.

Christophe目前是诺蒂利斯乐团的艺术总监,并领导了一个国际交流项目(ARCH),与来自世界各地的音乐家之间进行交流。如与电声音乐合奏团Boréal Bee、大管弦乐队和许多法国爵士音乐家交流演奏。他在Alexandre Pierrepont创建的“桥梁”体系中演出(法国和美国音乐家交流的组织),并致力于法国和国外的音乐创作。

Today, Christophe is the artistic director of the Nautilis ensemble, and leads an international exchange program (ARCH) between the musicians of the Nautilis Ensemble and musicians from all over the world. Plays in the electro-acoustic music ensemble Boréal Bee, in the Circum Grand Orchestra and with many French jazz musicians. He plays in the "The Bridge" system created by Alexandre Pierrepont (exchange between French and American musicians) and in many musical creations in France and abroad.

Etienne Cabaret作为“Treujeun Gaol”(传统的布雷顿单簧管)演奏家和名誉歌手,他让低音单簧管发出电声效果,并与爵士乐、摇滚乐或即兴音乐相互融合。

As the Clarinetist and emeritus ringer of "treujeun gaol" (traditional Breton clarinet), Etienne Cabaret develops an electro-acoustic sound on the bass clarinet that flirts with jazz, rock or improvised music.

他是Moger(黄铜摇滚乐队,成员有法式贝斯手歌手迪伦·詹姆斯)、Arn(Fest-Noz)、BÊTEP(电影音乐会“Le Chemin de l'Arc-en-Ciel”)和Diese3三重奏乐队的成员, 在费斯托诺兹和布列塔尼以及国外的音乐节演出了10多年。

He is a member of the MOGER (brass rock group, with Dylan James, French-English bassist singer), ARN (fest-noz), BÊTEP (film-concert "Le Chemin de l'arc-en-ciel") and the DIESE3 trio (which has been performing for over 10 years in festoù-noz and in festivals in Brittany and abroad).

他还加入了由Joachim Mouflin领导的GOSSEYN组合。5年来,他一直在尼尔曼与Parveen Khan一起演奏。

He also joined the GOSSEYN group, led by Joachim Mouflin. For 5 years he played in NIRMAAN with Parveen Khan.


More recently they have created a clarinet duo with Christophe Rocher (between improvised music, popular music and jazz).


8月28日 北京 DDC

8月30日 成都 马丘比丘咖啡馆

8月31日 重庆 怪兽酒馆

9月02日 合肥 乐馆

9月03日 宁波 宁波图书馆

9月05日 杭州 拉姆美术馆

9月06日 义乌 隔壁酒吧

9月07日 福州 MAKER LIVE

9月08日 广州 知乐艺术空间



