独家「*像在巴黎」法国香颂音乐会 (Classical, Jazz)

演出时间:05月01日 19:30-05月01日 22:00

艺人: 潘姮伃(Elen PAN)/Jérémy Peret

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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参演艺人:Herng-Yu Elen Pan 潘姮伃、Jérémy Peret 杰瑞米・贝雷



Double bassist: Herng-Yu Elen Pan 潘姮伃

Guitarist: Jérémy Peret 杰瑞米・贝雷 (FR)


Double bassist: 潘姮伃

潘姮伃2014年取得法国国立巴黎高等音乐院(Conservatoire National Supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris) 硕士学位,2015至2017年获得全额奖学金(Adami)于奥地利国立维也纳音乐大学(Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien)进修,6月取得*演奏文凭。自2013年起担任国立高等音乐院附属职业乐团(Orchestre Lauréat du Conservatoire) 低音提琴首席。在欧洲期间曾师事邓敏慧老师,Jean-Paul CELEA,  Eckhard RUDOLPH, Thierry BARBÉ,以及前维也纳爱乐首席Alois POSCH等教授。

在学期间,致力于室内乐及管弦乐团演出。2009年博毕尼音乐院协奏曲比赛*名,并于隔年与管弦乐团演出低音提琴协奏曲音乐会。2011及2014年考入日本太平洋音乐节成员(Pacific Music Festival);2014年考入奥地利欧西亚赫青年乐团(Ossiach Academy)并受邀于奥地利南部参与多场乐季,12月与维也纳青年乐团至中国巡回演出,隔年6月受邀至克罗埃西雅,斯洛维尼亚等东欧*巡回演出,2016年与台湾古乐协会合作演出系列巴洛克音乐会。

潘姮伃被国立巴黎高等音乐院校长布鲁诺・蒙多法尼誉为 “她是非常聪明和灵活的,并且很快的成为这个世代*活跃的年轻低音提琴家之一。”

2012年起潘姮伃开始在法国广播爱乐乐团学院担任实习团员(Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France);同年10月考入法国*乐团约聘团员(Orchestre National de France)并陆续与法国各大乐团约聘合作:巴黎室内交响乐团(Orchestre de Chambre de Paris),法国现代乐集(Ensemble Interconteporain) 等。2018年考入英国BBC广播交响乐团低音提琴团员试用期,同年10月任教北京中央音乐学院低音提琴外籍教授。

Herng-Yu Elen PAN - Double bassist 

Herng-Yu Elen Pan started piano study at age of 4, and double bass study at the age of 10. She graduated from Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris and Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien. 

From 2012, she has played regularly with the major top orchestras in France, such as Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Orchestre National de France, Orchestre de Chambre de Paris, Ensemble Intercontemporain, Ensemble 2e2m and etc. From 2013 to 2015, she was the double bass soloist in Paris Lauréat Conservatory Orchestra. As soloist and different ensemble’s member, she has appeared in Germany, Austria, England, Croatia, Russia, Romania, Poland, Japan, China, and Korea.“Particularly brilliant and versatile, she is very soon becoming one of the most remarkable double bassists of her generation” said the director of Conservatory of Paris- Bruno Mantovani in 2015.

2018, Herng-Yu PAN started working with BBC Symphony Orchestra in London as a trial player. Later in the same year, she has joined the faculty in the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing as a double bass professor. 

Guitarist: 杰瑞米·贝雷 (FR)

 毕业于法国国立巴黎高等音乐院(Conservatoire National Supérieur De Musique De Paris) 拥有吉他硕士文凭-师事Roland Dyens,法国贝琵侬音乐院吉他爵士讲师文凭(Conservatoire Régional de Perpignan)。学习期间曾师事从朱迪卡尔佩罗Judicaël Perroy,Serge Lazarevitch,Christophe Louboutin等吉他演奏家。

贝雷致力于*吉他国际比赛,五年中荣获八项国际独奏奖项并在2016年日本吉他杂志版面访问报导。 2016年日本名古屋国际吉他大赛*名,同年东京吉他音乐大赛第二名,2014年美国吉他协会Guitar Foundation of America主办大赛第三名,西班牙Séville吉他大赛第二名,葡萄牙Sernancelhe吉他大赛第二名及Viseu吉他大赛第三名,法国« Robert J. Vidal » 吉他大赛第二名,法国安东尼吉他大赛第三名。

自2015年起至今,贝雷担任一年一度法国阿维隆省音乐节-Festival « Les Détours Métaphoniques » de Saint-Salvadou音乐总监,音乐节广受好评。 2018年,贝雷出版他的*本吉他作品-巴哈,并在法国开始线上贩售。

在演奏家事业高峰的同时,贝雷也是位热忱于吉他教学的老师,自2002年开始曾经任教法国四所音乐院:法国国立阿维隆音乐学院École Nationale de Musique de l'Aveyron ,马约特音乐协会Association de Musique à Mayotte,夏尔音乐学院Conservatoire de Chelles,现为法国巴黎近郊-夏特奈・马拉枇音乐院Conservatoire De Châtenay-Malabry正职吉他教授,并受邀于各地教导大师课,电视电台访问等,担任国立巴黎高等音乐院吉他系评审团。贝雷受国内知名指挥家张国勇老师邀请担任独奏家,即将于2019年12月与贵阳交响乐团演奏吉他协奏曲。

Guitarist: Jérémy Peret (FR)

French guitarist Jérémy Peret began playing both classical and popular music when he was a child. Under the tutelage of his great teachers Christophe Louboutin and Serge Lazarevitch, he got two conservatory diplomas, one in classical guitar and one in jazz, and became very active on the musical scene in his region of the south of France. At the same time, he taught classical guitar at the Aveyron region Conservatoire. 

In 2006, he was given the opportunity to live and teach in Mayotte, a french Indian Ocean’s island where he discovered a different culture, and new ways to practice music.

Jérémy then decided to move to Paris to pursue his passion for classical guitar. Following classes with Judicaël Perroy in the Aulnay-sous-Bois Conservatoire, he entered the Paris Conservatoire in 2009, where he obtained a Master's degree. 

Recently, he has been a laureate in several international guitar competitions, including Tokyo (2nd prize winner in 2016) and Nagoya (1st prize winner in 2016) in Japan, and the prestigious Guitar Foundation of America in USA (3rd prize winner in 2014).

As he is regularly invited to play with orchestras (Orchestre National d’Île-de-France) or ensembles (Le Balcon, 2E2M), he had the opportunity to perform in some of the greatest halls in France, as Philharmonie de Paris and Opéra Bastille. 

Last year, he took part in the creation of an adaptation of Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro with mezzo-soprano Romie Estèves, a show currently touring in France. 

As a classical guitarist, he is both performing in solo recitals and with the Duo des Cordes he created with double-bass player Herng-Yu Pan.

As Jérémy Peret also never stopped teaching during all that time, he is currently professor of classical and electric guitar at the Châtenay-Malabry Conservatoire.



