
演出时间:04月20日 19:30-04月20日 21:00


场地: 北京 Blue Note Beijing

地址:前门东大街23号blue note 查看地图


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入场时间/Door Time:6:00 PM

演出时间/Show Time:7:30PM

地址/Add:前门东大街23号 Blue Note Beijing



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Jean Baylor - vocals 

Marcus Baylor - drums

Terry Brewer - piano

Keith Loftis - sax

Freddie Hendrix - trumpet/flugelhorn

Yasushi Nakamura - bass

A husband. A wife. An astonishing debut.



Jean Baylor与Marcus Baylor的The Baylor Project深深扎根于爵士乐的灵魂之中。同为牧师后裔的Marcus与Jean对于音乐的认知便在教堂中建立而成。正是在那里,福音、蓝调、灵魂以及爵士乐影响的道路正式铺开,并成为了他们的标志。他们的处女作专辑《The Journey》在自己的厂牌旗下发布,随后在《公告牌》爵士排行榜中取得第8名,并在一年后获得两项格莱美奖提名(“*爵士人声专辑”以及“*传统R&B表演”),以此证实了The Baylor Project是一支不可忽视的力量。The Baylor Project将让你踏上一段不拘一格的音乐之旅。他们的音乐既展现了风格多样性,同时也展现了精湛的演奏技巧。

“新泽西女孩”Jean在Temple University进修声乐表演专业期间接触了爵士乐,那时她受到了Carmen McCrae、Jimmy Scott以及Shirley Horn的深刻影响。除了发展个人职业演唱生涯之外,Jean还将作曲、编曲、音乐制作以及担任乐队领队加入自己的音乐主业。她曾作为特邀艺术家出现在包括Yellowjackets、Kenny Garrett、Marcus Miller以及传奇贝斯手Buster Williams等人的演出及录音中。具有良好及灵敏中音音域演唱功底,Jean将新鲜、不常见的措辞方式与巧妙的即兴结合,从而演唱出纯净并充满灵魂的歌声。

在圣路易斯长大的Marcus以曾在格莱美获奖爵士乐队Yellowjackets担任鼓手而被人广泛认知。在The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music学习期间,他曾与包括Cassandra Wilson、John Scofield以及Kenny Garrett等*音乐人物合作。自那时起,Marcus便开始担任作曲、编曲、制作以及乐队领队工作。他有着一名经验丰富的音乐家才所具备的修养和即兴才能,包括自身对音乐自然的感觉、对空间的创新使用以及革新的叙事能力。

终于,这两位艺术家一起登上了舞台!他们的创造力与才能也终于得以交织!他们结合所拥有的音乐造诣无与伦比,他们充满活力的表演满腹深情。The Baylors会用一首中速的摇摆舞曲鼓舞你,并让你想跟着他们一起拍手。然而顷刻之间,你也许便会被他们一首能改变气氛的灵歌所受打动。他们演奏的曲目包含原创作品以及对经典曲目的新编版本,并用超越自己年龄的真诚与成熟演绎那些充满传奇色彩且优雅的歌谣。更重要的是,Marcus与Jean有着弥补不同代人之间鸿沟的几乎不可思议的能力。他们彼此是相连的、各自也是华丽的。正是如此,他们的演出经常爆满,并且吸引了大批观众。

The Baylor Project向他们多样化的音乐致敬,并通过这样创作一种折衷的声音,让音乐的整体效果是具有精神的、活跃的并让人感觉好的。The Baylor Project是充满灵魂的、优美浪漫的、真实的。

“已婚音乐家、歌手Jean Baylor与鼓手Marcus Baylor创建了一个在爵士乐、福音音乐和音乐传承三方面交汇的富有魅力的‘组合’。充满了来自他们各自根源以及神圣空间的景象,这是一张非常独特的专辑,它可以抚慰灵魂…”

——《城市音乐》(A.Scott Galloway)

The Baylor Project featuring Jean Baylor and Marcus Baylor highly anticipated collaboration is steeped in the heart and soul of Jazz.  As the children of Pastors, Marcus and Jean's musical roots were planted deep within the church, and it was there that the road was paved for the influence of gospel, blues, soul, and jazz to make it’s mark. Their debut CD "The Journey", released on their own label, Be A Light, topped the Billboard Jazz Chart at Number 8 and a year later garnered 2 GRAMMY® Nominations for BEST JAZZ VOCAL ALBUM and BEST TRADITIONAL R&B PERFORMANCE, solidifying The Baylor Project as an undeniable force.  As you listen to “The Baylor Project,” you will be taken on an eclectic musical journey that showcases as much versatility as it does virtuosity.

Jean, a “Jersey Girl”, was introduced to jazz in college as a Vocal Performance Major at Temple University, where she was heavily influenced by artists such as Carmen McCrae, Jimmy Scott, and Shirley Horn. She subsequently made her mark as one-half of the platinum recording duo, “Zhane´”.

 In addition to continued development of her craft, Jean has expanded into composing, arranging, producing, and band leading. She has been a featured guest artist in performances and recordings with Yellowjackets, Kenny Garrett, Marcus Miller and legendary bassist, Buster Williams. Well-equipped with an agile mezzo-soprano range, Jean combines a fresh, whimsical approach to phrasing with clever improvisation resulting in singing of such vocal purity that she embraces the soul.

Marcus, a St. Louis native, is widely recognized as the former member and drummer of the GRAMMY® Award winning jazz quartet, “Yellowjackets”. While studying and graduating from The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music, he performed and recorded with musical icons Cassandra Wilson, John Scofield, and Kenny Garrett. Since then, Marcus has come into his own as a composer, arranger, producer and bandleader. With his natural feel, creative use of space and innovative ability to tell a story, his musicianship and improvisation are those of a seasoned musician.

At last, these two are together on stage! At last, their innovation and talent are intimately entwined! Their combined musicianship is unmatched. Their dynamic performances are soulful to the bone. The Baylors will raise you up and inspire you to clap along with them, as they entice your ears with a swinging mid-tempo tune. Yet, at a moments’ notice, you may be moved to tears when they change the atmosphere with a spiritual song intended to stir the emotions. They perform original compositions and new arrangements of classic pieces. They utilize sincerity and maturity far beyond their years to deliver ballads with storied grace and elegance, and grit. And what’s more is that Marcus and Jean have the uncanny ability to bridge the gap between generations. They are relatable, they are virtuosic, and for these reasons they captivate packed houses and sold out audiences.

"The Baylor Project" pays homage to their wide-ranging musical influences, and in so doing; they generate an eclectic sound whose overall effect is spiritual, buoyant, and feel good music.

Soulful. Melodic. Authentic. “The Baylor Project.”

“Married musicians vocalist Jean Baylor and drummer Marcus Baylor have created a captivating “project” that meets at the 3-way intersection of Jazz, Gospel and Legacy. Brimming with aural snapshots of their individual roots and the sacred space where they come together, it is a very unique album that soothes the soul...” -Urban Music Scene (by A. Scott Galloway)
