
演出时间:04月12日 19:30-04月12日 21:00


场地: 北京 Blue Note Beijing

地址:前门东大街23号blue note 查看地图


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入场时间/Door Time:6:00 PM

演出时间/Show Time:7:30PM

地址/Add:前门东大街23号 Blue Note Beijing

23 Qianmen East Street. Dongcheng District. Beijing




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Russell Malone - guitar 

Luke Sellick - bass

Neal Smith - drums

James Austin Jr. - piano

Russell Malone是他那一代人中*代表性的吉他手之一。自1992年以来,他作为乐队领导已经发行了十张专辑。Malone长期在Ron Carter的Golden Striker Trio中演出,并且拥有自己在国际上知名的三重奏及四重奏。由于他精致的演奏技巧与在音乐中的无限想象力,Russell Malone*近参与到了Sonny Rollins和Dianne Reeves的音乐制作。


在所有这些情况下,Malone以自己的方式论述了传统,将Charlie Christian、Chet Atkins、George Van Eps、Johnny Smith、Wes Montgomery、Grant Green、Kenny Burrell、Pat Martino和 George Benson等大师的语汇和句法重新组合成一个完全属于他自己的暗语。




Malone说:“我为自己能够敞开心扉与任何人一起玩音乐而感到自豪。”他接触了各种艺术家,如B.B. King、Aretha Franklin、Gladys Knight、Andy Williams、James "Blood" Ulmer和Ornette Coleman。他说:“我喜欢swing,但我也尊重其他风格的音乐,以及其他音乐家。如果音乐好,我愿意和任何人一起演奏。”


1963年,Malone出生于佐治亚州奥尔巴尼,4岁时他收到了的*把吉他——一把绿色塑料四弦。他从6岁*开始在教堂演奏,并在12岁时发现了爵士乐,当时他听到Benson在 PBS的一档节目上与Benny Goodman、Teddy Wilson、Red Norvo、Milt Hinton和Jo Jones合作。很快他购买了Benson的专辑《The Cookbook》和《Benson Burner》,和Montgomery的专辑《Smokin'at the Half Note》和《Boss Guitar》。Malone说:“这四张唱片让我走上了一条正道。”


高中毕业后,Malone离开了奥尔巴尼,与管风琴家Al Rylander在休斯敦当地一家俱乐部演奏了一年。1985年,他搬到了亚特兰大,在那里他与Eddie "Cleanhead" Vinson、Little Anthony、Peabo Bryson、O.C. Smith和Freddy Cole领导的团队一起建立了声誉,在当地的俱乐部Walter Mitty里挤满了来jam的音乐家们。其中两位,Branford Marsalis和传奇钢琴家John Hicks,鼓励Malone到纽约闯荡。1985年*来到纽约,并开始与同行们建立联系,在各种舞台演奏,深夜在Blue Note俱乐部里jam,并参加Barry Harris的Jazz Cultural Theater小组。


从1988年到1990年,Malone与Hammond B-3偶像Jimmy Smith一起工作, “他告诉我他不想让我像我的偶像一样玩,我要用我自己的声音说话。”在1990-94年期间,他与Harry Connick一起获得了更多的知名度,Harry Connick在演出开始时以Malone的演唱和吉他演奏为特色。1992年,他与哥伦比亚唱片签约,该品牌发行了专辑《Russell Malone》和《Black Butterfly》,Malone在其中的风格包含了老派和当代流行音乐、原创爵士乐、精神爵士,当然还包括蓝调。这些都是他成熟的音调个性的特征。


在1994年至1998年与Diana Krall合作期间,他曾参与其三张CD的制作,并出现在Robert Altman的电影《堪萨斯城》中。还参加过Roy Hargrove的拉丁格莱美奖乐队,以及在日本Venus厂牌下录制的《Wholly Cats》((Larry Willis, piano, Rodney Whitaker, bass, Yoron Isreal, drums)。1998年,他领导了为Verve唱片公司录制的三张唱片的*张,包括个人*喜欢的《Heartstrings》,是由Johnny Mandel、Dori Caymmi和Alan Broadbent和全明星节奏组:钢琴家Kenny Barron,贝斯手Christian McBride和鼓手Jeff Watts组成。在这张专辑中,Malone尝试了一连串的蓝色火焰般的吉他独奏。


Malone在1997年至2004年期间与钢琴演奏家Benny Green录制了五张专辑。其中三张是与McBride三重奏合作。


2004年,Malone与MaxJazz唱片公司建立了持续的关系,发行了专辑《Playground》随后是《Live At the Jazz Standard Volumes I》和《Live At the Jazz Standard Volumes 2》,以及2010三重奏独《Triple Play》是与贝司手David Wong和鼓手Montez Coleman合作的专辑,被爵士评论家Doug Ramsey评价Malone是“温暖、对话式的措辞和不急于求成”,并补充说,“在没有另一种和弦乐器可以合作或对抗的情况下,Malone可以自由地选择和声,而不用担心冲突或是碰撞。”


“有一段时间,我觉得我需要做某些事情以获得人们的认可。”马龙说,“我没有信心用内心的声音说话。但在某种程度上,你必须接受真实的自己。没有人能超越我成为Russell Malone。” Malone在High Note唱片公司的*新唱片是叫做《All About Melody》。


Russell Malone is one of the signature guitar players of his generation. The leader of ten albums since 1992, Malone is as well-known on the international circuit for helming a world-class quartet and trio as he is for his long-standing participation in Ron Carter's Golden Striker Trio, and his recent consequential contribution to the musical production of the likes of Sonny Rollins and Dianne Reeves, who recruited Malone for his singular tone, refined listening skills, limitless chops, and efflorescent imagination.


In all these circumstances, Malone addresses the tradition on its own terms, refracting the vocabularies and syntax of such heroes as Charlie Christian, Chet Atkins, George Van Eps, Johnny Smith, Wes Montgomery, Grant Green, Kenny Burrell, Pat Martino, and George Benson into an argot entirely his own.


A master of all tempos, a relentless swinger, he spins his stories in idioms ranging from the urban and downhome blues, country, gospel, various corners of the American Songbook, and hardcore jazz – with a soulful, instantly recognizable instrumental voice, and seasons them with sophisticated harmonies that are never "too hip for the room."


"I take pride on being open enough to play with anybody," says Malone, citing encounters with such diverse artists as B.B. King, Aretha Franklin, Gladys Knight, Andy Williams, James "Blood" Ulmer, and Ornette Coleman. "I love to swing, but I don't look down my nose at other styles of music, or other musicians. I'll play with anybody, if the music is good."


Born in 1963 in Albany, Georgia, where he was raised, Malone received his first guitar – a green plastic four-string – at 4. He began playing in church at 6, and discovered jazz at 12, when he heard Benson perform on a PBS special with Benny Goodman, Teddy Wilson, Red Norvo, Milt Hinton, and Jo Jones. In short order, he purchased Benson's Cookbook and Benson Burner, and Montgomery's Smokin'at the Half Note and Boss Guitar. "Those four records set me on a path that I have not deviated from," Malone says.


After high school, Malone left Albany for an extended engagement in Houston with organist Al Rylander, who had employed the talented youngster for almost a year in a local club In 1985, he moved to Atlanta, where he built a reputation sidemanning with, among others, saxophonist-blues singer Eddie "Cleanhead" Vinson, Little Anthony, Peabo Bryson, O.C. Smith and Freddy Cole, and leading units at Walter Mitty's, a local club where touring musicians jammed after gigs. Two of them, Branford Marsalis and the legendary pianist John Hicks, encouraged Malone to come to New York City. He first visited the Apple in 1985, and began to network with generational peers, sitting in on various bandstands, jamming late nights at the Blue Note, and attending Barry Harris' Jazz Cultural Theater.


From 1988 to 1990, Malone worked with Hammond B-3 icon Jimmy Smith, who "told me that he didn't want me to play like my idols, gave me permission to speak with my own voice." He garnered more visibility during a 1990-94 tenure with Harry Connick, who made it his practice to feature Malone's singing and guitar playing at the start of his shows. In 1992, he signed with Connick's label, Columbia, which released Russell Malone and Black Butterfly, on which Malone addressed the mix of genres-old-school and contemporary pop, original jazz, spirituals, and, of course, the blues-that continue to characterize his mature tonal personality.


During a 1994-98 stint with Diana he performed on three of Krall's CDs, appeared in the Altman film Kansas City, participated in Roy Hargrove's Latin Grammy-winning Crisol band, and recorded Wholly Cats (Larry Willis, piano, Rodney Whitaker, bass, Yoron Isreal, drums) for Japan's Venus label. In 1998 he led the first of three recordings for Verve, including personal favorite, Heartstrings, on which string arrangements by Johnny Mandel, Dori Caymmi, and Alan Broadbent and an all-star rhythm section – pianist Kenny Barron, bassist Christian McBride, and drummer Jeff Watts – enfold a succession of blue flame guitar solos.


Malone's made five recordings with pianist Benny Green – three of them trios with McBride – between 1997 and 2004.


In 2004, Malone launched a still-ongoing relationship with MaxJazz with Playground, followed by Live At the Jazz Standard, Volumes I and 2, and the 2010 trio recital, Triple Play with bassist David Wong and drummer Montez Coleman. Reviewing the latter, jazz journalist Doug Ramsey noted Malone's "warmth, conversational phrasing and lack of hurry," adding that, "in the absence of another chording instrument to collaborate or contend with, Malone is free to make harmonic choices without concern for clash or collision."


“There was a period where I wanted validation, felt I needed to do certain things in order to get people's approval," Malone says. "I lacked the confidence to speak with the voice that was in me. But at some point, you have to accept who you are. No one will ever out-do me at being Russell Malone." Malone's latest recording is "All About Melody" on High Note Records.

