独家复古放克大乐队SOLID GOLD、冲浪摇滚BOSS CUTS 联合磁带发布

演出时间:04月19日 21:00-04月19日 23:00

艺人: Boss Cuts/Solid Gold

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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参演艺人:Solid Gold,Boss Cuts

演出场地:北京 黄昏黎明DDC


Two cover bands, one cassette tape, all original songs. 


Months of half-hearted promises lead to some semi-serious planning until it was time to stop talking the talk, and actually walk the walk. Now, two of Beijing’s most exciting cover bands have put together a collection of their own compositions for you to take home!


In a format fitting the respective genres, the cassette will feature original tunes from both bands - and if you don’t have the means of actually listening to it, at least your desk/shelf will be inheriting a new conversation piece.


经过数月缜密的计划(包括排练、拍摄、录音),现在,北京这两支*令人兴奋的翻唱乐队,终于官宣联手推出原创作品合集,并将采用*充满敬畏的“磁带”介质发行 — 磁带也许*能呈现这两支乐队复古的气质,即便你家里已经没有了卡带机可以播放它,但哪怕*安放在书架的一角,也是它再合适不过的一种归宿。


Tavey Lean and The Solid Gold Dream Machine (Soul, Funk, RnB)


For going on eight years, the Beijing based Tavey Lean and the Solid Gold Dream Machine has been honing the art of crafting and delivering enjoyable live music to their fellow humans. This 8-member ensemble specializes in classic tunes of the soul and funk variety, from sing-a-long chart-toppers to some seriously deep cuts, but is also growing a list of original compositions with a trademark familiar but unique style. Soulful vocals, thrilling horn harmonies, and moving rhythms are delivered with conviction at every show, but as their relaxed on-stage manner would suggest, Solid Gold prefers to let their music speak for itself.



八年来,由主唱Tavey Lean领队的驻京外籍大乐队Solid Gold Dream Machine乐队,不断打磨完善乐队的作品,并一次次地带来热烈欢愉的现场。这支八人编制大乐队专注于演绎耳熟能详的灵歌和放克曲目,其中不乏大合唱金曲,也有严肃深刻的老歌,也渐渐积攒了属于Solid Gold风格的原创曲目 — 灵动的人声、摄人心魂的铜管合奏、坚如磐石的节奏组、摇摆的律动,这些都伴随着他们的每一次现场,也成了乐队自成一派的风格。


Boss Cuts (Surf Rock)


Surfin’ P.R.C! Ride the wild surf with BOSS CUTS featuring Freddy the Maggot on drums, Liane on bass, and Daniel on guitar, playing instrumental surf songs from the golden era of rock n’ roll. Bust out the facekinis and do the shimmy, the swim, the mashed potato, the twist, and the watusi to the reverb-drenched sonics of Dick Dale and The Centurians, and other original songs.

复古冲浪王国Boss Cuts乐队由吉他手Daniel、贝斯手Liane、萨克斯Marshall以及鼓手Maggot Freddy组成,复活了摇滚黄金时代的器乐冲浪摇滚之声。现在,请揭掉你防晒用的面具,让飘散在雾霾之上的紫外线从皮肤径直照射进你我灵魂,和土豆泥跳起希米舞步,与瓦图西族共同扭动腰肢。试想一下,当Dick Dale与The Centurians遇到过载的吉他混响后,世界将变得多么美好。



