独家荷兰融合爵士组合 Under the Surface, support: ACID ACCIDENT

演出时间:04月24日 21:00-04月24日 23:00

艺人: 酸性事件Acid Accident/Under the Surface

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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参演艺人:Under the Surface,酸性事件 Acid Accident

演出场地:北京 黄昏黎明DDC

Under the Surface (Jazz)

Under the Surface is a new Dutch band formed by Dutch drummer Joost Lijbaart (known for his work with Yuri Honing), guitarist Bram Stadhouders (known from his work with the Netherlands chamber choir, Jim Black, Sidsel Endersen) and vocalist Sanne Rambags (winner conservatory talent award 2017).

Under the Surface 是一支荷兰新生乐队,由荷兰鼓手Joost Lijbaart, 吉他手Bram Stadhouders 和歌手Sanne Rambags组成。鼓手Joost Lijbaart曾与与荷兰萨克斯名家 Yuri Honing 的共事,吉他手 Bram Stadhouders 与荷兰室内合唱团、Jim Black、Sidsel Endresen 一起合作过,歌手 Sanne Rambags 获得2017年音乐学院人才奖。


The trio met in 2015 as an initiative of the Dutch foundation Beaux Jazz. This foundation offers young talents artistic support.

他们在2015年荷兰 Beaux Jazz 基金会发起的活动上相遇,该基金会致力于为青年艺术家提供支持与帮助。


For this first edition of 'Generation Next', the young singer Sanne Rambags come up with an adventurous group together with guitarist Bram Stadhouders and drummer Joost Lijbaart.

在*版“Generation Next”中,年轻歌手 Sanne Rambags 与吉他 Bram Stadhouders 和鼓手 Joost Lijbaart 一起成立了一个先锋的小组。

Their debut album was released in March 2017 on the Dutch label Challenge Records and got great reviews. The universal language in their music brought the group to major festivals in Mali, Mexico, China, Norway, India and the Netherlands.

他们的首张专辑于2017年3月在荷兰品牌 Challenge Records 上发布,并获得了好评。他们音乐里的通用语言使得他们能够去到马里、墨西哥、中国、挪威、印度、荷兰等主要的音乐节。


Drummer Joost Lijbaart (Amsterdam 1967) belongs to the top of the Dutch jazz scene, Bram Stadhouders (Tilburg 1987) is one of the most promising new young musicians in the European improvisation circuit and he received many awards and Sanne Rambags (Tilburg 1994) is one of the few singers of her generation who is able to improvise in a very open way, sometimes with self-written texts and poems, sometimes by

positioning herself completely between the musicians.

鼓手 Joost Lijbaart (Amsterdam 1967) 是荷兰爵士乐界的佼佼者, Bram Stadhouders (Tilburg 1987) 是欧洲即兴巡回赛中*有前途的青年音乐家新秀之一,他获得了许多奖项。 Sanne Rambags(Tilburg 1994)是同期较少的能够以非常开放的方式即兴创作的歌手之一,有时也涉足文字与诗歌的创作,有时也全身心沉浸于到音乐家的身份之中。

This gives her voice an instrumental function which is beautifully in line with the open group sound and the playing of Lijbaart and Stadhouders.



Under the Surface is a unique trio of three musicians from different generations who have found each other in a common urge to search for space and silence through improvisation.

Under the Surface 是来自不同时代的三位独特音乐家,他们通过即兴创作在空间与沉默里寻找彼此共同的创作激情与力量。


酸性事件 Acid Accident (Post-rock, alt-rock)

ACID ACCIDENT is an instrumental alt-rock / post-rock trio founded in Beijing in 2016. Their music is driven by a majestic mix of raw emotion, resulting in tense live performances that contrast gentle reflection with explosive aggression, and flow from strict syncopation to experimental chaos. By integrating a range of influences and sound effects with a desire to explore and push the boundaries of conventional music, ACID ACCIDENT delivers a dramatic and highly visual sound experience. If you're tired of routine, this may be what you've been looking for.





