火锅音乐强力呈献 苏格兰金属核/旋死班霸Bleed From Within新专辑《Era》巡演 深圳站

演出时间:03月13日 20:30-03月13日 22:00

艺人: Bleed From Within

场地: 深圳 HOU LIVE 下沙店

地址:深圳市福田区滨河大道9289号KK ONE购物中心负一层B112a(地铁9号线下沙站B出口) 查看地图


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演出艺人:Bleed From Within

演出场地:深圳 HOU LIVE


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3月13日 深圳 HOU LIVE




Bleed From Within介绍

Bleed From Within于2005年在苏格兰的格拉斯哥成军,乐队成员包括主唱Scott Kennedy、吉他手Craig Gowans、吉他手Steven Jones、贝斯手Davie Provan和鼓手Ali Richardson。至今他们一共发表了4张录音室全长专辑和3张EP。

从早期挥舞着死核大旗,后期则混入大量旋死风格的Bleed From Within,早他们成军之初,以翻唱美国NWOAHM风潮大团Lamb Of God的歌曲,赢得Soilwork、All that Remains、After The Burial、Suicide Silence、While She Sleeps等重量级乐队青睐,受邀担任巡演嘉宾增加曝光率。在独立厂牌Rising发表了两张专辑《Humanity》(2009)和《Empire》(2010)之后,Bleed From Within于2012年正式签约重型名厂Century Media旗下。之后他们开始潜心录制专辑,并力邀两位大神:Funeral For A Friend、The Blackout等乐队的御用人Romesh Dodangoda、美国前卫金属核神团Periphery吉他手Adam Getgood强强联手担纲制作人。

2013年3月,Bleed From Within正式发表第三张专辑《Uprising》,不仅拿下英国摇滚/金属榜第13名成绩、更是惊人的杀入英国流行榜前50位。6月,他们更是获邀担任金属神团Megadeth英国巡演*嘉宾。同年年底,Bleed From Within在由权威重型杂志《Metal Hammer》举办的年度颁奖中,一举拿下Golden Gods Awards的“*新晋乐队”大奖。专辑中一曲翻唱自Papa Roach的经典名曲《Blood Brothers》更是引起热议。

2017年新任吉他手Steven Jones取代了离队的吉他手Martyn Evans,终于在睽违五年之后,于2018年4月在Century Media旗下发表了第四张录音室全长专辑《Era》。这张专辑由Bleed From Within全体成员亲自担任制作人,火力全开的直奔旋律金属核主题,并不忘保留他们的旋死属性。*在主唱Scott Kennedy猛爆嗓音划破天际的作品《Clarity》作为前引,撞击出血脉贲张的聆听情绪。前卫金属核神团Periphery吉他手Adam Getgood助阵的曲目《Cast Down》更是杀出凶狠的气魄,多达三把吉他互飙,过瘾至极。之后的《Drag You To The Ground》则直捣黄龙,狂妄野性永不停歇。

2019年3月,Bleed From Within将带着全新专辑《Era》进行*中国巡演,中国的重型乐迷们,现场见!


Perseverance. A powerful word with an equally powerful meaning. Says the dictionary: “steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.” BLEED FROM WITHIN’s new album, Era, is that story, a no-compromise tale of the price of victory.

Drummer Ali Richardson says. “We are here now for a love of music; a desire to create and share the songs that we would want to listen to. There is literally nothing that can take that away from us.”

After guitarist Martyn Evans left the band BLEED FROM WITHIN initially tried to carry on as a four-piece, but things weren’t really shaping together quickly and smoothly enough. None of the local Glesga guitarists fit the BLEED FROM WITHIN vibe until they chanced on guitarist Steven Jones. They knew instantly Jones was the right for the job; and that guitarist Craig “Goonzi” Gowans had his sideman. With half of Era already in the bag, BLEED FROM WITHIN, with Jones in place, knew the rest wasn’t too far off. That Jones was also an experienced live musician and producer also helped BLEED FROM WITHIN right the proverbial ship.

“We started writing for this album shortly after releasing/touring Uprising,” guitarist Craig “Goonzi” Gowans recalls. “I think the first song we wrote ended up being ‘Alone in the Sun.’ We had a few rough songs done before the Death Walk EP, but decided to write two completely new songs specifically for that EP and save the rest for the album. Once Steven joined and started giving his input, things were picking up speed. We always bring our separate ideas into the studio and work together as a band on the songs, rather than one person dictating everything. We put a big focus on trimming the fat on this album, going over the songs again and again and taking anything out that really didn’t need to be there, as we felt some of the songs on the last album were too long/had a lot of unnecessary parts.”

The influences this time around centered on genres outside BLEED FROM WITHIN’s comfort zones. To wit, songs like ‘Clarity,’ ‘Afterlife,’ ‘I Am Oblivion, Part II,’ and ‘Ruina’ attack from a mindset unrestrained. They’re genuine BLEED FROM WITHIN, but the riffs are tighter, the hooks are stronger, and the choruses bigger. “The biggest difference for us this time round was the actual song writing,” says Ali. “We focused a lot more on how the songs were actually put together on this album. Most of the tracks follow a more conventional ‘pop song’ structure than anything we’ve done in the past. This was a massive learning curve for us. What we have learnt here is already being practiced on [our] new material.”

What fans will notice on Era is the clever employment of melody to smooth out BLEED FROM WITHIN’s rage-filled edges. Songs like ‘Crown of Misery,’ ‘Cast Down,’ ‘Bed of Snakes,’ and ‘Alone in the Sun’ benefit from the band’s developed sense of melody and melodic pacing. They’ve learned that all-out bruisers have their place, but songs that share aggression and melody are more rewarding on album as well as on stage. Something Ali is all-too eager to point out: “Melody and aggression always seem to balance themselves out naturally. It’s not something we are aware of during the writing process at all. With [Scott] Kennedy now pitching his screams and adding some clean vocal layers, we felt like the album was more melodic. The contrast between this and our heavier sections made everything seem so much more aggressive. It’s a welcome change that has made Era our most dynamic album to date. We are looking forward to further developing this relationship between melody and aggression.”

BLEED FROM WITHIN tracked Era at two studios: Middle Farm Studios and the band’s own BFW HQ. At Middle Farm, they teamed up yet again with Adam ‘Nolly’ Getgood (Uprising, but also Periphery, Animals As Leaders…) to record Richardson’s drums. The plan was to complete the drum recordings in six days, but Richardson and Getgood blazed through the sessions in four. The band used the additional two days to add in percussion as well as test out guitar tones in advance of the sessions at BFW HQ. While at their own studio, Jones took up the producer and engineer role, ensuring that each take was the best possible take. There, BLEED FROM WITHIN recorded the guitars, bass, and vocals over an eight-week period.

BLEED FROM WITHIN’s next steps are to see Era through the release process, fulfilling the promise of single and video ‘Alive,’ which is already garnering rave reviews and super-positive feedback from fan and critic alike. Certainly, ‘Alive’ has set the tone of a band on upswing, one ready for whatever the future holds.



