独家*古巴鼓手领衔:Prototype Jazz Quartet

演出时间:01月22日 21:00-01月22日 23:30

艺人: Eduardo Barroetabeña/Pierre Pradat/张晶/Daren Burns

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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Eduardo (Edward) Barroetabeña (drums)

Pierre Pradat (piano)
Daren Burns(bass)

演出场地:北京 黄昏黎明DDC

鼓手:Eduardo (Edward) Barroetabeña

Eduardo (Edward) Barroetabeña 是一名来自古巴拉斯图纳斯的鼓手。他的天赋、极具艺术性的演出,以及卓越的打击乐水平,使他获得了与很多音乐家、乐队一起演出合作的机会,比如: Afro Cuban All Stars, Chucho Valdes, Wynton Marsalis, David Sanchez, Stefon Harris, Christian Scott, Jose Luis Quintana(Changuito), Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez, Emilio Morales, Amadito Valdez, Mayito Rivera(Los Van Van), Laurent Couson, Enrique Lazaga, Gary Lucas, Kash Killion, Jane Bunnette和Alex Acuña, Melvis Santa 等等。

Eduardo (Edward) Barroetabeña is from Las Tunas, Cuba. 

His ability, virtuosity, and versatility allowed him to play and shared stage with prestigious musicians and bands: Afro Cuban All Stars, Chucho Valdes, Wynton Marsalis, David Sanchez, Stefon Harris, Christian Scott, Jose Luis Quintana(Changuito), Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez, Emilio Morales, Amadito Valdez, MayitoRivera(Los Van Van), Laurent Couson, Enrique Lazaga, Gary Lucas, Kash Killion,Jane Bunnette, Alex Acuña, Melvis Santa, and many others. 

Eduardo 不仅在古巴的专业舞台演出,也参与众多国际音乐节,比如哥伦比亚 Barranqui 爵士音乐节、Java 爵士音乐节、新加坡爵士音乐节、马提尼克爵士音乐节、上海JZ音乐节、中国迷笛音乐节、草莓音乐节、爵士广场等等。

He has performed not only in the main stage in Cuba but also at relevant international events: Barranqui Jazz Festival in Colombia, Java Jazz Festival, Singapore Jazz Festival, Martinique Jazz Festival, JZ Festival (Shanghai), Midi Festival and Strawberry Festival in China, Jazz Plaza, etc.  

除此之外,他获奖无数。2009年和2010年,他获得了 Jojazz 大赛的作曲家奖,这是一个汇聚了古巴青年才俊的音乐比赛;2015年,他在加拿大维多利亚打击音乐节获得独奏奖等等。

Moreover, In 2009 and 2010 he won as a composer at the Jojazz Contest, a competition that brings together young talents in Cuba and in 2015 he won the Drums Solo Contest of the Victoria Drum Festival 2015 of Canada.


钢琴:Pierre Pradat

Pierre Pradat is one of the most requested musicians established in China. He has played thousands of shows all over the country at the greatest venues for more than a decade after relocating from France, including many for some of the top Chinese pop stars and movie directors. He is a highly versatile and creative artist, cultivating a mainstream jazz piano style balancing elegant lyrism and virtuosic energy with a great sense of swing. He is also specialized in playing Rhodes electric piano and analog synthesizers, and is very open-minded onother genre like Funk and Electronica. His main influences to name a few are Kenny Barron, Bill Evans, Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea and Keith Jarrett.

He is also a very respected jazz educator, having taught to hundreds of Chinesestudents so far.

皮埃尔普拉达是目前为止中国公认的*的音乐家之一。自他从法国搬迁之后,在中国国内各个*棒的音乐场地出演过数千场精彩*的音乐盛会,其中不乏一些*流量的明星和极富盛名的电影导演(李宇春,张靓颖,TFBoys,冯小刚)。他是一位多才多艺,富有创造力的音乐家,他建立了主流的爵士钢琴风格,在优雅抒情和精湛技艺之间,他以一种强烈跃动的节奏感,非常自然地平衡了两者。皮埃尔还专注于弹奏Rhodes电钢琴,更以开放的心态接纳着其它类型的音乐,比如Funk以及电子音乐。他的音乐的主要影响元素有Kenny Barron,Bill Evans,Herbie Hancock,Chick Corea 和Keith Jarrett。



中国当代青年爵士吉他演奏家. 而他并不拘泥于一种音乐风格, 从南方金属核代表 “六道母” 到当红Hip-Hop 艺人满舒克, 从充满电气色彩的 Dubstep乐队 “镜花缘” 到城市中爵士乐现场都找到他的踪影。

2012年获得星海音乐学院爵士音乐表演学士学位。2014年获得美国北伊利诺伊( NIU)大学研究生助教及全免学费资格赴美深造。2016年获得爵士吉他硕士学位。2017年与所在金属乐队 "六道母" 完成了新EP "Prelude to a Doom" 的录制,并在九月发现。同年6月完成个人专辑"Untitled"录制,将于年底发行。现任北京现代研修学院吉他专业导师。


贝斯:Daren Burns

Daren Burns is a composer and bassist from Los Angeles, California, and is currently residing in Beijing, China where he teaches music. An adventurous player, Daren has had an extensive career playing with many notable musicians suchas: Mike Vax, Jack Petersen, Vinny Golia, Wadada Leo Smith, Spencer Day, Mike Keneally, and many others. 

Daren has released his own recordings featuring Wadada Leo Smith (Fear is Not the Natural State of Civilized People) and Vinny Golia (Anesthesia), his current seventh recording is entitled “Interstellar Echoes”, a tribute to John Coltrane that features the bass in forefront with electric/electronic sounds, expanding the basses sonic impact.



