独家Just Chellin' Duo + Guests - Nicole Farewell Concert (Jazz)

演出时间:01月14日 21:00-01月14日 23:30

艺人: Joy Stuhr/Nicole Jahng/Alex Espino/Rudi Botes

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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Joy Stuhr - USA - cello, vocals, piano, guitar

Nicole Jahng - USA - cello, backing vocals

Alex Espino - Spain - Trombone

Rudi Botes - South Africa - Cello



Joy Stuhr and Nicole Jahng have been collaborating since December 2016. They first debuted as "Just Chellin" at DDC and have been performing around Beijing ever since. This will be their last show in Beijing together, since Nicole will be moving back to the USA. They are happy to have their good-bye show at the place where it all started!

Joy Stuhr 和 Nicole Jahng 从2016年12月开始合作。她们*次以“Just Chellin”的身份亮相是在DDC,并一直在北京演出。这将是她们*后一次在北京一起演出,因为 Nicole 将搬回美国。她们很高兴在这一切开始的地方有她们的告别演出!

Together with their guest artists, Alex Espino on Trombone, and Rudi Botes on cello, they will present their fresh interpretations of covers and original music, making unique use of the rich sounds of their cellos, guitar, piano and trombone! Let these classically trained musicians take you on a colorful journey over different genres. 

这次她们将与嘉宾艺术家,Alex Espino on Trombone 和 Rudi Botes on cello 一起将呈现对翻唱和原创音乐的全新诠释,运用大提琴、吉他、钢琴和长号让她们的独特音乐更加丰富!让这些受过正统训练的音乐家带你踏上一段不同流派的多彩旅程吧。


And help us wish Nicole happy travels as we make a musical good-bye celebration together.


我们祝愿 Nicole 旅行愉快,让我们一起为 Nicole 举办送别演出。



Alejandro Espino

Alejandro Espino is a trombonist from Madrid, Spain. He studied the Master Degree in trombone and also in euphonium – tuba in the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid, finishing with honours, and also a Master Degree in Pedagogy in the Complutense University of Madrid.

Alejandro Espino 是来自西班牙马德里的长号演奏家。他在马德里皇家音乐学院攻读长号和低音大号的硕士学位,以优异成绩毕业,并在马德里孔普卢腾斯大学获得教育学硕士学位。

Espino has a large experience teaching brass instruments like in the  Joaquín Rodrigo Municipal School of Music of the Royal State of Aranjuez, in the Alcalá Orchestra Educational program and also in the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) as a instrumental teacher Brass Coach Lecturer.

Espino 拥有丰富的铜管乐器教学经验,如在the  Joaquín Rodrigo Municipal School of Music of the Royal State of Aranjuez、Alcalá Orchestra 管弦乐团教育项目以及马德里自治大学(UAM)担任器乐教师、铜管教练讲师。

He has a strong orchestra background playing with the China National Center for the Performing Arts Orchestra, European Mediterranean Orchestra,  Camerata Musicalis Orchestra, Montecarlo Philarmonique Orchestra, working with famous conductors like  Myun Whun Chung,  Christoph Eschenbach, Valery Gérgiev,  Zhang Guoyong,  Gunther Herbig, Lu Jia,  Adrian Leaper, George Perivanian, Massimo Zanetti and Chen Zuohuan.

他有和中国*表演艺术中心乐团、European Mediterranean Orchestra,  Camerata Musicalis Orchestra, Montecarlo Philarmonique Orchestra, working with famous conductors like  Myun Whun Chung,  Christoph Eschenbach, Valery Gérgiev,  Zhang Guoyong,  Gunther Herbig, Lu Jia,  Adrian Leaper, George Perivanian, Massimo Zanetti and Chen Zuohuan 等合作的强大背景。

He was invited in international musical festival like Kfar Saba International Contest in Israel, Valencia International Band Contest (Spain), Kerkrade Music Contest in Holland, Fringe Early Music Festival at Pamplona (Spain), The 22th International Brass Music Festival “Thumer Orchestertreff” of Thum in Germany and in the 12th International Conservatory Week Festival of the Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory in Russia.

他受邀参加的国际音乐节有:Kfar Saba International Contest in Israel, Valencia International Band Contest (Spain), Kerkrade Music Contest in Holland, Fringe Early Music Festival at Pamplona (Spain), The 22th International Brass Music Festival “Thumer Orchestertreff” of Thum in Germany and in the 12th International Conservatory Week Festival of the Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory in Russia.

Rudi Botes

Rudi Botes is a South African cellist who studied music at the North-West University of South Africa Potchefstroom. After completing his degree Rudi moved to South Korea where he sought lessons and performance opportunities before relocating to Beijing, China to continue to perform and study. His style follows the German classical style, and he performs in ensembles, orchestra, quartets, as well as solo artist.

Rudi Botes是一名南非大提琴家,曾在南非西北大学音乐学院学习音乐。在完成学业后,鲁迪来到韩国,在那里他寻找学习和表演的机会,之后他移居到中国北京继续表演和学习。他的风格遵循德国古典风格,他在合奏团,管弦乐队,四重奏,以及独唱艺术家。



