独家来自德国的创作音乐人/艺术家PETER PIEK巡演 广州站

演出时间:04月18日 20:30-04月18日 22:00

艺人: Peter Piek

场地: 广州 SDlivehouse

地址:广州市海珠区南洲路154号(侨建·HICITY )2F 207 查看地图


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参演艺人:Peter Piek

演出场地:广州 SDlivehouse

“当我们讨论到Peter Piek的时候,没有什么可以解释的,我们只需要去倾听。”

“When talking about Peter Piek, there isn't much to explain, just listen.”

——Michael Goller, 2016

Peter Piek是一位来自德国的画家、创作歌手、多乐器演奏家、作家和表演艺术家。他出生在前东德一个名为卡尔马克思的城市,小时候的他在说话上有一定的障碍,因而*读于特殊语言学校。童年的经历对他来说只是一个阶段,但并不是人生的全部。在他十二三岁的时候,Peter接触到了吉他、钢琴和架子鼓,并开始组建乐队,尝试写歌和绘画。艺术成了他生活中的一个开口,给予了他表达自我的方式,在他的生活中注入了能量和信心。2000-2001年之间,他成功举办了一些自己的展览,并与2002年进入莱比锡美术学院学习艺术,但之后与学院派艺术抗争,停止了学业。

Peter Piek a painter, singer, multi-instrumentalist, writer and performance artist from Germany. He was born in a city called Karl Marx in the former East Germany. When he was a child, he had obstacles in speaking, so he studied at a special language school. The childhood experience is only a period time for him, it is never the whole life of a person. When he was twelve years old, Peter started to learn pinao, guitar and drums, write music and he formed a band. Art gave him a way to express himself, injecting energy and confidence into his life. Between 2000 and 2001, he successfully held some of his own exhibitions and entered the Leipzig Academy of Fine Arts in 2002 to study art, but then struggled with the academic art and stopped his studies.

Peter Piek - 1st Song

在 2003-2007年期间,Peter成立了自己的艺术团体Malfront,与大量的艺术家进行合作,比如Foot Paint, Dark Room Paintings, Dark Chamber Paint, Head Paint。在这段日子里,他尽情地发挥了自己多元化的艺术才华,出版了三本德语书刊:Das Malbuch - The Painting Book (2004), Die Puppenspieler - The Puppeteers (2007), Die Neue Welt - The New Word (2009)。2006年Peter在感觉自我身份的多重下,决定给予自己一个全新的名字——Peter Piek,去定义当下的自己,并发行了个人首张专辑《say hello to peter piek》,同年进行了他的*德国巡演,取得了很好的反响。2010年第二张专辑《i paint it on a wall》发行,接下来他开始了自己的一系列冒险:他在美国,英国,意大利,法国,西班牙,奥地利,瑞士,荷兰,比利时等等*开始了巡演。2014年发行专辑《Cut Out The Dying Stuff》,2016年发行专辑《+》。在于2012年和2013年进行两次中国巡演后,他与DDL厂牌合作,将于2019年第三次来到中国演出。

During 2003-2007, Peter founded his own art group, Malfront, and worked with a number of artists such as Foot Paint, Dark Room Paintings, Dark Chamber Paint, Head Paint. During this time, he exerted his diversified artistic talents and published three German books: Das Malbuch - The Painting Book (2004), Die Puppenspieler - The Puppeteers (2007), Die Neue Welt - The New Word (2009). In 2006, Peter decided to give himself a new name Peter Piek, to define himself, and released his debut album "say hello to peter piek". In the same year, He had his first tour though Germany which has achieved good response. In 2010, the second album "i paint it on a wall" was released. Then he started his own series of adventures: he toured in the United States, Britain, Italy, France, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium and so on. In 2014, the album "Cut Out The Dying Stuff" was released, and in 2016, he released the album "+". After two China tours in 2012 and 2013, Peter works with DDL and will come to China in 2019.

在Peter Piek的音乐里,听众们可以听到多变的音乐风格,从艺术流行到独立民谣,也有着摇滚和灵魂乐的元素,也可以看到根源唱作人的影子。至今为止,Peter已经发行了四张专辑,愈渐成熟。

In Peter Piek's music, we can hear different styles, from pop to folk, from rock to soul, and he is also a great singer-songwriter. So far, Peter has released four albums.

有人形容像Peter Piek的嗓音像是精灵的呓语,而他的歌词美丽又失落,充满了个人情感,述说着那些关于爱情、生活、悲剧、欢乐的故事,旋律优美罕见,这使得Peter Piek的音乐具有很强的识别度。当他在以这样独特的唱腔向外传达的时候,我们亲密地接触到了Peter Piek的精神世界——明亮的,积极的,坚韧的。

Some people describe Peter Piek's voice as the elf's proverb, and his lyrics are beautiful and lost, filled with personal emotions, telling stories about love, life, tragedy, joy, plus his beautiful melody, which makes Peter Piek's music Has a strong recognition. As he communicated in such a unique vocal, we intimately touched Peter Piek's spiritual world - bright, positive, and stronge.

更多音乐:虾米音乐搜索“Peter Piek”。

Peter Piek有着旺盛的创作欲,他将自己的艺术从音乐延伸到了绘画,近些年又开始制作各种脑洞大开的音乐视频,他对这些不同的媒介之间的创作又相辅相成,在愈来愈好地表达着他丰富和饱满的人格。

Peter Piek has a strong desire to making art, he also extends his art from music to painting. In recent years, he has started to produce a variety of music videos. The creation between these different media show audiences his abundant personality.


During this tour, Peter will also bring his paintings and hold exhibitions in some cities, so stay tuned.

Peter Piek是一切,Peter Piek也是其中之一。他将作为画家、音乐家、作曲家、表演艺术家和作家的不同个性汇集起来,这些个性之间又相互补充和强调,*像他画作中的色彩或是他音乐中的音调和节奏。

Peter Piek is everything and Peter Piek is one. It brings together the personalities of a painter, musician, composer, performance artist and writer, complementing and accentuating each other like colors in one of his pictures or tones and rhythms in his music.


Piek paints with music as well as with colors, he sings in both shades and contrasts when he talks breathlessly thin in order to draw deep into and out of his chest voice into the high, fragile falsetto song.

在他的歌词中,Peter Piek想观众展示了现在的自我,以及这些自我的未来可能性,并在他的艺术作品、舞蹈,和声和节奏中逐字地绘制它们。

And in his texts, Peter Piek shows identities and egos in the present, how they are and can be, and draws them literally in his artwork as well as in dance, harmonization and rhythm.


Peter Piek是那种*完美的艺术家。 作为来自莱比锡的杰出吉他手、歌手、词曲作者和画家,Peter的作品在广大的市场中仍然显得大胆而独特。 他对他所谓的“问候的时刻”和“艺术家与观众之间存在的空虚时刻”十分感兴趣。 在佛教哲学中,“空虚”意味着广泛的快乐意义,这包括清醒、联系、无私和超越……你在他的音乐和艺术中得到的感觉是——他在一次又一次地向你介绍自己,在以全新的联系不断地重新建立起来。

Peter Piek is the consummate artist. A brilliant guitarist, singer/songwriter and painter from Leipzig, Peter's work remains bold and distinct across a broad range of media. He's interested in what he calls "the moment of greeting", and the "emptiness that exists between artist and audience at that moment". In Buddhist philosophy emptiness connotes a wide range of happy meanings. These include clarity, connection, selflessness and transcendence……You get the sense, in his music and art, that he's introducing himself to you, again and again, re-invigorating the moment with a fresh connection.

Cliff Rawson, New York City

Peter Piek – Noboday Knows

Peter Piek是非凡的……他带来了所有必要的属性:持久,戏剧,冲动的创造力和自发性。 他的歌词有一种动人的忧郁,但也没有放弃极度的兴奋。 在“Say hello to Peter Piek”这张专辑中的很多歌曲里,能看到他反映了个人的经历、积极向上的体验以及失败。 他的音乐表现出*的词曲作者潜力。 Peter Piek是摇滚,是吉他,是独立,继60年代的艺术运动后,比如Velvet Underground,Bob Dylan或像Ari Fuchs或Max Pechstein这样的画家,他的作品在音乐和绘画方面也表现出一种粗略、清晰和新鲜的举动。这是 一场惊人演出,以震撼人心的方式将摇滚,节奏和艺术结合在一起。 

Peter Piek is just extraordinary... he brings all necessary attributes: enduringness, dramaturgy, impulsive creativity and spontaneity. His lyrics owe a touching melancholy, without abdicating great euphoria. In many songs of 'Say hello to Peter Piek' he copes personal experiences, posivite experiences and defeats. His music shows great songwriter potential. Peter Piek is rock, is guitar, is indie. Following the motion of 60s art -from Velvet Underground, Bob Dylan or painters like Ari Fuchs or Max Pechstein- his work states in music and painting also something sketchy, an unclouded & fresh move. A startling debut, that unites rock, beat & art in an inspiring way. 

Britta Hamann, Ausfahrt MV, 11/2007



4月9日 周三 北京 DDC

4月12日 周五 西安 无穹俱乐部

4月13日 周六 成都 马丘比丘咖啡馆

4月14日 周日 重庆 怪兽酒馆

4月15日 周一 武汉 VOX LIVEHOUSE

4月17日 周三 长沙 红咖俱乐部

4月18日 周四 广州 SD LIVEHOUSE

4月19日 周五 深圳 MIDI LIVEHOUSE

4月20日 周六 厦门 REAL LIVE

4月21日 周日 杭州 拉姆美术馆

4月23日 周二 南京 欧拉艺术空间

4月24日 周三 上海 育音堂(老店)

4月25日 周四 合肥 ON THE WAY(大摩店)

4月26日 周五 阿那亚 DDC aranya

4月27日 周六 北京 DDC



