独家#免票# 仓库独立日:SASO、Swamp Pussy

演出时间:12月13日 21:00-12月13日 23:59

艺人: SASO/Swamp Pussy

场地: 北京 宝钞仓库(Soi Baochao)

地址:北京市东城区宝钞胡同10号(近南锣鼓巷)宝钞仓库 查看地图


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演出艺人:SASO、Swamp Pussy

演出场地:北京 宝钞仓库(Soi Baochao)



SASO is a singer and a songwriter from Uganda. His powerful vocals and expressive-baritone breaks through various genres of music and can be heard through the work he has shared on Sound Cloud.

Saso’s writing can be characterized as expressive, breathtaking and captivating. He has written music about love, heartache, loneliness, happiness and pain.

“I tend to look at music as a vessel through which I pour my heart and  expose my soul.”

SASO has done a number of shows in Beijing and also been at open mics, collaborated with different musicians and artists

Swamp Pussy:

Swamp Pussy was a band formed from the dead carcass of a cat and united in their obsession with marshy landscapes and Irish cross dressers. 

Hailing from England and Australia the Swamp Pussy threesome play dirty noise rock with punk and jazz elements. Swamp Pussy have created a sound big enough to trigger Earthquakes in old Beijing. Come and see them live before they rupture the Hutong sewers and send a swampy tsunami across the planet drowning every post-rock band in its wake.