独家摇滚假期:迷幻工业乐队 WHAI EP 巡演归来!嘉宾:反骨 + Eluvia 屹

演出时间:12月30日 21:00-12月30日 23:30

艺人: WHAI/反骨乐队(Hind Brain)/Eluvia屹乐队

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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乐队 Bands:

WHAI (Psychedelic)

反骨 (Grunge rock)

Eluvia 屹乐队 (Folk / Country / Fusion / Reggae)

WHAI (Psychedelic)



在塞尔维亚 EXIT音乐节、澳大利亚 OZ Asia Festival、韩国蔚山世界音乐节、以色列 G Festival、迷笛音乐节、草莓音乐节等海内外*代表性的大型户外音乐节上,他们用独特的现场不断浸染人心,在“成住坏空”的宇宙运行法则之下,不断发出来自中国迷幻之声,标志着中国迷幻音乐的重要转折与突破。

WHAI 刚刚发行了全新同名EP,在这张全新EP中,无论是《金顶》的风波,《天空》的涟漪,抑或是《迷幻剂》的参差,WHAI都试图用还原想象的办法,搭建一个通感互动空间,与听者共存,直抵共振!

反骨 (Grunge rock)

Vocal/Guitar: 九洲 | Vocal/Bass: 大凯 | Drum: 老汤


反骨,风格垃圾摇滚 / grunge rock,崇拜90年代一些永不过期的特大号的无聊团体艺术形式,从文学角度反对盲流,反对媚俗,在内敛又狂躁的老派非主流亚文化中,建立属于自己的风骨,用垃圾摇滚思考和表达生存动机,及讽刺当代亚健康精英们的精神困扰,同时还要把音乐做成能流行的调调,供养那雾霾笼罩的长安街上脏兮兮的乌鸦——嘶哑而凶猛、纠集同类、用脏兮兮的嘴发出脏兮兮的噪音,攻击每一个垃圾。

Finally! Grunge style/grunge rock, that’s worship the ‘90s with some extra large, never boring, never expire group art form, from the perspective of literature against the army ants, against the fawning on customs declarations. In the old non-mainstream subculture of restraint and manic, Hind Brain establish their own character, thinking with wasted rock and express the motivation of survival, as well as a parody of the mental distress of the contemporary sub-health elite (eg. Kayne), but also make pop-tastic music tunes, and support the fog haze covering all the dirty crows. The horse is fierce, the goose is similar, and with dirty mouths we make dirty noises to attack all the garbage trucks.

Eluvia 屹乐队 (Folk / Country / Fusion / Reggae)




Eluvia(屹乐队)— an acoustic roots-based rock band, blends elements of western folk with Chinese traditional hammered dulcimer (yangqin). The Beijing-based international line-up shares a mix of original, thought-provoking music performed in both Chinese and English. Banjo, Mandolin, and Ukulele find their way alongside the yangqin, fused with electric guitar hooks, jangly acoustic guitar rhythms, and heart felt vocal harmonies, all under pinned with a solid foundation of rhythm and groove. Poetry and melody are woven together creating beautiful, thought-inspiring musical tapestries. Rock music's unbridled passion collides with the subtlety of international folk instruments, creating a distinctly original amalgam.

Experience the unique sound of Eluvia.


Eluvia is a strong group of musicians and friends who have joined forces in Beijing, China, bringing together their unique and diverse cultural and musical backgrounds to create something new and beautiful. Their blend of Eastern and Western influences comes together in a seamless way creating original music that still sounds familiar. Eluvia took 2nd place in China's national Rock Storm competition in 2015 and is one of only a few bands with mixed foreign and national bandmates invited to be members of China's National Rock and Roll foundation. You can often find Eluvia playing iconic Beijing venues like Mao Livehouse, JiangHu, DDC, Blue Stream, Long Zhu, and many more. Fans love singing along in both Chinese and English.



