独家中东音乐+肚皮舞丨SAMAGA乐队和舞者 异域狂欢

演出时间:12月14日 21:30-12月14日 23:00

艺人: SAMAGA乐队/Inko di Ö

场地: 北京 北京 江湖酒吧

地址:北京市东城区东棉花胡同7号(近交道口南大街)江湖酒吧 查看地图


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演出场地:北京 江湖酒吧

时间:2018年12月14日 21:30 

票价:预售80 / 现场 100


ADD:Dongmianhua Hutong NO.7,Jiaodaokou South St.


—— SAMAGA 中东音乐 —— 

The band SAMAGA happily marries different musical traditions. Their music find roots in Indian, Middle East and worldwide musical influences with a joyful dash of modern harmonies. The band melts modern compositions into Indian ambiances, delivering their own interpretation of traditional Arabic Maqam and Indian Raga, constantly reinventing the soundscapes painted by the Indian Sitar, the Middle Eastern/Indian Percussions and the Oud.



队员- Line Up

乌德琴:Pierre Brahin 

Oud : Pierre Brahin

布拉汉•皮尔,古典吉他、电吉他、乌德琴演奏家。出生于充满吉普赛音乐的法国南部,布拉汉•皮尔从七岁开始在音乐学校学习钢琴、吉他和古典音乐。90年代从蒙彼利埃大学音乐学专业毕业,随后师从法国*爵士乐团吉他演奏家Gérard Pansanel,以及弗拉门戈吉他大师Christophe Lopez。此外,他一直研究各种风格的世界音乐,尤其是中东音乐,学习乌德琴并受到Hadi Heldebek大师的指导。在北京组建了他的乐队 “Pierre Brahin trio B”,演奏自己的原创音乐。在中国流行乐坛,他编创制作了歌手王韵壹的专辑《被遗忘的时光》,参加制作了左小祖咒的专辑《去奶子房》,也是张楚的音乐编创和吉他手。同他合作的音乐人还有:加拿大歌手Kamila Nasr (伊朗/阿富汗音乐),中国弗拉门戈舞蹈家赵珍,米兰别克,张玮玮,万晓利等民谣歌手 … 他参加演出的舞台包括:保利剧院, 北京音乐厅, 上海体育场和体育馆, 香港红磡体育馆, 台北 Simple life, 工人体育馆等。


Pierre Brahin is a french multi-instrumentalist, classical/electric guitarist and oud player. In Beijing, besides performing his compositions with “Samaga” and the “Pierre Brahin trio B”, he has released his first CD “How long has this been going on ?” with singer Wang Yunyi, delivering his version of popular Chinese Pop Songs. At the same time, he participated on Zuxiao Zuzhou album “ Qu Naizi fang ”. For the last several years, he also has been composing music for and playing with singer Zhang Chu. Among other collaborations are : Canadian singer Kamila Nasr (Persian Music), Flamenco dancer and singer Zhao Zhen, and many other folk singers like Milan Bieke, Zhang Weiwei or Wan Xiaoli.


Pierre Brahin has performed in most of the important concert halls and festivals in China mainland, Hong Kong and Taipeh : Polytheatre, Beijing Concert Hall, Hong Kong Coliseum, Simple Life in Taipeh, Workers Gymnasium, Shanghai Stadium & Gymnasium, and many others.


In his youth he studied piano and classical guitar at the conservatory in south France, later he graduated in musicology in Montpellier. In the 90's he studied Jazz with the guitarist of the French National Jazz Orchestra, Gérard Pansanel, and flamenco with virtuoso guitarist Christophe Lopez. Being passionate for numerous world music genres, particularly music from Middle-East, he started performing on Oud and was taught by oudist Hadi Heldebek.


Percussions :Yang Dong

杨冬,大吕乐队鼓手,SAMAGA(阿拉伯,印度融合) 乐队鼓手,非洲鼓、中东鼓导师,毕业于首都师范大学音乐教育专业。出版大吕乐队《竟界》专辑。 活跃在北京live house现场演出场所。  





参加演出 竹下听茶,聆听湿地之声系列,bluenote厂牌75周年演出,四川红原草原音乐节,奥森公园夏季音乐季,SAMAGA乐队每月四场系列演出。


Yang Dong is an active percussionist in Beijing. His main collaborations are with the DA LV band, with whom he released the album “The World”,  and the ensemble SAMAGA (Middle-East, Indian music). He’s also a percussions instructor in Beijing, specialized in Derbuka and Djembe. Yang Dong graduated from the Capital Normal University, his major being music education. 

Among other noticeable performances : the performance of bamboo to tea, listening to the sound of the wetland series. BlueNote label 75th anniversary performances. Sichuan Hongyuan grassland Music Festival, Orson Park Summer Music season.


Sitar : Ma Zheng

师从印度古典音乐大师Bheemsain Bhajantri、Keshav Talegaonkar。潜心研究西塔琴演奏多年,并尝试将印度古典乐器与各种音乐风格相融合,对西塔琴这件古老的印度乐器有着独到见解。在全国各地举办过多场专场音乐会,担任《中国好歌曲》、《中国之星》、《我是歌手》、《我想和你唱》、《十三亿分贝》节目组特邀西塔琴手,为《大唐玄奘》等影视作品录音,亦多次获邀为CCTV音乐频道进行多档节目录制。 



Ma Zheng is a chinese Sitar player based in Beijing. He studied from Indian Classical music masters Bheemsain Bhajantri and Keshav Talegaonkar. For the last 10 years Ma Zheng has been trying to mix Indian classical music with different music styles : Jazz, Rock, Fusion, Pop, Improvised Music, electro etc…

Regarding this traditional Indian instrument, Ma Zheng always possesses a passion to it and he manages to perform with a unique perspective that makes him the most active and youngest Sitar player in China. Among his numerous performances over the past few years : some popular national TV shows like “The Best Song of China”, “The Star of China”, “I am the Singer”, “I Want to Sing with You”, “13 Billions of Decibels”. In addition, he has also been invited to CCTV for many music related programs. In 2016, he created online Sitar learning courses for the iartschool website, providing for the first time Sitar online classes in Chinese .

打击乐 / 土耳其芦笛:何恺然

Percussions / Kaval : He Kairan




He Kairan graduated from Tianjin conservatory of music with a master ’s degree in 2017. Played in Tianjin Youth Orchestra four several years and took part in several important concerts. While studying classical percussions, he explored and developed his practice of many worldwide percussions,  wind instruments and the jew's harp. 

—— 肚皮舞 ——


Inko is one of the first tribal bellydancers in China

Since discovering this strangely elegant and mesmerizing dance form, which was born in California and combines elements of Oriental Bellydance, Flamenco and Indian dance, Inko has studied intensively with many of the greatest American stars of the style (Rachel Brice, Mardi Love, Kae Montgomery, Kristine Adams, Lady Fred, Moria Chappell, Amy Sygil, Mira Betz, Heather Stants) in France, Japan, United-States and China. Inko initially moved to Beijing to master the art of kung fu (Baguazhang). Now, further inspired by her experience of theatre, she is developing her own dance style which is at once spiritual, expressive and primal.

Teaching regular classes since 2012, and performing in many of the hottest spots in the Chinese capital, Inko aims to build an international tribal bellydance community in Beijing and connect China to the greater international scene through organizing and hosting workshops taught by the most famous stars.

In October 2014, Inko founded the Lunatic Moires, a troupe composed of dancers from Russia, South African, Canada, Germany, Armenia, China, America, India, Australia, Dutch, Ukraine and France. With Inko at the helm, the Lunatic Moires create fresh, unique performances that combine dance, mythology, poetry and ritual.


Inko 是中国*早的部落风肚皮舞者之一。

美国部落风肚皮舞诞生于加利福尼亚,是一种集合了阿拉伯肚皮舞,弗拉门戈和印度舞蹈元素的舞蹈形式,奇异而优雅,令人陶醉。自从发现这个舞蹈以来,Inko一直从法国到日本再到美国和中国,追随着*为*的美国明星舞者,包括Rachel Brice,、Mardi Love、 Kae Montgomery、 Kristine Adams、 Lady Fred、 Moria Chappell、 Amy Sygil、 Mira Betz 和Heather Stants等。*初为了学习八卦掌来到北京的 Inko ,汲取了自己在戏剧表演上的经验,开始发展出一种充满灵性,表现力和原始感的独特舞蹈风格。

Inko 从2012年开始授课,并在北京*知名的场所进行过多次演出。她希望在北京打造一个国际部落风肚皮舞社团,通过组织并举办由**的舞蹈家授课的大师班,连接起中国和世界。

Inko于2014年10月创立了由来自俄罗斯、南非、加拿大、德国、亚美尼亚和法国的舞者们组成的 “The Lunatic Moires”舞团。由 Inko 掌舵的 “TheLunatic Moires”创作了许多结合了舞蹈、神话、诗歌和仪式的清新而独特的表演。

2. Tazmin

Tazmin, an exotic and curvy beauty from France is a jazz dancer born, who has later on specialized herself in hoop dance before falling in love with tribal bellydance. This dance form allows her to cultivate her natural taste for real connection with other dancers, her intuitive sense of crafting and her deep interest for ecology and Nature. Member of the Lunatic Moires tribe since December 2017, she is now even more involved as Inko's assistant!

艺名Tazmin,来自法兰西的她,带着异域风情与曼妙曲线,不仅是一位天生的爵士舞者,之后更是在后天专攻了呼啦圈舞,*终邂逅并热爱上了部落肚皮舞。肚皮舞这种舞蹈形式,让她得以培养自己的天然品味,并与其他舞者产生真正的链接,不仅让她尽显对舞蹈出自本能的打磨功力,更给予她途径去尽情探索自己所爱的大自然与生态。Tazmin 于2017年12月成为Lunatic Moires舞团的成员,也作为Inko的助理,参与到了更多工作中。

3. Esmée

Originally from Holland, Esmée is primarily a passionate hoop dancer. Concentration, playfulness and even a certain acceptation of chaos are essential to make a hula hoop dance fluid, expressive, and unique. Mastering the technique of this flow art form over years of practice, Esmée is now finding and refining her performing personality since becoming a grateful member of the Lunatic Moires in December 2017 ! Don't be fooled by her innocent and calm demeanour, inside, the girl is dangerous!

艺名Esmee,来自荷兰的她是一名激情四射的呼啦环舞者。呼啦圈舞是一种充满流动性、表现力和独特性的舞蹈,要求其舞者不仅要兼顾*专注与俏皮活泼间的平衡,更需要平常去灵活应对突发的混乱。经过多年的刻苦钻研,Esmee已熟练掌握了这个流动艺术形式的技巧,在2017年12月加入Lunatic Moires舞团来,她也探索追寻、重新定义自己的舞台风格!别被她清纯乖巧的气质所迷惑,她的内心,可住着一个危险的女人。

现场见 。



