Bria Skonberg Group

演出时间:11月29日 21:30-11月29日 23:00


场地: 上海 林肯爵士乐上海中心

地址:上海市黄浦区南京东路139号美伦大楼4层M401-M402林肯爵士乐上海中心 查看地图


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演出场地:上海 林肯爵士乐上海中心


11月27日 - 12月02日

*场入场时间:18:30  演出时间:19:30

第二场(周二- 周四)   入场时间:21:00      演出时间:21:30

第二场(周五- 周六)   入场时间:21:30      演出时间:22:00

周日午间场 入场时间 11:30 演出时间:12:30

周日晚间场 入场时间 18:00 演出时间:19:00


票价:平日票200元  早鸟票140元

*边座180元  主座220元











Recognized as one of 25 for the Future by DownBeat Magazine, Bria Skonberg has been a force in the new generation with her bold horn melodies and smoky vocals, and adventurous concoctions of classic and new. Originally from Canada, Bria moved to New York city in September of 2010 seeking challenge and adventure. Bria was signed to Sony Music Masterworks in 2016 and released her debut LP, Bria, which won a Canadian JUNO award for Best Vocal Album and made the Top 5 on Billboard jazz charts. Her second Sony album, With A Twist, released in 2017, was also nominated and features an ambitious large ensemble orchestra; Her music has garnered over 3.5 million streams. Her curiosity as an artist has led to an eclectic repertoire and unconventional performances. In the last year Bria has performed the music of Louis Armstrong, Aretha Franklin, sat in with the Dave Matthews Band and sang the Star Spangled Banner at Madison Square Garden. She has appeared at the prestigious Newport Jazz Festival, Monterey Jazz Festival, New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival and over a hundred more. An avid educator, she performs outreach on behalf of Jazz at Lincoln Center and is a consultant at the Louis Armstrong House Museum.


Bria Skonberg被DownBeat杂志评为在未来爵士时代中的二十五强之一,凭借她大胆的小号旋律和烟熏人声以及经典与新派的实验性融合,成为新一代的力量之一。 Bria*初来自加拿大,于2010年9月搬到纽约市寻求机会和新的尝试。 Bria于2016年与Sony Music Masterworks签约并发行了她的首张黑胶,获得了加拿大JUNO*声乐专辑奖,并在Billboard爵士乐排行榜上名列前五。她的第二张专辑“With A Twist”于2017年在索尼发行,也获得提名,并配有气势宏伟的大型合奏乐团;她的音乐已经吸引了超过350万的点击率。她拥有一名艺术家的好奇心,并因此形成了不拘一格的风格和非传统的表演模式。在去年,Bria与艾瑞莎·富兰克林和Dave Matthews乐队一起演唱路易斯·阿姆斯特朗的音乐,并在麦迪逊广场花园演唱了Star Spangled Banner。她曾出演过*的纽波特爵士音乐节,蒙特利爵士音乐节,新奥尔良爵士音乐节等一百多场爵士演出。作为一名狂热的爵士音乐教育家,她代表林肯爵士中心进行外展活动,同时也是路易斯阿姆斯特朗故居博物馆的顾问。




Douglas has fashioned a successful music career with jazz groups throughout New Orleans and New York City. In 2008, Darrian moved to New Orleans, Louisiana, where he took over the drum chair in Ellis Marsalis' quartet. He stated, "I love playing with Mr Marsalis; he allowed me to grow and explore the music without consequence." Darrian continued to play with Ellis until his departure from New Orleans in December 2012. He has shared the stage with Wynton Marsalis, Victor Goines, Godwin Louis, Jazzmeia Horn, Brianna Thomas, Joe Temperley, Germaine Bazzle, Jessie McBride, Bob Cranshaw, Bria Skonberg and Ellis Marsalis. In addition to performing, Darrian has taught percussion extensively around the world in a variety of formats. He also taught percussion at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts. Performing and teaching are two of Darrian's greatest passions! Darrian is enjoying his most recent role as Executive Director of Second Line Arts Collective. A non-profit organization focused on creating arts education programs that enable young artist to thrive in the modern economy.


道格拉斯在新奥尔良和纽约市的爵士团体中创造了成功的音乐生涯。 2008年,Darrian搬到了路易斯安那州的新奥尔良,在那里他接管了Ellis Marsalis四重奏组的鼓手位置。他说,“我喜欢和马萨利斯先生一起玩;他让我自由的发展并探索自己的音乐。” Darrian继续和Ellis一起玩,直到他于2012年12月离开新奥尔良。他与Wynton Marsalis,Victor Goines,Godwin Louis,Jazzmeia Horn,Brianna Thomas,Joe Temperley,Germaine Bazzle,Jessie McBride,Bob Cranshaw,Bria  Skonberg和Ellis Marsalis。除了表演,Darrian还以各种形式在世界各地广泛讲授打击乐。他还在新奥尔良创意艺术中心教授打击乐。表演和教学是Darrian*伟大的激情! Darrian正在享受他*近担任二线艺术集体执行董事的角色;这是一个非盈利组织,致力于创建艺术教育计划,可以使年轻艺术家在现代经济中茁壮成长。


NYC-based bassist, Devin Starks, has a unique sound characterized by melodic basslines and an undeniable groove. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, Devin gained experience from an early age performing nightly at venues around the city. In 2010, he moved to New York City to immerse himself in the vibrant jazz scene and study with legendary bassist, Ron Carter, at The Juilliard School. Since then, Devin has become an established member of the jazz community and has had the opportunity to share the stage with renowned musicians such as McCoy Tyner, Charles Tolliver, George Cables, Frank Wess, Kirk Lightsey, Wycliffe Gordon, Billy Drummond, and many more. He currently performs regularly around NYC and at jazz venues and festivals across the world.



纽约的贝斯手Devin Starks拥有独特的音乐特性,其特点是旋律的低音线和无可否认的律动。 Devin*初来自俄亥俄州的克利夫兰,从小*在城市各处的场地表演,从小*获得了很多演出经验。 2010年,他搬到纽约市,沉浸在充满活力的爵士乐演出中,并与茱莉亚音乐学院的传奇贝斯手Ron Carter一起学习。 从那以后,Devin成为爵士乐界的老牌成员,并与很多*的音乐家分享舞台,如McCoy Tyner,Charles Tolliver,George Cables,Frank Wess,Kirk Lightsey,Wycliffe Gordon,Billy Drummond等等。 目前,他经常在纽约市以及世界各地的爵士乐场地和音乐节上演出。


Mathis Picard is a French-Malagasy Pianist based in New York City. A winning member of the Montreux Jazz Foundation, Mathis has shared the international stage with Patti Smith, Wynton Marsalis, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Jason Moran, Lee Ritenour, Yaron Herman, and DJ Kindness. A recent graduate of the Juilliard School, where he received an Excellence in Musicianship and Leadership Award, Mathis plays with the Bria Skonberg Quintet, the Braxton Cook Quintet, CROWN, and Michael Mwenso & the Shakes. As a composer, Mathis was commissioned to create a concerto for the Northern Chamber Orcherstra (NCO), has been published by Real Book NW, wrote the music for the Vimeo series "The Weekend Detectives," and released an electronic dance music EP on the Origami Sound Label (ROM) under his alias "JAONA."



Mathis Picard是一位居住在纽约市的法国马达加斯加钢琴家。 作为蒙特勒爵士基金会的获奖成员,Mathis与Patti Smith,Wynton Marsalis,Dee Dee Bridgewater,Jason Moran,Lee Ritenour,Yaron Herman和DJ Kindness共享国际爵士舞台。 *近,他在茱莉亚音乐学院毕业,获得了音乐家将和乐队领导奖,他与Bria Skonberg Quintet,Braxton Cook,CROWN和Michael Mwenso以及Shakes等人一直保持着合作。 作为一名作曲家,Mathis受委托为北方商会Orcherstra(NCO)创作主题协奏曲,由Real Book NW出版,为Vimeo系列剧“The Weekend Detectives”创作音乐,并在Origami Sound Label(ROM) 下,发行“JAONA” 电子舞曲EP。。


Grammy-nominated saxophonist, composer, and bandleader Patrick Bartley, Jr. is a musician with experience in a wide range of situations, most notably for appearing on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert and being featured in the Emmy-nominated HBO special Wynton Marsalis: A YoungArts Masterclass, which premiered at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Although a South Florida native, Patrick is a has spent the majority of his professional music career in NYC prior to graduating from the Manhattan School of Music. As an on-demand sideman, he has performed and recorded with musicians such as Louis Hayes, Jonathan Batiste, Mulgrew Miller, Jeff Coffin, and Wynton Marsalis, and has performed at world-renowned venues such as The STAPLES Center, Madison Square Garden, and the Black Sea Jazz Festival. Born and raised in Hollywood, Florida, Patrick owes much of his success to his primary, secondary, and post-secondary education. While in middle school, under the tutelage of Melton Mustafa, Jr.—son of world-renowned trumpeter Melton Mustafa, Sr.—Patrick became the youngest musician to perform at the Jazz In The Gardens jazz festival in Miami Gardens, Florida, as well as the only musician to have performed on the stage twice. It was with Melton Mustafa, Jr. and Sr. that Patrick also got his first professional recording opportunity, this time at age 17. The recording session included Mulgrew Miller, Essiet Essiet, Ray Mantilla, Jason Jackson, and Victor Lewis. While attending high school, after making the Grammy High School Jazz Ensembles for two consecutive years, Patrick was given the opportunity to perform with the Dave Matthews Band live on the 52nd Annual GRAMMY Awards, and was also a Young Arts Gold Award recipient in Jazz.



格莱美提名的萨克斯管演奏家,作曲家和乐队领队Patrick Bartley,Jr,是一位经验丰富的音乐家,**的是他出现在与斯蒂芬科尔伯特一起的一次晚间秀。虽然他是南佛罗里达本地人,但Patrick在曼哈顿音乐学院毕业之前,曾在纽约市经过了前期职业音乐生涯。作为一名随需应变的伴奏者,他曾与Louis Hayes,Jonathan Batiste,Mulgrew Miller,Jeff Coffin和Wynton Marsalis等音乐家合作演出,并在世界*的场地演出,如The STAPLES Center,Madison Square Garden,和黑海爵士音乐节。Patrick在佛罗里达州好莱坞出生并长大,他的大部分成功归功于他的小学,中学和大学教育。在中学时,在世界*小号手Melton Mustafa的小儿子Melton Mustafa的指导下,Patrick成为佛罗里达州迈阿密花园爵士音乐节上*年轻的音乐家。Patrick17岁时与Melton Mustafa Jr和Melton Mustafa Sr.一起获得了他的*个专业录音机会。一同录音的音乐家包括Mulgrew Miller,Essiet Essiet,Ray Mantilla,Jason Jackson和Victor Lewis。在高中毕业后,连续两年成为格莱美高中爵士乐团的演出人员。此后,Patrick有机会在第52届格莱美奖颁奖典礼上与Dave Matthews乐队合作演出,同时也获得了此届爵士乐的青年艺术金奖得主。


总部在纽约的林肯爵士乐中心成立于1987年,现由*的爵士艺术家温顿·马萨利斯担任艺术总监。通过世界知名的林肯爵士乐团和众多客座艺术家,每年制作以爵士为主题的各类音乐节目、教育普及和现场表演, 把爵士艺术的丰富内涵和娱乐性推广到全球。

在庆祝30年华诞之际,由林肯爵士和外滩投资集团共同合作的林肯爵士乐上海中心正式落户和爵士有渊源历史的外滩, 坐落在繁华的南京东路上历史老建筑内。整个空间的设计体现着爵士的“swing”理念, 融汇了上世纪三十年代新欧陆古典主义风情和当代都市艺术时尚气息,在同一个空间上, 演绎不同时空下的故事。为世界*的爵士艺术家和观众创造了一个惬意的私享空间,零距离的交流宛如爵士旋律,使音乐与思绪交织,让灵感与情感迸发。

我们邀请您来林肯爵士乐上海中心 Swing !




