独家南京布鲁斯之夜 Tom Forst重磅空降

演出时间:12月02日 21:30-12月02日 23:59

艺人: Tom Forst

场地: 南京 The Bassment

地址:鼓楼区广州路140号随园大厦内(近上海路)随园大厦负一层 查看地图


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演出艺人:Tom Forst

演出场地:The Bassment












Tom Forst 




Tom The Suit Forst是一名入选美国布鲁斯 名人堂的传奇音乐人。他与三届格莱美*布鲁斯摇滚专辑制作人得主Paul Nelson一起打造个人专辑《On Fire》。美国本土吉他厂牌 Occhineri更为他量身打造了属于他的Tom The Suit Signatrure Guitar 签名款吉他。

他来自康涅狄格州,身兼吉他演奏家,歌手, 词曲创作人等多个身份。他的音乐风格秉承了*原汁原味的美式布鲁斯摇滚。

Eight years ago, a Regional Vice President of Cox Communications Group, a successful executive and businessman, decided it was time to put that life behind him. He and his wife had just paid the last college tuition bill for their four children. That was the day Thomas Forst put the pedal to the metal on a life-long dream and became a full time musician.



—— Tom The Suit Forst

Tom在美国有丰富的现场演出经验,合作过的乐队与乐手包括但不*于:The Jonny Winter乐队、Saturday Night Live、Allman Brothers乐队、Paul Nelson乐队、Stephen Colbert Show乐队、Popa Chubby等音乐人合作,甚至还跟获得格莱美奖的吉他手兼制作人Pual Nelson一起制作专辑。

Since then Tom has gained acclaim as a guitarist, vocalist and songwriter, performing and recording with musicians from The Johnny Winter Band, Saturday Night Live, Allman Brothers Band, Paul Nelson Band, Stephen Colbert Show Band, Popa Chubby and Grammy winning musicians & producers. As a performer he has opened for Hoobastank, Marshall Tucker Band, Lucas Nelson (Willie's son!), Atlanta Rhythm Section, 3 Dog Night, Gideon Luke, Grand Funk. Along the way, he also became known as The Suit.

作为一个表演者,他通过与Hoobastank、Marshall Tucker乐队、Lucas Nelson(Willie Nelson的儿子)、Atlanta Rhythm Sction、3 Dog NIght、Gideon Luke、Grand Funk的演出合作,开启了自己的音乐经历,并成为了众所周知的“西装哥”  。

Now in 2017, at 65 years of age, The Suit has released his debut album,"ON FIRE," presented by Norwalk, Ct-based Factory Underground Records. Produced by Grammy-winner Paul Nelson, guitarist to Johnny Winter, the blues-based rock album is comprised of eight highly personal originals and three classic covers. The first song people heard was "Going Home," an acoustic dobro-based country-blues song, released on iTunes and Spotify, picked up by international roots-music radio stations, and featured in a lyric video released on Vevo and YouTube.

With the full album release came a second lyric video for a lyrically controversial song called "Women of the World." Co-written by the late Gary Youell, the song is a call for female leadership and empowerment. The poignant video was released on the eve of the historic Women's March on Washington DC.

2017 年Tom 推出了首张个人唱作专辑《On Fire》。他的整个专辑在iTunes和Spotify上成功发布。这张专辑里包括了11首单曲,其中有9首原创蓝调摇滚作品、3首由Paul Nelson制作的古典摇滚翻唱。Tom Forst的歌中提到了一些社会中正受到广泛关注的问题;如单曲《Women Of The World》的歌词里讨论了Tom Forst对男权主义、男女不平等关系、以及虐待女性等问题的看法。

"As a life-long supporter of women's rights and gender equality, it was a joy to be able to record this song. Gary believed in his heart that female leadership is essential to world peace, I wanted the video to be an uplifting tribute to women from different cultures and ethnic groups, as well female pioneers, businesswomen and political icons."

这张专辑由三届格莱美*布鲁斯摇滚专辑制作人得主Paul Nelson打造。 Paul Nelson曾经以制作人和乐手的身份与布鲁斯传奇Johnny Winter有过多次合作。其他参与专辑录制的音乐家分别是来自于Saturday Night Live,以及Allman Brothers,Paul Nelson,Stephen Colbert和Popa Chubby的乐队。


With a strong national buzz building around the album and videos, fueled by an eager audience attracted to the "raw, gritty, blues-rock sound of ON FIRE," as well as a unique story that made the front page of the Norwalk Hour newspaper, and was featured on Connecticut television News 12, The Suit has no plan to wind down any time soon. Racking up one radio interview after another, playing shows to more and more fans every time, maintaining a full-court press on social media, Tom The Suit Forst is proving that it's never too late to follow a dream, and you're never too old to rock.

专辑《On Fire》一经推出,便引起轰动。美国*乐评网站Jamsphere评价这张专辑“宛如在品尝一瓶陈年红酒,又宛如穿行在风沙之中”。在这个激起整个*注意的专辑上,一个忠实粉丝甚至说道:“粗糙、硬派,蓝调音乐*像是燃烧的声音!”这个专辑的发布情况,同时也成为了Norwalk Hour报纸头版的一则独特的故事,还被美国康涅狄格州电视新闻12台做了专题节目。在一连串的访问后,Tom Forst可没歇着,相反他继续接受电台采访,接着一个又一个的表演节目,于是乎粉丝也逐渐累积,还在社交媒体上保持一个活跃状态。Tom Forst一直坚持一个信念——追寻梦想永远不会晚,探索摇滚永远没有年龄的障碍。

And the question of how one Thomas Forst became known to the world as Tom The Suit Forst: "It was one of my first gigs, guesting with my son's punk rock group. They called me up, I was still wearing a business suit in those days. As I walked out and starting playing, the crowd was chanting "SUIT SUIT SUIT!!!

The Legend of THESUIT was born.



