火锅音乐十周年强力呈献:荷兰金属核大团THE ROYAL巡演 南宁站

演出时间:12月03日 20:30-12月03日 22:00


场地: 南宁 候朋现场HOPELIVE(中山路万象汇店)

地址:广西壮族自治区南宁市青秀区中山路万象汇L2层37号 查看地图


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演出场地:南宁 候朋现场HOPE LIVE


荷兰金属核大团The Royal*中国巡演

11月27日 北京 乐空间

11月28日 上海 育音堂

11月29日 成都 小酒馆空间

11月30日 武汉 VOX

12月1日 广州 SD

12月2日 长沙 VOX

12月3日 南宁 候朋现场

12月4日 深圳 B10现场

The Royal 介绍

埃因霍温,荷兰第五大城市,欧洲科技之都,飞利浦电子的发源地,同时也是荷甲豪门PSV埃因霍温的所在地,除此之外,这里也走出了不少优秀的乐队,近年在欧洲乃至全球重型音乐领域展露头角的金属核乐队The Royal正是来自这里。

The Royal于2012年夏天在埃因霍温成军,成员包括主唱Semuel Pisarahu、吉他手JD Liefting、吉他手Pim Wesselink、贝斯手Loet Brinkmans和鼓手Tom Van Ekerschot。2012年11月,The Royal发表了首张EP《Origins》,凭借这张唱片他们展开了*欧洲巡演,不但担任了Architects、Breakdown Of Sanity等名团的巡演嘉宾,更是参演了荷兰*的户外音乐节Jera On Air 2013,与Parkway Drive、A Day To Remember等乐队同台。

2014年7月,The Royal发表了首张专辑《Dreamcatchers》,这张专辑的幕后团队堪称豪华:缩混和母带处理由美国知名制作人Cory Brunnemann亲自操刀,作为blessthefall、UPON A BURNING BODY、ANNISOKAY、DARKE COMPLEX等多支名团的御用制作人,Cory Brunnemann让The Royal的这张专辑的制作水准达到了一线水准;唱片封套设计则由美国*插画师Dan Mumford完成,他是Iron Maiden、Pearl Jam、Blink-182、Foo Fighters、Primus、Protest The Hero、Phish等多个知名乐队的御用设计师;专辑中的一曲《Earth Gazer》由乐队好友、美国金属核大团Fit For A King主唱Ryan Kirby献声,而另外一首《Halfhearted》则力邀美国金属核名团I The Breather的主唱Shawn Spann友情客串。

《Dreamcatchers》这张专辑一举奠定了The Royal在欧洲重型领域里的中坚地位,他们也凭借这张唱片获得了许多知名厂牌的青睐。2016年夏天,他们正式签约在欧洲重型名厂Long Branch Records旗下,并开始创作全新作品。2017年3月,The Royal发表了第二张专辑《Seven》,专辑中的主打歌《Feeding Wolves》力邀好友乐队、瑞士金属核班霸Breakdown Of Sanity主唱Carlo Knopfel友情献声。之后进行的专辑发布巡演,The Royal更是和瑞士摩登金属大团Dreamshade共同领衔完成。同年,The Royal更是参加了欧洲多个重要的音乐节,其中包括Impericon、Dissonance、UK Tech-Metal Fest等等。

2018年11月底,The Royal将展开*次亚洲之行,并将应火锅音乐邀请*来华。

官网: https://www.theroyalofficial.com

The Royal


Semuel Pisarahu - Vocals

JD Liefting - Guitar

Pim Wesselink - Guitar

Loet Brinkmans - Bass

Tom Van Ekerschot - Drums

Dutch metal outfit The Royal takes the best of a wide variety of subgenres in metal to present a fresh and unique sound into today’s scene. They fuse metal, groove and ambience and deliver it in an advanced manner. This, combined with their flowing and thoughtful lyrics and their highly energetic and interactive live performance, shows that this band is a force to be reckoned with.

On March 31st 2017 they worldwide released their long awaited 50 minute long label debut, ‘Seven’ under the German record company, SPV / Long Branch Records. The Royal kicked off the release of this album by supporting Artery Recordings band, Dreamshade, through mainland Europe and the United Kingdom as well as headlining a release tour through Europe to promote the record, appearing on festivals like Dissonance Festival (Italy) and UK Tech-Metal Fest (United Kingdom).

Right after the release of their first EP ‘Origins’ (2012) The Royal established themselves by supporting a nationwide tour (Upcoming Tour II) as their first ever run of shows followed by an appearance on Jera On Air (Netherlands). For the follow-up to their national debut as a band, The Royal (frontman Sem Pisarahu, guitarists JD Liefting and Pim Wesselink, bassist Youri Keulers and Tom van Ekerschot on drums) self-released their highly anticipated album ‘Dreamcatchers’ (2014), featuring Ryan Kirby (Fit For A King) and Shawn Spann (I,The Breather).

In the years following this release The Royal managed to establish collaborations with Europe’s biggest merchandisers EMP and Impericon, headline multiple national and international tours, support bands like Architects and Breakdown Of Sanity and shared bills with the likes of Parkway Drive, A Day To Remember, The Ghost Inside, Suicide Silence and many more on festivals amongst Impericon Festival (Germany).

Fast forward to 2018, The Royal is working on their second label release, Their tour schedule is busier then ever and there is no sign of them holding back. This quickly emerging band is fueled and inspired to take their thunderous show right to your doorstep. Remember the name.

Official Website:https://www.theroyalofficial.com/



