独家WorldService Project 2018 China Tour 成都站

演出时间:11月27日 20:30-11月27日 22:00

艺人: WorldService Project/打飞机 Hit the plane

场地: 成都 NUSPACE_纽空间

地址:四川省成都市青羊区奎星楼街9号 明堂创意工作区-B区•NU SPACE 18602858900 查看地图


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演出艺人:WorldService Project / 打飞机 Hit the plane

演出场地:成都 NU SPACE














WorldService Project

英国朋克爵士圈的新晋代表之一,由键盘手/作曲家Dave Morecroft领衔,WorldService Project继承并融合20世纪*颠覆性的两种音乐类型——朋克和爵士。

这只高水准的乐团,活跃于各个世界音乐节舞台,已经在15个*演出数百场,其中包括伦敦爵士音乐节(London Jazz)、斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那爵士节(Ljubljana Jazz Festival)、瑞典于默奥爵士音乐节(Umeå Jazz Festival)、芬兰坦佩雷爵士音乐节(Tampere Jazz Happening)、法国Jazz sur son音乐节、英国布雷肯爵士音乐节(Brecon Jazz Festival)、葡萄牙十二分爵士音乐节(12 Points Jazz Festival)等,在2014年新晋欧洲爵士大奖(Young European Jazz Award)中获得提名,更斩获英国彼得汉姆爵士大奖(Peter Whittingham Jazz Award)。

WSP在演奏能力上可以说是真正的爱上了“玩音乐”,不规则的节奏、随意的风格在歌曲的每一个和弦中充分展现,并且融合了各种音乐流派的元素,粗暴戏谑地在歌曲中不断地变换使用, 例如重型摇滚音乐中的狂暴节奏之上,叠加20世纪古典曲中的乐句,使其音乐拥有更为丰富的层次。

Dave Morecroft形容他们戏剧化的音乐*像是 “天气预报、作曲家Stravinsky、*金属乐队Meshuggah、摇滚爵士音乐人Frank Zappa还有巨蟒乐团在群殴”。

继2015年*亚洲巡演大获成功后,2016年九月,他们携Rare Noise唱片发行的全新专辑 《致国王与*For King and Country》再度来临。 行程遍及北京、常州、苏州、厦门、广州、东莞、深圳、大阪和千叶以及东京爵士音乐节、仙川爵士艺术节(Jazz Art Sengawa)。

2018年乐队携新专辑Rare Noise出品的《Serve》再次来华。

官网 Website:  http://www.worldserviceproject.co.uk/

脸书 Facebook: WSP

微信 Wechat:   WSP-UK

微博Weibo:    WorldServiceProject

豆瓣小站 Douban: https://site.douban.com/worldserviceproject/

WorldService Project(WSP),是英国朋克爵士圈的杰出代表之一,他们已经在15个*演出数百场,其中包括国际*音乐节,如伦敦爵士音乐节(London Jazz)、斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那爵士节(Ljubljana Jazz Festival)、瑞典于默奥爵士音乐节(Umeå Jazz Festival)、芬兰坦佩雷爵士音乐节(Tampere Jazz Happening)、法国Jazz sur son音乐节、英国布雷肯爵士音乐节(Brecon Jazz Festival)、葡萄牙十二分爵士音乐节(12 Points Jazz Festival)等,在2014年新晋欧洲爵士大奖(Young European Jazz Award)中获得提名,更斩获英国彼得汉姆爵士大奖(Peter Whittingham Jazz Award)。

由键盘手/作曲家Dave Morecroft领衔,WorldService Project继承并融合20世纪*颠覆性的两种音乐类型——朋克和爵士。乐手操纵复杂的节奏和韵律,通过黑暗而戏谑的方式构筑乐章。音乐中充满直截了当的莽撞,又带一丝诡异的不和谐贯穿其中。而有时,他们又会在常见于重型摇滚音乐中的狂暴节奏之上,叠加20世纪古典曲中的乐句,使其音乐拥有了更为丰富的层次。Dave Morecroft形容他们戏剧化的音乐*像是 “天气预报、作曲家Stravinsky、*金属乐队Meshuggah、摇滚爵士音乐人Frank Zappa还有巨蟒乐团在群殴”。

2013年,WSP在美国的17个州里进行了为期35天的巡回演出。2015年,乐队*亚洲巡演,在中国演出11场,包括上海传奇JZ爵士吧、深圳OCT-LOFT音乐节、顺德Freedom爵士音乐节及杭州JZ Blooms等。2016年9月,他们携Rare Noise唱片发行的全新专辑 《致国王与*For King and Country》再度来临。 行程遍及北京、厦门、广州大阪和千叶以及东京爵士音乐节、仙川爵士艺术节(Jazz Art Sengawa)。

2018年乐队携新专辑Rare Noise出品的《Serve》再次来华。


“他们另辟蹊径不仅挑战爵士的定义——还要把它追逼至偏僻巷尾揍得满地找牙,然后还要叫更多的兄弟过来!”(“…aren’t simply challenging the definition of jazz – they’re chasing it down a side street, wrestling it to the ground and calling for back-up”)

______Cormac Larkin, The Irish Times (Ireland) – 2013 六月


"  (“...like Downton Abbey run by anarchists...a mesmerising combination of brutality and dark humour. The razor-sharp rhythmic edges are polished, the ensemble is painfully slick, and you can smell the rubber burning from their stylistic handbrake turns")

______Matthew Wright, Jazzwise –2015 二月

“燃烧的热情和疯癫的能量,头脑疯狂被jam点燃,*清澈的作品。”(“…burning drive and nutty energy…heavy jam-kindled brainstorming…their most lucid work.…”)

______ Stephen Graham, marlbank.net – 2016 四月

“引人入胜,多样、智慧、充满挑衅和刺激,当然还有完美的演奏,我爱这只乐队!( “…a thrilling listen…plenty of variety, intelligence, irreverence, excitement plus of course

some terrific playing…I love this band”)

______ Ian Mann, thejazzmann.com –2013 六月

“奇异的进行曲,充满热度的起伏,熟悉和弦都被颠覆!”(“…a procession of odd-shaped things, tumbling out driven by heat… knows how to reinvigorate familiar chords”)

______ Ivan Hewitt, The Telegraph –2013 六月

“WSP的音乐事实上极其适合跳舞而且充满不和谐的折中。戏谑的旋律进行,游戏般的节奏,乐手间充满爆发的能量。噪音低音营造朋克的力量,拍手和尖叫使得整个音乐充满魔性。这是与观众间的游戏—假如你是high大了进入现场,你会祈求乐手手下留情的。”(“Music of WSP is in fact painfully danceable and cacophonically eclectic. In the moment of the development of playful melody and rhythmical games, there is energy blasting between the musicians. Glitch bass gives punk rock energy and clicks, claps and shouts make the whole music demonic. It is game with the listener - if you go into the musical high, you stay begging for mercy.”)

______ Monika Okroj, Jazz Forum (Poland) –2013 六月

“节奏的集体碰撞,被充满趣味的低音衬托得太棒了!他们把对音乐的敏锐和恶搞的幽默结合让乐曲格外有趣。罗兰.科克和扎帕以前这么玩,Mostly Other People Do The Killing乐队*还这么玩。和这些家伙们,WSP有着非常复杂的编曲却不忘记音乐很重要的目的还是让听者开心,令他们微笑。 《宠物店着火》让我笑了。””(“The collective crunch of that rhythm section underpinning lively brass is great, but applying their acumen toward a zany sense of humour goes a long way toward making the music a lot of fun, too. Mingus understood that. So did Rahsaan Roland Kirk and Frank Zappa. As does Mostly Other People Do The Killing today. Like those guys, Worldservice Project plays seriously complex music but they hadn’t forgotten about the main mission in music is to entertain their audience, to make them smile….Fire in a Pet Shop makes me smile.”)

______S Victor Aaron, somethingelsereviews.com (USA) –  2013 八月

“原始和朋克到令人跺脚,如同骚乱现场,充满创造力。”(“…stompingly raw and punky…a riotously entertaining live-band…highly creative”)

______John Fordham, The Guardian –2013 九月

“如果你渴望惊喜、大笑或者重温《吃豆小子》游戏的年代, WSP将成为你的*。”(“If you want to be surprised, to laugh, to live in the Pacman decade...Menagerie

 WorldService Project will become a favourite”)

______Carole Massin, citizenjazz.com (France) –2013 九月

“《宠物店着火》这首怪异的歌充满生命力和胆识,把你带入超越爵士令人,欲罢不能的世界。”(“Fire In A Pet Shop is an eccentric, vibrant plate full of life and guts like you in the world of jazz and beyond can never have enough of”)

______Guy Peters, enola.be (Belgium) – 2013 七月

“第二张专辑更疯狂,更胆大,噪音与和弦的完美编排,一段段乐曲的释放同《宠物店》的歌名一样疯狂!”)“…a second [album] even crazier, more daring…Between cacophony perfectly mastered and total harmony , " Fire In A Pet Shop "…moves from one to the other in totally unleashed compositions whose names are at least as crazy the content”)

______Fred Delforge, zicazic.com (France) –2013 六月





毛旭东直译了“打飞机”的英文Hit The Plane想作为乐队的名称,当过兵的地雷却认为我们的祖辈保家卫国用小米加步枪打下了飞机这件事是值得纪念和歌颂的,*这样乐队的名字也诞生了。




Skilled guitar player and vocal of “BIGFLIPS” QIN HE came up in mind “ I wanna form an old -school  punk band” during “BIGFLIPS” China tour . QIN told the idea to XUDONG MAO ,a good tattooist as well as a popular rock vocal of DOWNHEAD in Lanzhou, QIN and XUDONG become the friend because of tattoo  culture and the terriers bull.QIN also asked “LANDMINE” , the heavy weight dummer(Rebel30),about the band.They know each other because of the bike. They hit it off instantly because originated from their love of old-school punk.

XUDONG preferred the name to be the  Chinese literal translation of”HIT THE PLANE”,which was called “DAFEIJI”.”LANDMINE also agree with the idea  because it is the way to praise our ancestors to defeat  enemy Air Force during the  starving period.

The most busiest bass player in Cheng du”GANZAO”join the band  lately ,however he is too busy to handle the work, so he quit soon. The nether world innate divine intervention, all are the heaven arrangements, LIANG GUO( DOWNHEAD, NATURAL BURNING , LITTLE JIN ) and   BO WANG, chengdu “play boy”,(THE SAD SUCK) join the band without any hesitation.Joining of the good bass and guitar, “HIT THE PLANE” create 20 songs in 2 years, more with might doubled.

“HIT THE PLANE” insists old-school punk rock music, expressed their emotion into a crude and simplified music genre as well as into easily understanding and meaningful lyrics.“Witness the legacy during their live-show”.



