独家【秀动呈献】丹麦蜜桃之声Virgin Suicide巡演 北京站

演出时间:11月22日 20:30-11月22日 22:00

艺人: Virgin Suicide/LastGoodbye

场地: 北京 疆进酒·OMNI SPACE(北京)

地址:北京市西城区天桥南大街9号天桥艺术中心b103疆进酒OMNI SPACE 查看地图


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演出艺人:Virgin Suicide / LastGoodbye

演出场地:北京 疆进酒·OMNI SPACE

还记得1999年大名鼎鼎的Sofia Coppola执导的那部《The Virgin Suicides》吗?是否也曾被17岁*青春的Kristen Dunst迷瞎了眼?




而*要说的是与这个悲伤又浪漫的故事同名的丹麦indie pop乐队Virgin Suicide,来自童话王国的他们为大家带来的则是让人指尖酥麻的甜蜜而梦幻的旋律。


乐队的五个小伙子*初结识是在丹麦西部的小镇Silkeborg,2012年他们迁往了首度哥本哈根并组建了Virgin Suicide。来自于严寒北欧穿着高领毛衣的男孩们却仿佛坐在头顶是阳光、背后是棕榈树的沙滩上,为我们弹奏着一首又一首甜美少年的爱情摇篮曲。

自2015年发行同名处子专辑《Virgin Suicide》以来,乐队已经在各种演出上崭露头角,特别是在2017年在被称为丹麦伍德斯托克的Roskilde罗斯基勒音乐节登台让他们有了更大的国际影响力。同年乐队并发行多首单曲,包括曾在丹麦和英国的电台以及各种现场大受好评的《Twistor Space》和《You Hate The Way I Feel》,这两首歌也被收录在了乐队2017年的全新专辑《Forever Trouble》中。


新专以Shoegaze先锋如My Bloody Valentine和Slowdive以及英伦摇滚传奇Suede作为灵感来源,充满律动又十分明快的guitar pop与阴沉和戏剧性的印象形成鲜明对比。乐队自己将他们的声音形容为“黑暗的浪漫”。主唱兼吉他手Martin说:“我们的声音达到了更高的上限,我们在新专辑中使用了更多的失真和更丰富的吉他,在巡演中将这些元素与我们的老歌会形成很好的配合。”


Virgin Suicide的音乐用一个字来形容的话无疑是“甜”,无论是主唱Martin奶油一般的嗓音,还是编曲中各种简单明了的小动机,或是由清音吉他构建的独特音墙,正如乐队首张专辑封面上那只诱人的蜜桃一般,让人过目不忘也过耳不忘。这是一种越过肌肤表层直接侵入大脑中枢的甜腻,是一种让人身体酥软肆意瘫倒却停不下手舞足蹈的轻松,是一种音乐响起*可以忘却烦恼只想去谈恋爱的愉悦,是一种由美妙旋律和心底溢出的爱而遍布全身的温暖。


于是,2018年的初冬,Virgin Suicide将*来到中国。谈到此次巡演,腼腆的小伙子们已经控制不住的兴奋。按他们的话说“*次出远门,而且又是神秘的中国。听说近些年很多*乐队都去中国表演,我们也认识一些朋友之前去过中国回来以后聊起来他们的见闻都赞不绝口而我们只有在一旁羡慕的听着,现在终于我们也能去了,实在太让人兴奋,我们恨不得现在*飞过来”。

而除了远道而来的客人,这次我们也在每个城市邀请了一只当地有代表性的本土乐队作为暖场嘉宾。杭州:City Flanker;上海:Rubur;深圳:Thin City;广州:HOO;北京:Last Goodbye. 他们将与Virgin Suicide的丹麦小伙子们一同在这初冬时节给现场的乐迷和朋友们带来一份别样的温暖和甜蜜。

主唱/Vocal: Martin Grønne

吉他/Guitar: Terkel Røjle

鼓手/Drums: Simon Thoft Jensen

贝斯/Bass: Kristian Schøtt Kyvsgaard

键盘/Synth: Jeppe Østergaard


Have you ever watched the 1999 Sofia Coppola film ‘The Virgin Suicides’? And did you ever fall in love with the 17-year-old Kristen Dunst in the film?


It was a story of five teenage sisters from a middle class family in Detroit’s suburb during 1970s. After the youngest sister’s initial suicide attempt, her sisters were put under close scrutiny by the parents, which led to their increasing isolation and eventually the suicides. It was about teenage romance, rebelling, growing, and depression which all combined with one and another, sad but real.


However, almost 20 years later, we are introducing a Danish indie-pop band with the same name as the film – Virgin Suicide. On contrary of the film, these Danish boys would bring you sweet and dreamy melody that got your lower body tingling.


The boys met at school in the town of Silkeborg, in western Denmark, before they relocated to Copenhagen and formed Virgin Suicide in 2012. Sporting matching normcore haircuts and turtlenecks, the band sings us the sweet finger banging lullaby of teenaged playground love. The sunshine and palm trees are a perfect backdrop for the upbeat tune which has roots in 60's rock with a touch of that slick Brit attitude of 80's Brit jangle pop.


The jangled and bright guitar pop, which is the group's distinctive, becomes on the new recordings contrasted with a more gloomy and dramatic expression. Virgin Suicide denotes their sound as dark romantic and mentions Shoegaze pioneers like My Bloody Valentine and Slowdive, and the Suede album 'Dog Man Star' among inspiration sources.


Since the debut release 'Virgin Suicide', the band has played a ton of concerts, as well as released the singles such as 'Twistor Space' and 'You Hate The Way I Feel', who have had a great life on both Danish and English radio, as well as at venues and festivals, including the famous Roskilde Music Festival which gained them huge international attention.



In late 2017, the band released their second album <Forever Trouble>. "Our sound has gotten high ceilings, and we use significantly more distortion and more guitar layers on the new album. It will be nice to reconcile the elements with our old songs on the tour. We do not play concerts in Denmark over the summer, so we are more than lighted and almost cannot wait for it to fall." the singer and guitarist Martin Grønne said.



Remember the band’s name-Virgin Suicide. Despite the slightly anguished peal, Grønne’s creamy tones mean you can appreciate the music for its breezy pleasantness, or you can dig around to discover what lies beneath. What did they say before about their “lust for love, sex, party, family … and death”? 


In November 2018, Virgin Suicide are coming to China for their debut tour. The band will hit 5 cities and in each city they will have a local band as the supporting act:

Nov 16 Hangzhou Loopy        Support: City Flanker

Nov 17 Shanghai Yuyintang Park  Support: Rubur

Nov 20 Shenzhen HOU Live      Support: Thin City

Nov 21 Guangzhou MAO Livehouse  Support: HOO

Nov 22 Beijing  OMNI Space    Support: Last Goodbye




