丹麦后摇先驱My Beloved新专辑“Echoes Over Voices”巡演 深圳站

演出时间:10月25日 20:30-10月25日 22:00

艺人: My Beloved

场地: 深圳 HOU LIVE 下沙店

地址:深圳市福田区滨河大道9289号KK ONE购物中心负一层B112a(地铁9号线下沙站B出口) 查看地图


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参演艺人:My Beloved

演出场地:深圳 HOU LIVE


丹麦后摇先驱My Beloved新专辑"Echoes Over Voices"中国巡演

10月21日 北京 DDC
10月22日 武汉 VOX
10月23日 长沙 VOX
10月24日 广州 SD
10月25日 深圳 HOU LIVE

丹麦后摇先驱My Beloved是丹麦*早成立的后摇团体之一,成军二十多年来,他们凭借自己独特且充满戏剧化的氛围后摇曲风,在欧洲乃至全球范围的独立音乐领域里,开拓了属于他们自己的一片天地,并影响了丹麦很多新生代后摇、器乐摇滚乐队。

My Beloved于1997年在丹麦哥本哈根成立,目前成员包括吉他手Iver Ask Overgaard、鼓手Danny Sondergaard、键盘手Lars Kivig和贝斯手Thor Vincent (Bass)。2003年,My Beloved凭借首张专辑《Servant Of Secret Places》在丹麦独立音乐领域崭露头角,英国权威乐评网站Terrascope这样评价他们:“My Beloved给人极其深刻的印象,他们是世界上关于后摇滚和前卫摇滚的实践者们中的佼佼者。”

2005年,My Beloved发表了第二张专辑《On Happiness Hill》,这张带有浓重黑暗气质的唱片,令他们的名望冲出斯堪的纳维亚半岛,在欧洲、美洲甚至亚洲都俘获了大量的后摇乐迷。但My Beloved并没有沾沾自喜,蛰伏三年之后,他们于2008年发表的第三张专辑《Force Feeding Love》则彰显了他们巨大的野心。

这次他们邀请了两位重量级乐手:大提琴家John Contreras(Current 93和Baby Dee御用乐手)和中提琴手Zef Noi$e(Psychic TV和Flesh Test的乐手)来参加唱片的录制。 丹麦权威音乐网站GAFFA这样评价My Beloved的第三张专辑:“控制精良的吉他反馈,极具爆炸性的鼓声和宏伟的钢琴编配在专辑中做得相当出色,*像一个球形声音壁纸一样精美,*像一个融合的魔法般让人身临其境。”

2012年,My Beloved发表了第四张专辑《Soil》,丹麦权威乐评网站UNDERTONER这样评价他们:“My Beloved用他们巨大的磁场,做出坚硬的后摇滚,*想是一个五彩缤纷的投影仪,它反映了天空、深渊和千禧年的历史。或者以更传统的方式说:这样的音乐是有灵魂的。”My Beloved可以说是后摇乐队中慢工出细活的代表,他们的第五张专辑直到2017年10月才姗姗来迟,这张名为《Echoes over Voices》的唱片由瑞典知名独立制作人Lars Lundholm亲自操刀。

今年10月,My Beloved将应清汤音乐邀请,带着新专辑《Echoes over Voices》*踏上中国的土地。

Since 1997 it didn't take long for MY BELOVED to peak out in the Copenhagen musical underground scene as a pioneer band that with their unique, aesthetic and emotional music where telling dramatic, painful and sinister stories through instrumental surfaces that in the late 90's most of all were compared as a detour of the, at that time, almost dead post-rock genre. Since then MY BELOVED has gone ways of their own and are now in total unspoiled music dimensions which the band themselves are calling Instrumental Music Noir.

MY BELOVED aligned their success debut "Servant Of Secret Places" (2003) with "On Happiness Hill" (2005) and cemented with their sinister, dark and incredibly well reviewed 2nd album, that MY BELOVED are an extremely innovative, imaginative and acknowledged band with a growing fan crowd in both US, Europe and Asia.

November 2008 MY BELOVED released their 3rd official album "Force Feeding Love". This album was the result of 3 turbulent years for each band member and was enhanced with collaborations with John Contreras "Current 93 + Baby Dee" playing cello and Zef Noi$e "Psychic TV + Flesh Test" on viola. The music kept the band together through rough times and the result was released on cd and double vinyl.

4 years later, MY BELOVED released their 4th album, "Soil" (2012). SOIL was released the 12th of November 2012 and was perfecting the sound and vitality with a live recorded album-release with a little more light and colourful nuances compared to the earlier releases. SOIL was received with very positive reviews and feedback and adds to the fact that MY BELOVED continues as one of the worlds finest practitioners and champions of the Instrumental Music Noir, progoth idiom.

MY BELOVED are playing magnificent capturing instrumental music noir that in basis consist of guitar, synths, piano, drums and bass. The music is a mood creating and emotional maelstrom that with storming crescendoes and beautiful passages creates a lively and organic feeling of existence and will. The experimenting sound-surfaces clarify the presence of the art and especially of the passion, and the use of noise makes MY BELOVED appear as a totally unique band, which with new thinking and in a different way produce yet another fearless album. Yet an atmospheric journey in time and mood.

Live, MY BELOVED shows their true strength. With great performance and energy they drag the audience deep into their universe and leave non behind. MY BELOVED is a live band. An artwork where the magic is created in the moment and where the listener becomes a part of the work.

"My Beloved continue to impress as one of the world's finest practitioners and champions of the post rock, progoth idiom." / www.terrascope.co.uk/

"Controlled guitar feedback, explosive drum play and grandiose piano do very well on an album, that is just as excellent as a spherical sound-wallpaper as a spell-binding close encounter." / www.gaffa.dk

“My Beloved, whose grandiose nuisance, hard as a rock, is a well oiled sonic picture-machine which reflects the history of the sky, the abyss and the millenniums. Or said in a more conventionally way: the music has soul and spirit.” /www.undertoner.dk



