独家香港爵士女歌手Heidi Li Jazz Quartet

演出时间:10月13日 21:30-10月13日 23:59

艺人: 李恺怡意大利爵士二重奏/裴世珍/Luca Giachi/小豆

场地: 北京 The Bricks

地址:北京市朝阳区三里屯新东路 首开铂郡北区地下一层-007号 查看地图


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参演艺人:李恺怡意大利爵士二重奏,裴世珍,Luca Giachi,小豆

演出场地:北京 The Bricks

October 13th




Heidi Li Jazz Quartet



来自香港, 自小受父母薰陶下学习粤剧粤曲. 曾留学加拿大, 英国及法国, 现居意大利并在锡耶纳爵士大学(Siena Jazz University)修读音乐学位, 跟随Diana Torto, Stefano Battaglia和Daniele Camarda 等等老师学习. 此外她亦有参与多个爵士工作坊和课程, 跟多位世界*的老师如Jeff Ballard, Theo Bleckmann, Fulvio Sigurta, Miguel Zenon, Kenny Werner 和徐秋雁学习.

在意大利多年的她, 除了经常跟不同的当地音乐人合作外, 亦有好几个长期合作的固定团队. 去年, 她词曲监一手包辨, 推出了一张名为Third Culture Kid 的灵魂音乐个人唱片, 包含了六首英语丶粤语和意大利语的歌曲. 这充份反应了她多元文化的精神以及对音乐和语言的热情. 也正是因为这一点她在网上发布了一个名为"Heidi 唱尽意大利地方语言" 的计划, 上载了一系列在意国不同省份拍摄的音乐短片, 一边用各地地方语言唱出地道民歌, 一边介绍当地风土民情. 这顶计划在2016年十月得到意大利外交部赏识以及邀请, 把此项目带上舞台, 到一个*举办的意大利文化推广会议中演出, 当日意国总统马塔雷拉亦有在场. 2018年2月她得到香港意大利领使馆文化部邀请在香港西湾河文娱中心举行了一个全院满坐的二重奏音乐会.

Heidi Li is a Hong Kong born Jazz/Neosoul singer composer who grew up with a Cantonese opera background under her parents’ influence. At the age of 11, she won a Cantonese Opera singing competition on TVB, the most important TV channel in Hong Kong. After having lived in Canada, the UK and France, she has been living in Italy for more than 7 years where she is completing a degree in Vocal Jazz Performance, studying with some of the finest Italian musicians including Diana Torto, Stefano Battaglia and Daniele Camarda. She has also participated in various Jazz workshops and has the chance to have studied with Jeff Ballard, Theo Bleckmann, Fulvio Sigurta, Miguel Zenon, Kenny Werner, Susanne Abbuehl and Jen Shyu etc.


In 2016, she published her first EP “Third Culture Kid” with a team of Italian musicians, which includes 6 of her original compositions written in English, Italian and Cantonese. She has also been active on YouTube, singing folk songs in different Italian dialects.

In October 2016, she was invited by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to sing at the States General of the Italian Language in the World in Florence. In 2018, her concert at Hong Kong Sai Wan Ho Civic Center, organized by the Italian Cultural Institute and Consulate General of Italy, was sold out.



裴世珍是为钢琴家,作曲家以及编曲家并在韩国很*的同德女子大学获得爵士表演学士学位。2010年,她搬到纽约市并在皇后大学上研究生。在皇后大学她师从David Berkman ,Jeb Patton,  Michael Mossman ,Antonio Hart以及Johannes Weidenmuller。在纽约的时候,她经常参加各种演出,音乐会以及大师班。

获得了爵士表演的硕士学位,裴世珍搬回韩国并在首尔和大邱里的几所大学开始授课。与此同时,她经常在韩国各地**的音乐俱乐部和音乐厅演出,另外还参加广播电台、音乐节以及参与很多录音棚的录音工作。除了爵士乐之外,她还参与很多别的音乐风格。她是韩国很有名的拉丁乐队“Pinar Del Rio”的成员,她也曾经也跟许多韩国爵士-流行明星有过合作。2016年,她为*香港影片“明月几时有”而参加配乐。裴世珍已经在世界各地演出过,包括美国,韩国,中国和日本等。

裴世珍目前住中国北京并跟当地一些*秀的音乐家一起合作譬如该场地包括Blue Note,东岸,DDC,Bricks,江湖等并在现代音乐学院任教爵士钢琴。她近期跟Blue Note爵士大乐团和Mark Turner与Michael Mossman同台以及在Jz爵士音乐节于长春音乐节演出。

Sejin Bae is a Korean based jazz pianist, composer and arranger who received her bachelor’s degree in jazz performance at one of the most famous and competitive colleges in Seoul, The Dongduk Women’s University; there she was awarded many scholarships to attend and graduated with honors. Wanting to further pursue her music education, she moved to New York City in 2010 to attend graduate school at Queens College. At Queens College she had the privilege to study with David Berkman, Jeb Patton, Michael Mossman, Antonio Hart and Johannes Weidenmuller. During her time in New York City, she participated in many gigs, concerts and master classes. 

After completing her Master’s degree at Queens College, she returned to Korea and began teaching music at several colleges in Seoul and Daegu, as well as frequently performing at some of the most well-known venues in Korea; participating in broadcasts, festivals and recording sessions. In addition to jazz, she is also a member of the famous Korean latin band “Pinar Del Rio” and has worked with several famous Korean jazz vocalists. In 2016, Sejin participated on the soundtrack to the Hong Kong film, “Our Time will Come”.  To date, Sejin Bae has performed all of the world including the United States, Korea, Japan and China. 

Sejin is currently living in Beijing and performing with some of the finest musicians including Anthony Vanacore, Natanial Gao, J Kyle Gregory, Zhang Ke, Dan Callaghan, Simone Schirru and many others at venues like the Blue Note, East Shore, DDC, Jianghu, etc. In addition, She had recently performed with Mark Turner and Michael Mossman with Blue Note Beijing Jazz Orchestra, Jz Festival, and Changchun Jazz Festival. 


Luca Giachi

来自意大利佛罗伦斯 以满分毕业生于锡耶纳爵士大学, 曾参与Marcus Miller, Victor Wooten, Steve Lehman 等的大师班.

LUCA是HEIDI在意大利的长期合作音乐人之一, 并曾参与其首张唱片Third Culture Kid的灌录工作. 年仅27 岁的他已经参与过多个大小型演出, 更曾到过斯洛文尼亚,马耳他,英国和法国等地巡演. 他跟友人于2011年组成的A Free Mama, 更是佛罗伦斯*的放克乐队, 是2016年得到得到托斯卡纳地区政府资助的乐队之一. A Free Mama 曾嬴得多个意大利全国比赛如B-LIVE MUSIC CONTEST, ALL THE ROCK MUSIC CONTEST和DINAMIKA ROCK FESTIVAL 的总*. LUCA更于后者以个人名义夺得*贝斯手奖.

Luca Giach is an Italian bassist born and raised in Florence. He graduated from Siena Jazz University with full marks in 2017 and has participated in various master classes by International Artists such as Macus Miller, Victor Wooten and Steve Lehman.


Luca has been a long term collaborator of Heidi and was the bassist of her first EP Third Culture Kid. 

Despite his young age, Luca is already a veteran in the live music scene, he has toured in Slovenia, Malta, the UK and France. A Free Mama, a group he co-founded with other florentine musicians back in 2011, is one of the most popular funk/rock bands in the region and was among the winners to receive funding from the Tuscany regional government in 2016. The band won several national awards such as B-LIVE MUSIC CONTEST, ALL THE ROCK MUSIC CONTEST and DINAMIKA ROCK FESTIVAL, in which, Luca received the Best Bassist award.



爵士鼓手,现生活工作于北京。Zildjian(美国知音镲片)全球签约演奏家。法国钢琴演奏家Christophe Lier 的三重奏及五重奏乐队、加拿大爵士大师Yannick Rieu 、“FreeJazz” 自由即兴爵士大师Matthew Ship 北京及上海的演出,与法国小号大师Erik Truffaz 在九门爵士节的演出,与美国林肯爵士乐团中的萨克斯演奏家Ted Nash 在北京罗森博格艺术展上的深度合作。‘Ah Q’ Jazz Band、刘元爵士乐队、夏佳三重奏及夏佳电子三重奏、Red Hand(红手)爵士乐队、刘玥三重奏,Beijing City Big Band(北京城市之光大乐队)。曾被杂志“Time Out”评为——当今*活跃青年音乐家。



