Malstrom乐队巡演 温州站

演出时间:10月15日 20:30-10月15日 22:00

艺人: Malstrom

场地: 温州 盲堂

地址:温州市鹿城区学院中路263号小坝坊17号楼1F 查看地图


通过购买门票方式支持此演出,一旦票品售出概不退换(因不可抗力因素导致演出取消或延期除外),请您在购买时务必仔细核对您的订单信息并审慎下单。 已购买的门票可在 我的订单中查看购票信息。



演出场地:温州 盲堂


成立于2013年的Malstrom是一支来自德国的新锐三重奏。以爵士为基底的自由即兴,又融合了金属、摇滚、鼓打贝斯(Drum ’n’ bass)及电子乐等当代的影响,Malstrom的音乐不仅赢得了众多爵士爱好者的青睐,也惊艳了许多喜爱其它各种音乐风格的乐迷。

“What Malstrom is doing is beyond any stylistic classification: it is a heavy-metal-hardrock-freejazz-experiment under high voltage, a sudatory sensory rush and an excessive play with the elemental force of music.”

Malstrom is a young trio from Germany which was formed 2013. The connection between improvisation and a “jazz background” with modern influences from metal, rock, drum 'n' bass as wells electronic music creates their specific sounds and makes it possible to get in contact with audience not only from jazz but from other genre as well.


• 场地内禁止吸烟。

No Smoking inside the venue.


• 1.2m以下儿童谢绝入场。

No entry for children under 1.2 meters.


• 请保管好自己的财物,带走垃圾。

Please take care of your belongings and take out the garbage.


• 场地内不设存放处,如有遗失,后果自负。

There is no storage place in the site. If there is any loss, the consequences will be self-confident.


• 扑狗、摸屎、跳水时注意安全 尤其是女生。

Dogs,shit,and diving pay attentiom to safety especially girs.


• 严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品及管制刀具入场。

It is strictly prohibited to carry inflammable, explosive and other dangerous goods and control knives.



please enter the venue according to the requirements of the venue,and the venue will not be seated. 


• 演出时,禁止录像、录音。拍照禁止使用闪光灯,并请将手机调至静音。

No filming or recording during the show. Please set your phone on silent mode and do not use flashlight when taking photos.


• 此票为电子票,演出现场核对您购票时所留的姓名、手机号和购票数量即可入场;购票成功后非演出更改、延期或取消,均不予退换票品。

This ticket is an electronic ticket. The name, number of mobile phone number and the number of tickets purchased will be allowed to enter the show. No change, delay or cancellation will be made after the successful purchase of the ticket.


• 如有变动,以现场工作人员的指示为准。

In case of any change, the instructions of the on-site staff shall prevail.



