独家Hot Club Of Beijing 北京热浪俱乐部上海专场

演出时间:10月13日 21:00-10月13日 23:59

艺人: 北京热浪俱乐部(Hot Club of Beijing)

场地: 上海 ChairClub

地址:上海市静安区余姚路34号18号楼 查看地图


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参演艺人:北京热浪俱乐部(Hot Club of Beijing)

演出场地:上海 ChairClub

北京热浪俱乐部(Hot Club of Beijing)乐队是中国首屈一指的吉普赛爵士乐队,于2010年1月23日在北京成立。这个特殊的日期也是Django Reinhardt诞辰100周年纪念日。Django被誉为吉普赛爵士乐的创始人,也是*吉普赛爵士乐队法国热浪俱乐部(Hot Club of France)创始人。

China’s premier gypsy jazz ensemble, The Hot Club of Beijing was founded in Beijing on January 23rd2010. This date marks the 100th birthday of gypsy guitarist Django Reinhardt who is credited as being the creator of gypsy jazz as well as founder of the legendary band The Hot Club of France.

北京热浪俱乐部乐队犹如一架时间机器,带着观众穿梭回上世纪三四十年代的法国。乐队继承发扬了吉普赛传奇人物Django Reinhardt的音乐精髓,同时还汲取了传统的吉普赛圆舞曲、美国经典摇摆乐、火热的拉丁音乐、意大利曲调,甚至中国传统音乐元素。

The Hot Club of Beijing is truly a time machine band, which takes listeners on a journey back to the 30s / 40s. They continue to carry on the tradition of legend Django Reinhardt as well as perform traditional gypsy waltzes, American swing classics, fiery Latin pieces and even traditional Chinese and Italian tunes. This melting pot of influences creates aunique experience you never been before.



自成立以来,Hot Club of Beijing一直活跃于国内大小舞台,每隔两个月在DDC的演出场场爆棚;曾参加大理音乐节、青海乌托邦音乐节、天津汗马音乐节等。乐队也与众多国际品牌合作,如LV, 法拉利、法国航空、法国使馆文化处等。乐队先后获得2012/2013/2017年北京City Weekend年度*乐队奖。

Since its inception, The Hot Club of Beijing has been extremely active all over China. They took apart in lots of festivals, like Dali Music Festival, Tianjin Hanma Festival and so on.They also worked with many famous brands, like Ferrari, Louis Vuitton, Air France, INSTITUT FRANÇAIS. In 2012 and 2013 and 2017 the band won the category for Best Local Band in the Beijing City Weekend Reader’ s Choice Awardsthree times.


2016年Hot Club of Beijing乐队发行了在北京DDC的现场录音专辑;在2017年夏天,他们发行了录音室专辑Autumn Leaves。

The HCOB released their live CD recorded at Dusk Dawn Club (DDC) in 2016 and in summer of 2017 the band released their studio album entitled Autumn Leaves.



