独家奥地利精通多种乐器pauT 成都专场

演出时间:10月11日 20:30-10月11日 22:00

艺人: pauT

场地: 成都 NUSPACE_纽空间

地址:四川省成都市青羊区奎星楼街9号 明堂创意工作区-B区•NU SPACE 18602858900 查看地图


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演出场地:成都 NU SPACE


狂野不羁的电音吉他结合电子乐的节奏,搭配60及80年代朗朗上口的旋律,自称是奥地利流行乐Jimi Hendrix的pauT许你一个无与伦比的演出!




pauT is an austrian singer and songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. In his concerts he is singing and playing the electric-guitar as well.
As self-titled 'Jimi Hendrix of Austrian Pop-Music' pauT is promising an energetic live-show where crazy trash guitar-sounds meet classy electronic pop-grooves. It all comes together with cathcy melodies in the style of the 1960ies and 1980ies.
His style and his performance will make you forget that there are no other musicians on the stage. All eyes on pauT!
The german lyrics are garnished with some english phrases, giving it an international touch and makes it fetching to listen even though you don't understand German.
Now pauT is presenting his solo-show 'popsTar aus plasTik' for the first time live in China.

Do not miss it!

2017年, pauT加盟了奥地利环球唱片公司,18年8月发布个人专辑《塑料*》。在这张专辑中,pauT包揽了全部12首歌的编曲、作曲、制作及演奏,邀请了奥地利时下*杰出录音师Paul Gallister为专辑操刀录音。从小*是披头士乐队忠实粉丝的pauT,热衷60年代音乐,身为80后,他将这两代音乐风格融入此张专辑,为2020年代音乐开拓先河。

2010年奥地利电台FM4举办独立音乐比赛,pauT荣获*。随后,他在Der Nino aus Wien及Clara Luzia等知名乐队中担任贝斯手并受邀参与白金唱片乐队Wanda(奥)及Tocotronic(德)专辑录制工作。2016年奥地利*音乐圣典Amadeus,pauT所在乐队Der Nino aus Wien荣获*独立乐队奖。奥地利*电视节目多次邀请pauT参演,如“欢迎来到奥地利”,“想挑战吗”等。



2017 pauT signed with 'Universal Music Austria', in August 2018 he released his solo-album 'popsTar aus pasTik'.

All 12 songs on the album are written & composed by himself. 

As one of Austria's finest multi-insrumentalists he was also recording all the instrumental parts and vocal tracks on this album by himself, only supported by Paul Gallister, Austria's most ouststanding Producer at the time.

pauT is a big fan of 'The Beatles' and the style of the 1960ies, but since he is a kid of the 1980ies he is combining the sounds of those 2 decades in his album, by already anticipating the 2020ies.

In 2010 pauT won the 'Contest for Protestsongs' of Austria's alternative radiostation 'FM4'.

Since then he was playing as a bass-player in different bands in Austria, such as 'Der Nino aus Wien' & 'Clara Luzia' and was working as studio-musician for bands like 'Wanda' or 'Tocotronic' (who are 'Platin-Selling-Bands in Austria & Germany)
In 2016 he received the 'Austrian Music Award - AMADEUS' for 'Der Nino aus Wien' as 'Best Alternative Act'.

He was already performing on Austria's most popular TV-shows like 'Willkommen Österreich', 'Wetten, dass..?' or 'Musikantenstadl'.

You can find the footsteps of pauT's performances around the world, but he has a special connection to China. In 2010 pauT was working at EXPO Shanghai in Austria-Pavilion as clarineT player. That's when he had the chance to present his music to the Chinese audience.
Using music as common language, the passionate interaction with the audience left him a great impression during his first trip in China.

This year is pauT's 12th time coming to China. He brings his new album in the hope to share Austrian-Pop-Music with the Chinese audience.



