
演出时间:09月06日 21:30-09月06日 23:00

艺人: 蔡雯慧

场地: 北京 北京 江湖酒吧

地址:北京市东城区东棉花胡同7号(近交道口南大街)江湖酒吧 查看地图


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演出场地:北京 江湖酒吧


时间:2018年9月6日 21:30  周四

票价:50元/预售 ; 70元/现场 


ADD:Dongmianhua Hutong NO.7,Jiaodaokou South St.


———— 蔡雯慧 ————

Wen-Hui Tsai

Wen Hui Tsai is a Taiwanese talented and versatile jazz singer. She didn’t have a chance to study music when she was little, she learned basic music theory at school, just like all the children in Taiwan. But the first time when she had a chance to play piano, she could already play songs with easy bass lines by ear.  Afterwards she started going to church to sing and there she practiced and self-taught piano. On the age 18, she started real music classes, and played a Beethoven Sonata that she learned by herself to her teacher in the first piano lesson.   

After one year following private lessons, she was accepted to study in the classical music department of National Taiwan University of Arts, her major instrument was opera singing and she chose piano as a second instrument. At 2006, she graduated with the honor in opera singing and was chose to be one of best young musicians.

Wen Hui went to her first jazz concert when she was 21 years old and decided to pursue a career as a professional jazz singer. She took up studies in jazz and started gigging on the Taipei jazz scene, working with o.a. Sizukong. In 2009 she came to Belgium and studied in the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, where she studied with David Linx. She graduated in 2015 and did her post graduate in composition with Diederik Wissels in 2016.  

Over these years living in Belgium, she has developed an unique style and has sung in different projects, performing in Taiwan, Japan, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Poland. She co-lead “Yuan Quintet” with Belgian bassist, Martijn Vanbuel, this quintet has become a promising, well-known jazz quintet in Belgium. After Wen Hui discover her passion in composing, she founded a very special band, “vestige sextet”. Vestige sextet is an unique band which there’s no harmonic instruments but Wen Hui use her voice to form the harmony together with 3 other horn players. Vestige sextet has performed in Belgium and successfully got a big attention to the Belgian jazz scene.

August 2016, Wen Hui participated an international jazz vocal competition, Voicingers. She has been chosen to sing in the semi-finals and to the finals. After the competition, she has been invited to perform concerts in Slovakia.

So far Wen Hui has been singing in Taiwan, Japan, China, The Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Slovakia, Italy, Ireland, Poland….etc.

蔡雯慧*次彈鋼琴的時候*已經可以彈出她會唱的所有歌曲,並且還有簡單的和聲,她在教會裡面自學鋼琴及至18歲才有機會上*堂正式的鋼琴課,她*首彈奏給初見面的鋼琴老師聽的曲目是她自學的貝多芬的悲愴奏鳴曲。雯慧的母親看見她在音樂上的天份以及專注,於是讓她去上了一年的音樂課,她也在同年以聲樂全國前五名的優異成績考上台灣藝術大學。2006年蔡雯慧以聲樂*名的優異成績畢業自台灣藝術大學並贏得協奏曲比賽獲選為台藝大新秀。 畢業後投入爵士樂演唱,與知名爵士樂手彭郁雯、潘恆健組團駐唱,並與不同樂手嘗試新的聲音,在女巫店、河岸留言等各大知名live house演出,在台灣獲得豐富的演出經驗後,受到歐洲知名爵士大師David Linx的啟發,前往比利時布魯塞爾皇家音樂學院進修,*讀爵士音樂系,現已取得爵士演唱碩士學位並以作曲主修完成了碩士後研究。

現在的蔡雯慧是一個在歐洲與亞洲巡迴演出的職業歌手與作曲家, 她在比利時的三個

樂團已經引起比利時樂壇的一陣注目, 尤其是由他帶領擔任作詞作曲編曲跟人聲的角色的無和聲樂器六重奏vesitge, 這個實驗性很高的樂隊在比利時引起了很大的迴響。蔡雯慧也不斷受邀參與不同專案, 目前在歐洲演出足跡比利時, 荷蘭, 德國, 義大利, 斯洛伐克, 波蘭, 愛爾蘭..。"。蔡雯慧也是一個音樂教育家, 她的工作坊與學生遍佈在義大利, 比利時, 香港, 臺灣..。等國家。

———— 张晶 ————



在美从事助教期间带领学生参加过多次音乐节表演。作为吉他手,在芝加哥也得到了不同音乐类型的演出机会Jazz in the Pump Room, South Park福音教堂的周年音乐会等。 合作过的音乐人有 Marquis Hill, Reggie Thomas, Marlene Rosenberg和 Johnell Nicholas 等。

2017年认北京现代研修学院吉他专业导师。同年参与摇滚乐队"六道母"的新EP"Prelude to a Doom"的录制,并在九月发现。


———— Nicola Lancerotti ————

Nicola Lancerotti 1975年出生于意大利。1994 年进入比萨大学宇宙航天学院,并于 2003 年成为宇宙航天工程师。2000 年在 Nino Pellegrini 的引领下进入比萨的私立 音乐学院开始学习爵士乐,并很快加入学校的爵士乐队开始演奏 Mingus, Monk 和 Parker 的音乐。他与钢琴手和鼓手伙伴一起完成了由大师 Stefano Battaglia, Paolino  

Dalla Porta and Fabrizio Sferra 教授的“钢琴三重奏语言”特别课程,这个三重奏在 2002 年赢得*届比萨爵士大赛的*。2003 年 Nicola 前往荷兰海牙音乐学院学 习大贝司演奏,2004 年转入布鲁塞尔音乐学院继续两年的学习。 自 2002 年开始 Nicola 跟不同的乐队一起在世界各地演出,从二重奏至大乐队,从 吉普赛爵士至先锋前卫,合作的音乐家有法国创作歌手,有阿拉伯音乐人,也有非洲 音乐,再到英伦摇滚… 目前除了在中国停留三个月的布鲁塞尔五重奏之外,Nicola 也主领一支双萨克斯的四重奏乐队,试图融合传统爵士与当代创新。

———— Fiach ————

Fiach is a full time musician and music teacher from Ireland. He studied at the prestigious Newpark Music School in Dublin (now renamed DCU) under the guidance of esteemed jazz drummers Conor Guilfoyle and Kevin Brady, where he majored in rhythm studies and performance. Having completed his Undergraduate, BA in Jazz and Performance, in 2010, he toured extensively in Ireland and the UK collaborating with international artists like Patrice Brun, Julien Colarosi, and Leopoldo Osio. 

Fiach是来自爱尔兰的一个全职的音乐家和音乐教师。他*读于都柏林新公园的一个*的音乐学院(现改名为DCU),在那里主修节奏研究及演出,导师是受人尊敬的爵士鼓手Conor Guilfoyle和Kevin Brady先生。在2010年,他毕业并获得爵士乐和演出专业的学士学位,并与Patrice Brun,Julien Colarosi和Leopoldo Osio等国际艺术家合作,在尔兰和英国开始了巡回演出。

He has had the privelege of attending workshops and classes with modern jazz legends including; Jeff Ballard, Chander Sarjoe, Edu Ribero, Jim Black, Tom Rainey and Ralph Peterson.

他曾有幸跟现代爵士乐的传奇人物,包括Jeff Ballard, Chander Sarjoe, Edu Ribero, Jim Black, Tom Rainey 和 Ralph Peterson,一起参加研讨会和培训班。

In 2015 Fiach relocated to Beijing and since then has been an active member of the Beijing music scene, performing with artist of many styles including Tia Ray, 斯琴格日乐,and 王韵壹. He also has 2 recordings with award winning Chinese postrock band 16mins. Fiach has also performed with many International musicians touring in China such as Laurent Maur, Emilie Calme, Sean Nowell, Hideaki Tokunaga, Gianni Denito, Burnett Thompson . He is also employed by the Beijing Contemporary Music Academy.

在2015年, fiach移居北京,此后一直活跃在北京音乐界,与不同风格的艺术家同台演出,其中包括袁娅维、斯琴格日乐,和王韵壹。他也曾与获奖的中国的PostRock乐队16mins共同出过两份唱片。 Fiach还与许多在中国巡演的国际音乐家比如Laurent Maur、Emilie Calme、Sean Nowell、Hideaki Tokunaga、Gianni Denito,Burnett Thompson一起演出。此外,他还受聘于北京当代音乐学院。



