yeRecords荣誉呈现 Proudly Presents:THE GARDEN *中国巡演北京站

演出时间:09月13日 23:00-09月14日 00:30

艺人: The Garden

场地: 北京 SCHOOL(学校酒吧)

地址:北京市东城区五道营胡同53号院 查看地图


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演出场地:北京 愚公移山

9月13日 Thursday 星期四

yeRecords荣誉呈现 Proudly Presents

THE GARDEN *中国巡演北京站



一直以来,yeRecords致力于为大家带来好(shuai)听(ge)难(mei)忘(nan)的现场,今年也不例外,*要公布的这支来自美国的超模孪生兄弟组合——The Garden,也许*是我厂自成立以来的*之作。

The Garden由来自于美国加利福尼亚州南部橘郡的双胞胎兄弟俩Wyatt Shears和Fletcher Shears成组于2011年。成立一年后他们开始大规模巡演,并在期间发表四张EP和两张全长LP。

他们的足迹几乎遍布英国、欧洲、美国、亚洲、澳洲以及加拿大各地。他们自创“Vada Vada”这个概念来诠释自己独特的风格美学。Vada Vada代表着自由、无界限和无法被定义,这也是对The Garden的*诠释。

The Garden以其精力充沛和极具表现力的演出现场而活跃在世界各地,所有看过他们演出的观众都为之振奋。他们的音乐带有强烈的DIY属性,节奏快而短促,略显怪异而又创意无限。


2017年The Garden随“牙缝哥” Mac DeMarco一同完成了北美巡演,大获好评。今年三月底,乐队发行了自己的第三张全长专辑《Mirror Might Steal Your Charm》,并于今年九月*开启中国巡演,具体巡演日程见文末。

兄弟二人都各有自己的个人计划:Wyatt的Enjoy,和Fletcher的Puzzle,不知取名灵感是否来自于他们的那首《Clay》里的歌词“Life is puzzle, you gotta enjoy.”这两支乐队相较于The Garden而言旋律感更强,*大家去听听。

Wyatt和Fletcher兄弟俩也因其俊美的外表和修长的身形备受时尚圈的青睐,曾为Yves Saint Laurent、Hugo Boss、Ugg和Balenciaga等诸多知名品牌走过秀。

Once again leaving genre boundaries in the dust, The Garden twins return with ‘Mirror Might Steal Your Charm,’ available now via Epitaph Records. Taking the audience away into a still unfathomed sound world and bringing back some of the scuzzier elements of their earlier work, the duo’s more guitar focused third album is another sublime slice of post-modern pop. Welcome back to a land that’s familiar, slightly out of sync, and a little bit unnerving.

Wyatt and Fletcher Shears (24) have been conceptualising their own style since well before the formation of the band in 2011. Described as auditory invaders of the new world; borderless, informed and decentralised, the duo represent a youthful punk scene in California with their DIY principles, thrift store-cum-glam fashion style and a vast list of influences. While 2013’s ‘Life And Times Of A Paperclip' offered a glimpse into their breakbeat-propelled world of electro-punk anarchy, it was their innovative Epitaph debut ‘Haha’ (2015) that proved them to be much more than style over substance, sadistically teasing all essences of musical genres into 17 wonderfully chaotic tracks. 

‘Mirror Might Steal Your Charm’ was self-produced and recorded in a lock-out studio in one short burst. "I think it’s healthy as an artist to switch up your environment once in a while. The production is tight as a whistle, but also more raw” offers Wyatt. "The process made for a more focused and personal sounding record, with a healthy dose of guitar throughout. Things are a little more refined. If we aren’t implementing past experience into new situations then we aren’t learning. Progress is very appealing to us,” adds Fletcher.

The Garden strip off everything unnecessary about modern punk and get straight to the heart of it, consistently defying categorisation and breaking new ground with their own ‘Vada Vada’ philosophy, an idea that represents pure creative expression, disregarding all previously made genres and ideals. This is outsider music made from the inside, and when the multitude of sounds collide at pace, the results are spectacular.

The band is now preparing for their very first China tour, hosted by yeRecords. They’ll be playing Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Wuhan, and it’s guaranteed to be an ear-opening experience for all the fans in China. Don’t miss it!

晚9点 // 180元(现场)/ 150元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)

Pm 9 // Rmb 180 (door) / 150 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)



