独家Mild High Club 北京站 Mastermind Presents

演出时间:09月14日 21:30-09月14日 23:30

艺人: Mild high club/Sleeping Dogs

场地: 北京 疆进酒·OMNI SPACE(北京)

地址:北京市西城区天桥南大街9号天桥艺术中心b103疆进酒OMNI SPACE 查看地图


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Mastermind Present

Mild High Club  北京站


Mild High Club是一支以爵士音乐为基调的迷幻流行乐队,由现居洛杉矶的音乐人Alexander Brettin主导。他们隐然的表达方式让听众在惺忪的晕眩中体会到阵阵愉悦。

Brettin在2012年开始独自用吉他、键盘、电脑和四轨录音机为Mild High Club创作歌曲,并在洛杉矶、芝加哥和巴尔的摩三个城市间穿梭。在这漫长的道路上,Brettin结交了多位志同道合的音乐人,他们为Brettin的歌曲创作和现场演出做出了贡献。

2014年,Mild High Club签约*的独立厂牌Stone Throw,并分别于次年年初、年末发布7寸单曲《Windowpane》和首张全长专辑《Timeline》,一时收获了众多对Mild High Club一见钟情的乐迷。

而第二张专辑《Skiptracing》发布后的好评如潮更是将Mild High Club推向事业高峰:与Lo-Fi怪咖Ariel Pink共同创作《The Chat》,和当红瘫软系音乐人Mac DeMarco联合巡演……2017年,Mild High Club又与*迷幻摇滚乐队King Gizzard & Little Wizzard合作发布全长专辑《Sketches Of Brunswick East》,将自己的爵士基底发挥到*。

如今,Mild High Club的身影出现在以Coachella为首的全球各大音乐节上,其全球巡演所到城市更是一票难求。如今,Mastermind把他们带到了你身边!


Mild High Club is a psychedelic jazz pop band helmed by Alexander Brettin, a Los Angeles-based musician who originally hailed from Chicago. The band's sound is pleasantly woozy and laid-back, but shows a subtle attention to detail without being excessive or indulgent. 

Brettin began working on Mild High Club material in 2012 by himself, using guitars, keyboards, computers, and a four-track recorder, and shuttling between Chicago, Baltimore, and Los Angeles. Along the way, he met several musicians across the nation who contributed to his album and backed him up during live gigs. Mild High Club signed to Stones Throw in 2014, and a 7" single, "Windowpane," was released in early 2015. The debut album “Timeline”, appeared later in the year on the label.

 A year later, Stones Throw released his more ambitious sophomore full-length, “Skiptracing”. Mild High Club has toured with Mac DeMarco, collaborated a song with Ariel Pink for the album. In 2017, he released a collaboration full album with Australian band King Gizzard “Sketches of Brunswick East”. In late 2017-2018, Mild High Club has performed at the biggest American music festival Coachella as well as sold-out Asia shows in Tokyo, Seoul and Taipei.




卧轨的火车立于一二年夏,来自南方小城,成员三人。 拙于口舌,却话迷迷之音,总显不合时宜。 将真诚之心开膛破腹,一览无余。 14年独立制作ep<愚梦方醒>,少年小品,不足挂齿。 而后于16年发行正式专辑<余波>,低迷淡然,也谓如愿以偿。 至于明日,悬悬而望。

Formed in the summer of 2012, this band consisit of three members who grew up in small towns of southern China.They consider themselves tongue-tied, whilst delivering gentle and brooding tunes which seems to be mistimed.

Their fisrt independent EP "awake from a clueless dream" came out in 2014, as which themselves reviewed  "a childish production and  not worth mentioning".Later the first official ablum "aftermath" was released in 2016, being plaintived and detached, this ablum achieved their wishes.

As for tommorrow,  they have a expectant heart.


9月14日北京站嘉宾乐队:Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs乐队由阿炳、刘心宇、李子超于2017年底组成,乐队名取自一部关于香港黑社会和卧底警察的电子游戏。他们受各类Groovy音乐的影响,用吉他、贝斯、鼓、采样器着手尝试。

Sleeping Dogs is a three-piece band formed in Beijing by Liu Xinyu, Li Zichao and Abing in 2017, which takes its name from an action-adventure video game about Hang Kong gangsters and undercover spies. The band is heavily influenced by different kinds of groove-oriented music, and try to use instruments and sampler to create video game-like experience.

Mastermind 主谋 隶属地球娱乐旗下,是集音乐发行,版权代理,艺人经纪和活动策划为一体的综合性厂牌。我们与各类各样的音乐家合作,他们都拥有共同的信念:









