音乐与诗歌 Spit Tunes

演出时间:08月28日 20:30-08月28日 23:30

艺人: Anthony Tao/Liane Halton/MACONDØ

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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参演艺人: Macondo,Liwan,Liane Halton,Anthony Tao,Wenliang,Lethukuhle Msimang

演出场地:北京 黄昏黎明DDC

时间/Time: 2018年8月28日 20:30 

门票/Ticket: 40(ADV)/50(DOOR)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC) 
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号 
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District 
电话/Tel: 010-64078969 
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com  


Bands 乐队:

Macondo - Liwan,

Liane Halton - Anthony Tao,

Wenliang - Lethukuhle Msimang


Spittoon is Beijing’s main stage for poetry and fiction writers, with reading nights taking place across the city and a bi-annual literary magazine that sells in outlets all over town. Spittoon has always been a platform for creativity and innovation, and we are very excited to introduce the next showcase of our exciting music and writing collaboration project -  Set to take place at DDC, June 27th 2018.

Spittoon 是北京诗人与小说作家*的平台,在城市的每个角落他们都举行过阅读之夜的活动,以及每两年一次出版刊有优秀作品的文学杂志。Spittoon 一直是创新与创造的舞台,我们非常兴奋地宣布下场音乐与文字合作项目的信息——将于2018年6月27日在 DDC 举行。


Spit-Tunes sets up a band or musical artist with a poet for collaboration on a special musical piece inspired by the poet’s poetry.  We have an amazing line up, with Macondo, Liwan, Liane Halton, Anthony Tao, Wenliang, Lethukuhle Msimang taking part – A vast array of musical styles that would suffice to be a brilliant gig alone except that now the bands will play a special collaboration song in their sets, complete with a small reading from each collaborating poet.

Spit-Tunes 寻求让音乐与诗人美妙的诗句相结合,演绎受到诗句启发的音乐。Macondo, Liwan, Liane Halton, Anthony Tao, Wenliang, Lethukuhle Msimang 都会参加到我们的精彩演出中。我们演绎过各种类型的音乐,它们完美地贴合与演绎着诗人的作品,除此之外,每首歌曲当中还拥有一场小小的朗读环节。


This is a project that brings Beijing's music and literary scenes together in a hugely compelling way and we're very lucky to have the best talents to bring it to life. Come to DDC on the 27th June to see the what our musicians and writers have cooked up.

此次演出中将会有北京*秀的音乐与*棒的文学作品,我们也非常幸运请到数位诗人来参与到演出当中。让我们6月27日 DDC 见!

Spittoon is proud to collaborate with NuVoices for this special Spittunes to launch and celebrate the new NuVoices podcast. The NuVoices team will sit on a special panel to talk about what they do during the event. You can find out more about NuVoices at at www.nuvoices.com. .

Spittoon 很荣幸能与NuVoices共同合作来落地本次活动并庆祝新版NuVoices的播出。NuVoices团队将会安排一个特别环节来聊聊这次活动的细节。详情请登录:www.nuvoices.com



Anthony Tao


Anthony Tao is a writer, editor, and cat owner in Beijing. His poetry has appeared in publications such as Prairie Schooner, Borderlands, Kartika Review, Cottonwood, Asian Cha, etc. (and Spittoon!). He is currently the Asia managing editor of the China news website SupChina.com, and captain of Beijing Ultimate Frisbee teams. Previously you might have seen him around The Bookworm coordinating the 9th and 10th editions of the Bookworm Literary Festival.

Anthony Tao 是一名作家,编辑,也在北京养了一只猫。他的诗歌经常出现在诸如 Prairie Schooner, Borderlands, Kartika Review, Cottonwood, Asian Cha 等平台上面(当然也包括 Spittoon)。现在他是 SupChina 中国新闻网的亚洲地区编辑,也是北京 Ultimate Frisbee 的队长。之前也许你曾在 Bookworm 举办的文学节上面见过他。


Li Wan

Li Wan, born in 1991 in Wuhan, graduated from Department of Chinese Language and Literature in PKU. Her work has appeared in Poetry Periodical, Poetry Forest, Enclave, Shanghai Literature, Essay. She is the winner of the 9th Weiming Poetry Prize in 2015.

Li Wan于1991年出生于武汉,大学毕业于北京大学中文系。她的作品发表在Poetry Periodical, Poetry Forest, Enclave, Shanghai Literature和Essay等出版物中。2015年,她赢得了第九届Weiming诗歌奖。


Lethokuhle Msimang

Lethokuhle Msimang is a South African poet and writer, born in Durban KwaZulu-Natal. Graduated with a B.A. in Literary Studies and Creative Arts at the American University of Paris, her poems have appeared in New Coin Poetry (Rhodes University, South Africa), Hanging Loose and The Paris/Atlantic. She is the founder of the South African Oral History Project, presently focused on the documentation of the Delville Wood Memorial and the role of South African Native Labour Corps. She is currently completing a book of linked short stories Tales of the Orange Time of Day.

Lethokuhle Msimang 是南非的一位诗人和作家,出生于德国 KwaZulu-Natal.。毕业于B.A.巴黎美国大学的文学研究和创意艺术,她的诗歌出现在新币(南非罗德斯大学)。她是南非口述历史计划的创始人,目前专注于德尔维尔木纪念碑的文件记录和南非土着工人兵团。她目前正在完成一本链接的短篇小说 "Tales of the Orange Time of Day".

Artists 表演家:


Macondo make some of the most interesting and exciting music coming out of Beijing today: instrumental rock with elements of math-core, infused with vibes drawn from 70s psychedelic music, adding the production and sound of today's electronic music. Their unique music shifts from sounds that are ambient and heavy, spacious and dense to atmospheric but rhythmically driven. Bombastic drumming, layered with lush floating guitar textures and earth-shaking energetic bass attack, and otherworldly synthesiser sounds. 


MACONDO 乐队做的是令人兴奋的音乐:受 70 年代迷幻摇滚启发,融合了器乐摇滚、后摇、数学摇滚和电子音乐。激扬的鼓点、飘渺复杂的吉他、极具攻 击性的贝斯,以及超然的合成器音效交织在一起,构建了其独特的音乐,在变 幻莫测的节奏驱动下,呈现某种氛围和空间感甚至心理压迫感。 




Born in Jilin, North-East of China, he is a young composer, music producer and music editor, engaged in film and television misic production and editing. His personal style is built upon the concept of free exploration. His works got approval by Zhang Yadong, Chen Weilun and other well-known music producers. In 2012, he arranged the winning track “Olive Tree” for the winner of Rock The Web, the female singer Xuan Ling Mu. He has long-standing collaborations with the well-known S.A.G Sound Art Group, Chen Weilun, Cui Jian and Na Ying.

出生在中国东北吉林,青年作曲家、音乐制作人。从事影视音乐制作及音乐编辑等工作 个人风格例求自由创作的探求理念,作品曾得到张亚东,陈伟伦等知名音乐制作人的认可,2012年为网罗新声代*女歌手悬铃木 编曲*曲目《橄榄树》受到好评,近年来负责参与电视台节目片头的配乐,电视节目录制及电影配乐等,2017年正筹备新专辑的录制。


Liane Halton


Having completed a B. Mus. in Composition and Classical Guitar at Rhodes University in South Africa in 2012, Liane moves between contemporary world, classical and jazz styles. She is currently the bassist for the Surf band "Boss Cuts", and composes for the classical guitar.

Liane Halton 于2012年在南非的 Rhodes 大学完成了作曲与古典吉他的学习,之后 Liane变在演奏中融合了现代、古典与爵士的风格。她现在是 Boss Cuts 乐队的贝斯手,同时也吉他进行作曲。




