独家Lamp “A Distant Shore” 2018亚洲巡演 北京站

演出时间:08月03日 21:00-08月03日 22:30

艺人: Lamp

场地: 北京 愚公移山

地址:北京市东城区张自忠路3-2号段祺瑞执政府旧址西院 查看地图


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演出场地:北京 愚公移山

Lamp将携新专《彼女の時計》再次回到中国,开启名为“A Distant Shore”的夏日巡演。值得一提的是,此次巡演将以7人阵容完整呈现,除主创3人永井祐介、榊原香保里、染谷大阳之外,长期合作的乐手将全数到齐,包括键盘手铃木润、贝斯手田中啓介、鼓手佐佐木俊之、打击乐手尾方伯郎,给你完美还原*真实的Lamp现场,希望大家不要错过。


新专《彼女の時計》也保持着Lamp一贯的风格,但公平来讲,这也是*能诠释他们创作核心的作品。像以往一样,不难发现Lamp的音乐融合了多种曲风,从pop/city pop、jazz fusion、soft rock、bossa nova到其他更多种尝试,他们都信手拈来,用自己独特的方式来诠释灵感来源。Lamp曲风的多样一直是他们诸多闪光点之其一,而这一点在《彼女の時計》里也有所体现,你绝不会失望。


Lamp也是完美融合亲密感与距离感的大师。特别是像《彼女の時計》里《1998》和《車窓》这样的歌,音乐温暖而动情,同时也唤起那种渴望和距离之感,正如在绵延的夏日思念冬季,或是片段回忆和反复出现的场景,沉浸在飘渺的轻吟中,模糊却依然亲密。而这种情感正好与此次巡演名“A Distant Shore”相互呼应,可见乐队之细腻与用心了。





Lamp 2018 Aisa Tour ——“A Distant Shore”


8/03 21:00 Beijing Yugong Yishan

8/04 20:00 Shanghai Bandai Namco Shanghai Base 2F Future House

8/05 21:00 Wuhan Vox Livehouse

8/07 20:00 Guangzhou T:union

8/09 20:30 Shenzhen B10 Live


For the “A Distant Shore” Tour, Lamp is returning to China with a brand new album, “Her Watch”. They’re also sporting an expanded live setup, with seven band members. Now this time Lamp will be bringing their most complete live experience yet, and they will finally be able to play the songs from their albums without leaving anything out. Needless to say, this is one tour you shouldn’t miss.


While the music on “Her Watch” doesn’t stray too far from what fans know and love about Lamp, it’s fair to say that it’s their most cohesive and fully-realized work yet. As usual, the band’s love of variety is on display, weaving between pop/city pop, jazz fusion, soft rock, bossa nova, and other styles, showcasing their influences while coming up with their own unique approach. Lamp’s versatility has always been one of their strong points, and in this respect “Her Watch” doesn’t disappoint.


Lamp are also masters at combining opposite feelings such as intimacy and distance. Particularly on songs like “1998” or “A Train Window”, the music is so warm and inviting but at the same time evokes a feeling of longing and distance, like dreaming about winter during the summer, or getting wrapped up in a memory of something long ago and far away. Incidentally, this combination of a sense of longing with the band’s usual intimate style works perfectly with the name of the tour—a distant shore.  


Although there are many great Japanese bands with similar influences, I think it’s undeniable that Lamp are certainly among the very best. Everything on “Her Watch”, from the songwriting to the musicianship and the production style, is perfectly crafted and the best of their career. Don’t miss them when they return to China!



