独家爵士四重奏 Kinzelman/Schirru quartet

演出时间:08月01日 21:30-08月01日 23:30

艺人: Simone Schirru

场地: 北京 北京 江湖酒吧

地址:北京市东城区东棉花胡同7号(近交道口南大街)江湖酒吧 查看地图


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参演艺人:Dan Kinzelman,Simone Schirru,Wang ChenHuai,Xiao Dou

演出场地:北京 江湖酒吧


时间:2018年8月1日 21:30  

票价:50元/预售  ; 70元/现场  


ADD:Dongmianhua Hutong NO.7,Jiaodaokou South St.

萨克斯:Dan Kinzelman

吉他:Simone Schirru

Simone Schirru是一位近期移居北京的意大利籍吉他手,他于2006年在意大利开始了自己的职业音乐家生涯。在2005年及2008年的国际爵士音乐节Ai Confini tra Sardegna e Jazz,Simone荣获*吉他手及*乐队称号。自此之后,他与众多乐队都有过密切的合作,如Guitto Gargle, Cuenta Contemporanea, Ajo-jo mandi & the Youngers, Progetto Nudo及Pixeldrama, 不仅如此,Simone同时经营着自己的独奏表演 Improsa Tongue。他们的足迹遍布世界各地许多音乐节和颇具声望的地方,如意大利,比利时,美国和印度。

当下,Simone Schirru任教于北京现代音乐学院,并且积极活跃于北京的爵士音乐领域,不断领导着许多不同的乐队演出, 例如主打他自己原创曲目的乐队RoOom,以及向Ornette Coleman致敬的乐队Invisible。同时他也是Bad Monk三重奏的其中一位*,并在许多乐队中都扮演着重要角色,如Leela, Tongues of Fire, Core等等。

Simone Schirru is an Italian guitar player recently moved in Beijing, He started is professional career in 2006 in Italy. He was the winner in 2005 and 2008 of the International Festival Ai Confini tra Sardegna e Jazz as best guitar-player and best Band. 

Since then He played with Guitto Gargle, Cuenta Contemporanea, the solo project Improsa Tongue, Ajo-jo mandi & the Youngers, Progetto Nudo, Pixeldrama, in many festivals and prestigious places around the world crossing Italy, Belgium, United States and India.


In Belgium was a part of the well-know soul band Man on Fire and the Soul Soldiers. He also graduated in Master Jazz Guitar at Lemmens Institute in Belgium studying with some of the best Belgium musicians in the country as Peter Hertmans, Frank Vaganée, Ron Van Rossum and Bo Van Der Werf.


At the beginning of 2016 as part of the Brussels Quintet He is being playing for three months at JZ Hangzhou. Since then He already traveled around China playing also in Shanghai, Suzhou, Changzhou, Xiamen, Hefei, Baoding, Harbin, DaTong, Beijing and Taiwan.

Nowadays He is teacher at the Contemporary Music Academy of Beijing while performing around Beijing leading different bands under his name such as RoOom, a trio that performs his original compositions, and Invisible a tribute of Ornette Coleman's music. He is co-leading the trio Bad Monk and he is sideman in several other bands : Leela, Tongues of Fire, Core and many more.


From end of 2016 is a part of the BlueNote Beijing Jazz Orchestra, with the BNBJO He performed regularly at Blue Note Beijing, the BNBJO occasionally hosted special guest as Micheal Mossman, Jaleel Shaw and Mark Turner.


In February 2017 he founded 3C (Creative Composers Collective) a collective of composers base in Beijing with the idea to promote and help creative jazz music in China. He is working as artistic director for the event Beijing 3C Jazz Series, hosting concert of the 3C project in the local venue DDC. 


During is career He’s performed with several musicians as Sabir Mateen, Davi


爵士贝斯乐手,现工作生活于美国纽约。从14岁起接触音乐,并于17岁考入北京现代音乐学院,随后音乐生涯的发展转向爵士乐并开始学习低音提琴。2008年王晨淮被荷兰格罗宁根州的克劳斯王子音乐学院特招开始攻读爵士乐学士,2013年以全额奖学金毕业。2015年赴美国纽约皇后学院攻读演奏专业硕士于2017年毕业。曾师从Antonio Hart,Ralph Peterson,Michael Moore,David Berkman,Paul Benner,Joe Martin,Dennis Mackrel,Michael Mossman,Joris Teepe,Christophe Lier等教授,也曾与Erik Truffaz,Don Braden,Matthew Shipp,Ted Nash,Chris Washburne,Theo Croker等众多音乐家合作演出。


爵士鼓手,现生活工作于北京。Zildjian(美国知音镲片)全球签约演奏家。法国钢琴演奏家Christophe Lier 的三重奏及五重奏乐队、加拿大爵士大师Yannick Rieu 、“FreeJazz” 自由即兴爵士大师Matthew Ship 北京及上海的演出,与法国小号大师Erik Truffaz 在九门爵士节的演出,与美国林肯爵士乐团中的萨克斯演奏家Ted Nash 在北京罗森博格艺术展上的深度合作。‘Ah Q’ Jazz Band、刘元爵士乐队、夏佳三重奏及夏佳电子三重奏、Red Hand(红手)爵士乐队、刘玥三重奏,Beijing City Big Band(北京城市之光大乐队)。曾被杂志“Time Out”评为——当今*活跃青年音乐家。



