Jazz at Lincoln Center Shanghai Etienne Charles Quintet

演出时间:08月16日 21:30-08月16日 22:30

艺人: Etienne Charles 艾蒂安·查尔斯

场地: 上海 林肯爵士乐上海中心

地址:上海市黄浦区南京东路139号美伦大楼4层M401-M402林肯爵士乐上海中心 查看地图


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参演艺人:Etienne Charles 艾蒂安·查尔斯

演出场地:上海 林肯爵士乐上海中心


7月31日 - 8月19日

*场入场时间:18:30     演出时间:19:30

第二场(周二- 周四)     入场时间:21:00  演出时间:21:30

第二场(周五- 周六)     入场时间:21:30  演出时间:22:00

周日午间场 入场时间 11:30 演出时间:12:30

周日晚间场 入场时间 18:00 演出时间:19:00


票价:平日票200元  早鸟票140元

*边座180元  主座220元 




票价不含餐饮消费, 现场提供精致爵士主题西式餐饮










Etienne Charles 艾蒂安·查尔斯


Etienne Charles凭借其激动人心的演出、震撼的创作以及和观众的紧密互动,曾被《爵士时报》评价为“大胆细腻的即兴乐手,触达人心的抒情诗人”。作为一名小号独奏家,他掌握了新奥尔良爵士乐的精髓,在他的作品中能充分感受到欢快、自由且充满生机的旋律。身为教育家和指挥家的Charles,曾于茱莉亚学院、加州斯坦福大学、芝加哥哥伦比亚学院任教,现担任密西根州立大学爵士小号副教授。


Etienne Charles with its exciting performance, the creation of the shock and the close interaction with the audience, was the jazz times as "bold and exquisite and improvisational musicians, touch the hearts of lyric poet".As a trumpet soloist, he has mastered the essence of New Orleans jazz, and can fully feel the cheerful, free and lively melody in his works.Charles, an educator and conductor, taught at juilliard college, Stanford university in California, Columbia college in Chicago and is now an associate professor of jazz trumpet at Michigan state university.

Melanie Charles 梅拉妮·查尔斯




Melanie Charles is a Brooklyn-born singer-songwriter, actress, and flutist of Haitian descent with creative fluidity spanning jazz, soul, experimental, and Haitian roots music. Charles grew up singing in church, trained as an opera singer, and attended the prestigious LaGuardia High School for the Performing Arts as a flute major. She is a 2010 Vocal Jazz Performance graduate of The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music, and has trained under the tutelage of jazz masters Reggie Workman, Bobby Sanabria, Junior Mance, Janet Lawson, Carla Cook, and Billy Harper.

Godwin Louis 戈德温·路易斯


戈德温·路易斯,高音萨克斯演奏家,出生于纽约哈莱姆,九岁时开始演奏萨克斯管。戈德温在康涅狄格州的布里奇波特和海地的太子港长大。 Godwin是Thelonious Monk萨克斯管爵士比赛学院的决赛选手。他曾在全球各地演出,包括:马里,塞内加尔,多哥,法国,西班牙,英国,意大利,俄罗斯,阿塞拜疆,阿拉伯联合酋长国,卡塔尔,委内瑞拉,哥伦比亚,韩国,泰国,印度尼西亚和澳大利亚。戈德温毕业于伯克利音乐学院和着名的Thelonious Monk爵士乐表演研究所。


Godwin Louis, alto saxophonist, was born in Harlem, New York and began playing saxophone at age nine. Godwin grew up in Bridgeport, Connecticut and Port au Prince, Haiti. Godwin was a finalist in the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz Saxophone Competition. He has performed around the globe including: Mali, Senegal, Togo, France, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Russia, Azerbaijan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Venezuela, Colombia, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and Australia.

Godwin is a graduate of Berklee College of Music and the prestigious Thelonious Monk Institute for Jazz Performance.


Luther Allison 路德·阿利森


来自北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的多乐器演奏家路德·阿利森,在高中时期通过当地的非营利组织—爵士艺术创作组织(由朗尼和奥西戴维斯执导)接触爵士乐。在高中参与组织活动以来,阿利森*有机会在唐纳德哈里森和Delfeayo Marsalis一起演出,17岁时进入大学。在田纳西大学工作期间,阿利森担任鼓手和钢琴手,并与格雷戈里·塔迪,唐纳德·布朗,康拉德·赫维格和史蒂夫·戴维斯进行合作。

19岁时,艾莉森在他的2017年的父亲形象纪录片中,作为*迈克尔·德斯(Michael Dease)的旁人,在鼓上录制了他的*张唱片。Allison于2017年毕业于田纳西大学,其工作室音乐学士学位和爵士音乐学士学位以鼓和钢琴为重点。目前他正在密歇根州立大学攻读爵士表演音乐硕士学位。


Hailing from Charlotte, NC, multi-instrumentalist Luther Allison was first exposed to jazz his senior year of high school through a local non-profit organization named Jazz Arts Initiative, directed by Lonnie and Ocie Davis. Since his involvement in the organization throughout high school, Allison had the opportunity to perform alongside Donald Harrison and Delfeayo Marsalis prior to entering college at the age of 17. Over his time at The University of Tennessee, Allison worked as a sideman on both drums and piano alongside Gregory Tardy, Donald Brown, Conrad Herwig, and Steve Davis to name a few.  

 At the age of 19, Allison recorded his first record on drums as a sideman to leader Michael Dease on his 2017 record Father Figure. Allison graduated from The University of Tennessee in 2017 with his Bachelors of Music in Studio Music and Jazz with a focus in both Drums and Piano. He is currently studying for a Masters of Music in Jazz Performance from Michigan State University. 


Jonathan Michel 乔纳森·米歇尔


乔纳森米歇尔是贝斯手,在康涅狄格州沃特伯里出生并长大,也是一位拥有海地血统的作曲家和编曲。 米歇尔居住在纽约市,是一位兼收并蓄的艺术家,以其制作人和编曲家的工作以及世界各地的表演而闻名。他相关的表演合作有:比利保罗,劳林Talese,灵魂科学实验室,ELEW,奥林埃文斯和艾蒂安查尔斯。


Born and raised in Waterbury, Connecticut Jonathan Michel is a bassist, composer and arranger of Haitian descent. Based in New York City, Michel is an eclectic artist known for his work as a producer and arranger, as well as performances all over the world. Some associated acts include Billy Paul, Laurin Talese, Soul Science Lab, ELEW, Orrin Evans and Etienne Charles.

Charles Haynes 查尔斯·海恩斯


查尔斯·海恩斯,金球奖和形象奖得主,拥有丰富的提名,其中包括两个格莱美奖,奥斯卡奖一个,和一个艾美奖,作为一个制作人,词曲作者,和鼓手。 他是一个不屈不挠的音乐家,他对爵士,福音,嘻哈,民谣和R&B等现代鼓手的掌握使他与众多令人惊叹的艺术家合作。 这个简历拥有Ayo的音乐总监(MD)和Lady Gaga的副音乐总监。 他无可挑剔的打击乐技巧还与以下音乐家合作:Kanye West,Mos Def,Meshell Ndegeocello,英国超级*Ed Sheeran,“MIA”,Queen Latifah,Ledisi,传奇人物Patti LaBelle,福音巨擘Kirk Franklin,Kim Burrell,着名爵士音乐家Roy Hargrove, Kenny Garret,Marcus Miller,Jason Moran和Robert Glasper。 盛名还在继续。


Charles Haynes, a Golden Globe and Image Award winner, with an abundance of nominations, including two Grammy, one Oscar, and one Emmy, as a producer, songwriter, and drummer. He is a defying musician whose mastery of modern drumming, including jazz, gospel, Hip Hop, Folk and R&B, have lead him to work with array of amazing artists. This resume boasts serving as Musical Director (MD) for Ayo and Co-Musical Director for Lady Gaga. His impeccable skills of percussion have also accompanied Kanye West, Mos Def, Meshell Ndegeocello, UK superstar Ed Sheeran, “MIA,” Queen Latifah, Ledisi, the legendary Patti LaBelle, gospel giant Kirk Franklin, Kim Burrell, acclaimed jazz musician Roy Hargrove, Kenny Garret, Marcus Miller, Jason Moran, and Robert Glasper. The list continues.


总部在纽约的林肯爵士乐中心成立于1987年,现由*的爵士艺术家温顿·马萨利斯担任艺术总监。通过世界知名的林肯爵士乐团和众多客座艺术家,每年制作以爵士为主题的各类音乐节目、教育普及和现场表演, 把爵士艺术的丰富内涵和娱乐性推广到全球。

在庆祝30年华诞之际,由林肯爵士和外滩投资集团共同合作的林肯爵士乐上海中心正式落户和爵士有渊源历史的外滩, 坐落在繁华的南京东路上历史老建筑内。整个空间的设计体现着爵士的“swing”理念, 融汇了上世纪三十年代新欧陆古典主义风情和当代都市艺术时尚气息,在同一个空间上, 演绎不同时空下的故事。为世界*的爵士艺术家和观众创造了一个惬意的私享空间,零距离的交流宛如爵士旋律,使音乐与思绪交织,让灵感与情感迸发。

我们邀请您来林肯爵士乐上海中心 Swing !



