New England Conservatory Featuring Vocalist Melanie Charles

演出时间:07月26日 19:30-07月26日 20:30

艺人: Melanie Charles 梅拉妮•查尔斯/Gabriel Feldman/Chris Mondak/Mario Layne Fabrizio/黄野 Ye Huang

场地: 上海 林肯爵士乐上海中心

地址:上海市黄浦区南京东路139号美伦大楼4层M401-M402林肯爵士乐上海中心 查看地图


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参演艺人:Melanie Charles 梅拉妮•查尔斯,Gabriel Feldman,Chris MondakMario Layne Fabrizio,黄野 Ye Huang

演出场地:上海 林肯爵士乐上海中心

林肯爵士乐上海中心 Jazz at Lincoln Center Shanghai

The Next Generation New England Conservatory Featuring Vocalist Melanie Charles




7月24日 - 7月29日

*场入场时间:18:30      演出时间:19:30

第二场(周二- 周四) 入场时间:21:00    演出时间:21:30

第二场(周五- 周六) 入场时间:21:30    演出时间:22:00

周日午间场 入场时间 11:30 演出时间:12:30

周日晚间场 入场时间 18:00 演出时间:19:00


票价:边座180元  主座220元



票价不含餐饮消费, 现场提供精致爵士主题西式餐饮










Melanie Charles 梅拉妮•查尔斯(Vocals)




Melanie Charles is a Brooklyn-born singer-songwriter, actress, and flutist of Haitian descent with creative fluidity spanning jazz, soul, experimental, and Haitian roots music. Charles grew up singing in church, trained as an opera singer, and attended the prestigious LaGuardia High School for the Performing Arts as a flute major. She is a 2010 Vocal Jazz Performance graduate of The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music, and has trained under the tutelage of jazz masters Reggie Workman, Bobby Sanabria, Junior Mance, Janet Lawson, Carla Cook, and Billy Harper.


Gabriel Feldman(piano)


加百列·费德曼来自新泽西州的霍沃斯,现*读于新英格兰音乐学院二年级。他在学院的前两年中,他曾与杰里贝尔贡齐,伊森艾弗森,弗兰克卡尔伯格,塞西尔麦克比和多米尼克伊德一起学习。 Gabe已经有机会在Marvin Stamm与Jordan Hall一起演出,并在Dave Holland的大师班上演出。他在新泽西州北部长大,周六他在曼哈顿音乐学校预科学习。在那里的三年里,他与吉姆·萨尔兹曼,费利佩·萨勒斯,泰德·罗森塔尔,弗雷德赫什和他的导师杰里米·马纳西娅一起学习。


Gabriel Feldman is from Haworth, New Jersey and is finishing his sophomore year at the New England Conservatory of Music. Throughout his first 2 years at NEC he has studied with Jerry Bergonzi, Ethan Iverson, Frank Carlberg, Cecil McBee, and Dominique Eade. Gabe has enjoyed the opportunity of playing in Jordan Hall with Marvin Stamm, and performing in master classes for Dave Holland. Growing up in northern New Jersey, he spent his Saturdays at the Manhattan School of Music precollege. During his three years there, he studied with Jim Saltzman, Felipe Salles, Ted Rosenthal, Fred Hersch and his mentor, Jeremy Manasia.



Chris Mondak(bass)


克里斯·蒙达克正在新英格兰音乐学院*读他的第三学年,在那里,他与爵士乐传奇Cecil McBee和Dave Holland一起学习。在搬到波士顿之前,克里斯住在伊利诺斯州,在那里他曾三次担任全州音乐家。克里斯还得到了Essential Ellington,YoungArts,格莱美学校,布鲁贝克学院和林肯中心爵士队的表彰。 2015年,克里斯担任美国爵士乐队的贝司手,并且与Shelly Berg和Wycliffe Gordon一起演出。


Chris Mondak is entering his third year as a jazz bass student at the New England Conservatory, where he studies with jazz legends Cecil McBee and Dave Holland. Before moving to Boston, Chris lived in Illinois, where he was a three-time all-state musician. Chris also received commendations from Essentially Ellington, YoungArts, Grammy in the Schools, the Brubeck Institute, and Jazz at Lincoln Center. In 2015, Chris was the bassist in the Jazz Band of America, where he performed with Shelly Berg and Wycliffe Gordon.

Mario Layne Fabrizio(drums)


马里奥·莱恩法·布里奇奥出生于新泽西州北部,是一位音乐家,他是一名鼓手,打击乐手和作曲家。 马里奥在马萨诸塞州波士顿的新英格兰音乐学院完成他的本科课程。 他曾与许多教师学习过,包括比利·哈特,塞西尔·麦克比,乔·莫里斯,泰德·赖克曼,杰森·莫兰和维杰·艾耶。


Mario Layne Fabrizio, born in northern New Jersey, is a musician who works as a drumset player, percussionist and composer. Mario his finishing his undergraduate program at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, Massachusetts. He has studied with numerous teachers including Billy Hart, Cecil McBee, Joe Morris, Ted Reichman, Jason Moran,  and Vijay Iyer.

Ye Huang(saxophone)


黄野,1998年出生于中国深圳,是一位单簧管,萨克斯演奏家,钢琴家和作曲家。 黄野是一位热情的演员,他的演奏可以驾驭很多流派。他目前在新英格兰音乐学院学习古典音乐和爵士乐表演,并在那里与杰里贝尔贡齐合作。

在加入拉瓜迪亚表演艺术高中和茱莉亚学院大学之前,叶加入了林肯中心青年管弦乐团。 他曾在纽约的众多场馆演出,包括Dizzy,爵士标准,蓝色音符俱乐部。黄野曾多次参加过巡回演出,其中包括与纽约青少年爵士四重奏,传奇音乐家阿图罗桑多瓦尔,埃迪丹尼尔斯以及林肯中心管弦乐队和温顿马萨里斯欧亚巡回演唱会爵士乐的一部分; 在4月至2018年5月,他与戴夫韦克尔和汤姆肯尼迪的迈克斯特恩一起巡演。


Ye Huang, born in 1998 in Shenzhen, China, is a clarinetist, saxophonist, pianist, and composer. Ye is an enthusiastic performer who plays music across many genres. He is now attending the New England Conservatory, where he studies both classical and jazz performance, and where he works with Jerry Bergonzi.

While attending LaGuardia Performing Arts High School and Juilliard School pre-college, Ye joined the Lincoln Center Youth Orchestra. He has played at numerous venues in New York, including Dizzy’s, Jazz Standard, Blue Note club. Ye has toured multiple occasions, including with the New York Youngster Jazz Quartet, with legendary musician Arturo Sandoval, Eddie Daniels and as part of Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra& Wynton Marsalis Eurasia tour; on April to May2018, Ye toured with Dave Weckl and Mike Stern, Tom Kennedy.


总部在纽约的林肯爵士乐中心成立于1987年,现由*的爵士艺术家温顿·马萨利斯担任艺术总监。通过世界知名的林肯爵士乐团和众多客座艺术家,每年制作以爵士为主题的各类音乐节目、教育普及和现场表演, 把爵士艺术的丰富内涵和娱乐性推广到全球。

在庆祝30年华诞之际,由林肯爵士和外滩投资集团共同合作的林肯爵士乐上海中心正式落户和爵士有渊源历史的外滩, 坐落在繁华的南京东路上历史老建筑内。整个空间的设计体现着爵士的“swing”理念, 融汇了上世纪三十年代新欧陆古典主义风情和当代都市艺术时尚气息,在同一个空间上, 演绎不同时空下的故事。为世界*的爵士艺术家和观众创造了一个惬意的私享空间,零距离的交流宛如爵士旋律,使音乐与思绪交织,让灵感与情感迸发。

我们邀请您来林肯爵士乐上海中心 Swing !



