
演出时间:10月24日 21:00-10月24日 23:00

艺人: 夜游神乐队The Nightcrawler

场地: 北京 北京 江湖酒吧

地址:北京市东城区东棉花胡同7号(近交道口南大街)江湖酒吧 查看地图


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The Nightcrawler-夜游神是一支演奏纯正芝加哥布鲁斯的蓝调乐队 他们的演奏曲目横跨整个美国蓝调历史版图 从密西西比Robert Johnson到田纳西的Albert King,再从德克萨斯T-Bone walker到芝加哥Muddy Waters等超级蓝调大师的经典传唱之作.....乐队成员也都不同凡响,主唱兼吉他手Eric弈峰年纪虽轻却已是蓝调圈内的老江湖,多年的国外生活让他很早*接触了各种风格的蓝调音乐,并有着丰富的现场演出经验,现任张岭乐队吉他手。来自芝加哥的老牌儿鼓手兼主唱Thomas Wilson曾经做为B.B.King和Buddy Guy等蓝调大师的合作鼓手;口琴手张晓松堪称国内蓝调口琴*人,并创立了*家蓝调口琴网,现任张岭乐队口琴手;来自另外一支蓝调乐队弥藏的吉他手魏威和贝斯手王铮已浸泡蓝调多年,他们的默契配合早已渗入骨髓。你们还等什么,夜游神已经出发,*个目标*是-你。

The Nightcrawlers is a Chicago blues band formed by Chicago Blues legend Tom Wilson, Beijing Blues veteran Weiwei, Wangzheng, China's top blues guitar and harmonica player Eric Yu and Xiaosong. These cats start playing materials from the Mississippi delta blues master like Robert Johnson, Albert King to Chicago blues Giants Muddy Waters, Buddy Guy. The leader of the band Tom Wilson have played with John Lee Hooker, Hubert Sumlins, Albert Collins, Bobby Blue Bland, Buddy Guy, Jimmy Witherspoon, James Cotton, Lightnin' Hopkins and the list goes on. Weiwei is in Eric's opinion the best Texas style blues guitar player on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. Eric and Xiaosong is in Chinese Godfather of Blues, Voice of China Championship Mr. Zhang Ling aka Big John's band. They have been touring England and dozens of cities, towns, desert, Grasslands in China. The Nightcrawlers will give you a surprised experience on Beijing's nightlife.