西三 | 闻声·Ⅱ 2018巡演 西宁站

演出时间:08月22日 20:30-08月22日 22:00

艺人: 西三

场地: 西宁 简单日子

地址:青海省西宁市新华联福街文汇路15-313号 查看地图


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演出场地:西宁 简单日子







The sound is generated by the vibration and integration of the objects. When we listen to it, it exists, when we are not intentional to listen, it does not exist. The exist of the sound does not depend on if it really exist, but depends on whether we concern about it.

We listen to the sound with our ears, distinguish it by means of our own consciousness, and package the sound that we hear, then give it certain mean. Consciousness is the key to the processing of the sound, and the distinction of consciousness to sound is different from that of physiology. When our consciousness is able to make a more rational analysis of the sound that we receive, the sound becomes to a voice with our own awareness. If we only accept the sound by our ears' physiological instinct but without consciousness, it can be only a pleasant sound.

When we hear the sound, it will affect our feelings again, sadly and desolately, and the majestic feeling will appear which can be called music. The perception of music must be a conscious integration of the received sounds, and then return back to the original sound after being injected, which is a process of cycle of acceptance, integration, feedback and acceptance again.

——The Interpretation of“Hear the sound”


Introduction on artists


Xi San, a musician, takes advantage of his own songs to describe his six feelings and the contacted world. The style is mainly vanguard and the experimental. At this time, he will bring his new works "Hear the sound• II" to make a new round of performance. The first part of "Hear the sound" has been completed in the first half year of 2018, performed at eight cities in Northeast China. He persists in the charm of live music. The successful of the performance is all by the most intuitive connection with the audience. 


Accordingly, there will also be the performance arrangement for "Here the sound • III ", which is a cycle of acceptance, integration, feedback and acceptance again. Dust is dusty, and soil is finally returned to earth. The souls from four directions finally return to their own directions, and the ghosts from five places finally return to the five places. We feel the specific aesthetic from the music.


People who are born and die in the end are no more than as numerous as the sands of the Ganges, while singing is just a kind of carrying and recording. "Look, look. Why don't you wonder the world that I create. "  Xi San yelled in the song like this. Ziqi heard the tweedle of Boya, and exclaimed: "Awesome! If Emei is in Taishan, it is like a river. " The songs are all-inclusive. Those who hear voices respond with their ears. Those who do not respond are also allowed not to respond.

闻声·Ⅱ 巡演安排

8月4号 北京 DDC

8月5号 天津 后巷酒吧

8月7号 石家庄 仙丹livehouse

8月8号 郑州 7livehouse(城市之光店)

8月10号 太原 柔软时光

8月12号 西安 迷蝶livehouse

8月14号 宝鸡 雎工厂CLUB

8月15号 天水 非闹livehouse

8月18号 兰州 葵livehouse

8月19号 银川 铜管livehouse

8月22号 西宁 南墙音乐

8月25号 张掖 屿livehouse

8月26号 酒泉 嗨C酒吧

8月27号 嘉峪关 贤良方正



