林肯爵士乐上海中心 Michael Mayo

演出时间:07月21日 22:00-07月21日 23:00

艺人: Michael Mayo

场地: 上海 林肯爵士乐上海中心

地址:上海市黄浦区南京东路139号美伦大楼4层M401-M402林肯爵士乐上海中心 查看地图


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演出艺人:Michael Mayo

演出场地:上海 林肯爵士乐上海中心

林肯爵士乐上海中心 Jazz at Lincoln Center Shanghai

Michael Mayo



7月3日 - 7月22日

*场入场时间:18:30    演出时间:19:30

第二场(周二- 周四) 入场时间:21:00    演出时间:21:30

第二场(周五- 周六) 入场时间:21:30    演出时间:22:00

周日午间场 入场时间 11:30 演出时间:12:30


票价:边座180元  主座220元 




票价不含餐饮消费, 现场提供精致爵士主题西式餐饮

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建议不要晚于演出开始前15分钟入场。 1.2米以下儿童谢绝入场,1.2米以上儿童持全票入场。




Michael Mayo 迈克▪梅奥


Mayo的父母均为知名的音乐家,他登台表演前,*已塑造好了自己音乐家的身份。出生于洛杉矶的他,距离Diana Ross, Luther Vandross, Earth Wind and Fire和Stevie Wonder这些音乐家近在咫尺,得天独厚的优势使得Mayo在音乐道路上开辟出了一种新兴爵士。


在得到新英格兰音乐学院的学士学位后,Mayo便加入知名的塞隆尼斯孟克爵士音乐学院,成为第三位加入这项拥有二十年历史项目的主唱,在那里他向很多*专家学习,例如:Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock以及Luciana Souza。


Mayo于近日搬到了纽约,作为一名经验丰富的表演家,他曾在2016年美国白宫爵士音乐会上为前美国*夫人米歇尔·奥巴马献唱;参加了2013年在肯尼迪中心举办的Betty Carter Jazz Ahead栏目以及Renée Fleming’s的美国之声节目。无论是配合大型乐队演出,节奏乐器环节或是独唱,Mayo的复古唱腔总能挑动全世界的听众,彻底掳获听众心灵。


After receiving his Bachelors from the New England Conservatory of Music, Mayo attended the acclaimed Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz Performance, only the third vocalist to be accepted into the 20-year-old program, where he learned from Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock, and Luciana Souza, among many others.

Mayo, who recently moved to New York City, is a veteran international performer. His highlights include singing at the White House for First Lady Michelle Obama on International Jazz Day 2016, the Kennedy Center for both the Betty Carter Jazz Ahead program and Renée Fleming’s American Voices Festival in 2013, and most recently, the Emmys Governors Ball in 2017.

Whether he is performing with a full big band, a rhythm section or alone with a looper pedal, Mayo's classic vocal style commands the attention of listeners worldwide.


Isaac Wilson 艾萨克▪威尔逊

Wilson,钢琴家、作曲家也是一名出色的键盘手。在波士顿期间,他曾在多场活动中与*萨克斯乐手杰瑞▪柏功奇及乔治▪佳佐托同台演奏。*近他获得了由达尼洛▪佩雷斯领衔的伯克利全球爵士音乐学院硕士学位,在参加这个为期一年的项目期间,他师从诸多爵士杰出人物,并且在2015年蒙特利爵士节、2016巴拿马爵士节和2016年纽波特爵士节上面都有精彩演出。同年他还以五重奏成员身份,获得了在阿姆斯特丹举办的2016年Keep an Eye爵士奖。


Isaac Wilson, 25, is a pianist, keyboardist, and composer. A recent recipient of a Master’s Degree from Berklee’s Global Jazz Institute lead by Danilo Pérez, he studied under many Jazz luminaries while attending the one-year program and had a chance to travel, performing at the 2015 Monterey Jazz Festival, the 2016 Panama Jazz Festival, and the 2016 Newport Jazz Festival. That year, he also won first prize at the 2016 Keep an Eye Jazz Awards in Amsterdam as a member of a quintet.


Robin Baytas 罗宾▪贝塔斯

Robin在2010年参加了*的格莱美爵士乐团,期间曾与Kenny Burrell及已故James Moody共同参加了格莱美奖。在加入Litchfield Jazz Camp,Jazz House Kids和NJPAC青少年爵士队的同时,Robin在高中时期与鼓手Charli Persip,Winard Harper,Rogerio Boccato和Matt Wilson一起学习,并获得与传奇人物Jimmy Owens和Junior Mance同台演出的机会。2017年秋季,Robin将工作专注于电子独立流行乐队Half Waif,并常年进行全年巡演。繁忙的日程安排,并没有阻止他对音乐的热爱,总是通过探索各种风格来拓展自己的音乐才能,致力于成为一名开放的艺术家和熟练的教育家。


Robin participated in the prestigious Grammy Jazz Ensembles in 2010, where he played at Grammy Awards with Kenny Burrell and the late James Moody. While regularly attending the Litchfield Jazz Camp, Jazz House Kids, and NJPAC’s Jazz for Teens, Robin studied with master drummers Charli Persip, Winard Harper, Rogerio Boccato, and Matt Wilson during his high school years, and had the opportunity to share the stage with legends Jimmy Owens and Junior Mance. In the fall of 2017, Robin committed his efforts to the electronic indie pop-band Half Waif, with which he has been touring extensively throughout the year. Continuing a busy freelance schedule, Robin is deeply interested in broadening his musicianship by exploring a diverse range of styles and devoted to becoming an open-minded artist and skilled educator.

Samuel Zerna 塞缪尔▪泽尔纳

Samuel在毕业那年被选入围*的*爵士队决赛选手之一,并获得爵士乐Wangaratta音乐节上的奖项。两年后,Samuel用雅马哈的奖学金来到加拿大,参加班夫中心爵士乐和创意音乐国际研讨会。在那里与来自世界各地的杰出音乐家一起表演,其中*着名的是Ravi Coltrane。 2011年,在Colin Biedermann奖学金的帮助下,Samuel前往北美,在布鲁克林即兴音乐学院学习。2013年Samuel入围APRA的专业发展奖,并在2014年赢得了PPCA信托基金,并自那时起一直在纽约市工作。

In the year following his graduation Samuel was selected as one of ten finalists to compete in the prestigious National Jazz Awards at the Wangaratta Festival of Jazz. Two years later Samuel traveled to Canada with a scholarship from Yamaha Instruments to participate in the Banff Centre's International Workshop for Jazz and Creative Music. Here he performed with outstanding musicians from around the globe, most notably Ravi Coltrane. In 2011, with the help of the Colin Biedermann Scholarship, Samuel travelled to North America to study at the the School for Improvising Musicians, Brooklyn. In 2013 Samuel was shortlisted for APRA's professional development award and in 2014 won a PPCA Trust Grant to relocate to the US. He has been based in New York City since that time.

总部在纽约的林肯爵士乐中心成立于1987年,现由*的爵士艺术家温顿·马萨利斯担任艺术总监。通过世界知名的林肯爵士乐团和众多客座艺术家,每年制作以爵士为主题的各类音乐节目、教育普及和现场表演, 把爵士艺术的丰富内涵和娱乐性推广到全球。

在庆祝30年华诞之际,由林肯爵士和外滩投资集团共同合作的林肯爵士乐上海中心正式落户和爵士有渊源历史的外滩, 坐落在繁华的南京东路上历史老建筑内。整个空间的设计体现着爵士的"swing"理念, 融汇了上世纪三十年代新欧陆古典主义风情和当代都市艺术时尚气息,在同一个空间上, 演绎不同时空下的故事。为世界*的爵士艺术家和观众创造了一个惬意的私享空间,零距离的交流宛如爵士旋律,使音乐与思绪交织,让灵感与情感迸发。

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