独家Forests森林 新专辑“Idol Collapse”中国巡演 广州站

演出时间:08月02日 20:30-08月02日 23:00

艺人: Forests森林/Nein or Gas Mus無高潮

场地: 广州 MAO Livehouse广州(六元素店)

地址:广州市海珠区新港东路1088号六元素体验天地一层 MAO Livehouse广州 查看地图


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台北时间22点,夜空下的氤氲青年,犹如这个城市的神秘精灵,深处竟然传来潮声,原是他眼中的一抹光。他们*像虾米音乐评论栏里写的那样“要用文字描述 Forests 森林合唱乐团是件非常困难的事,*像在面对一座真正的森林时,你不会说:这是*棵树,左边那棵是他的表哥,后面那一整排都是不好相处的邻居。你会瞪大双眼,心中赞叹着: 哇,森林!”  



Forests are Jon, Kuo Kuo, and Zun Long. When the band started out, they tookirresistibly catchy guitar pop and threw it down a flight of stairs. But slowly,subtly, they pushed rhythm to the forefront, steady one moment, spiraling intopolyrhythmic solos the next. Bass lines lurk in the b(ck of your ears, sounding almost like tuned percussion. Crashing waves of electronic noise mask a booming voice. In ( bar on a dark street where people are doing bad things,Forests are what they should be listening to, but probably arenʼt. What makesForests so special is that they never ask “How can we sound like this otherband?” but instead, “What would happen if the drums sounded like hackingbones? What would happen if we got rid of the guitar and built everything again?”

"We've said it many times before, but the best album discoveries are the onesthat come totally out of nowhere. Forests came to us on a tip from a friend, a Taiwanese band with little in the way of press or internet presence, and oneminute into the first track we heard and we were hooked. Think "Mix Up" era Cabaret Voltaire but with the a drummer that falls somewhere between theskeletal pulse of Disappears and the repurposed junk-drumming ofEinsturzende Neubauten. A lysergic swirl of strange, effects-laden synths andelectronics, dark, brooding post-punk bass lines, hypnotic rhythms, andmonotone vocals, all with a kind of outsider approach that makes you wonderif they've even heard the bands they sound like." - Aquarius Records

Forests森林 新专辑“Idol Collapse"中国巡演

8月2日 MAO Livehouse广州 嘉宾:無高潮Nein or Gas Mus

8月3日 深圳B10 嘉宾:Simon Frank

8月4日 重庆 坚果 Livehouse 嘉宾:Simon Frank

8月5日 成都Nuspace 嘉宾:Simon Frank

8月7日 西安无穹俱乐部 共演:法兹乐队

8月9日 MAO Livehouse杭州 嘉宾:解离的真实Mirrors

8月10日 MAO Livehouse上海 嘉宾:Foster Parents

8月11日 MAO Livehouse北京五棵松 嘉宾:Division Control




新专辑《Idol Collapse》介绍

特定的情緒、影像、聲響暗伏著,在不經意時襲來,如同夢境中的象徵。突如其來的回憶斷片、不由自主從腦中提取記憶的相似事物,及種種不斷提示著你曾可能成真,及已成真的現實之線索。一絲火光、一瞬目光、一點閃光 。無懼的凝視深淵,熟悉的深淵即會回看。認知、遞迴、內化。

Left Hand Path 推出「Forests 森林」第二張黑膠專輯「IDOL COLLAPSE」,收錄Jon Du、國宏及尊龍共同創作,總長 36 分鐘的八首曲目。想像凝視著一朵正在綻放的花,在你回神意識到時已開展成鋪天蓋地的蘑菇雲,這是張有意識地滲透聽者每一絲神經的專輯,既是捻捆的雙螺旋、閉鎖的迴圈,又在每次輪迴產出新聲。

母帶後製由加州舊金山 Room 5 Studios 的 Mark Pistel 擔綱。精裝復古黑膠包裝,視覺設計由 Wang Yu 操刀,Nathan Rickard 及 Allen Chiu 排版。

Certain feelings, visions, and sounds recur to us as if in dreams. Flashes of recall, hints of remembrance, suggestions of what could have been, or what may yet still be. A spark — a glimpse — a glimmer. We gaze into the abyss, fearless; the abyss gazes back, familiar. Cognition — recursion — immanence.

Left Hand Path presents the second full-length LP, IDOL COLLAPSE, from Forests 森林. Written by Jon Du, Kuo-Hung Tseng, and Zun Long in Taipei, Taiwan. Eight songs in 36 minutes that unfurl like a flower and expand like a mushroom cloud, designed for utter osmosis and total absorption. The helix twists; the loop is closed. The cycle begins anew.

Mastered by Mark Pistel at Room 5 Studios, San Francisco, California. Produced in a deluxe gatefold vinyl edition with artwork by Wang Yu and design, layout by Nathan Rickard and Allen Chiu. Released worldwide late July.



