Monohouse Pre. DJ Lucy

演出时间:06月30日 22:00-07月01日 03:00

艺人: Monster/Lucy

场地: 南京 Monohouse

地址:江苏省南京市鼓楼区体育馆路五台山1-6号 (永庆巷侧沁园春雪茶楼旁)Monohouse 查看地图


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演出场地:南京 Monohouse

Monohouse Pre. DJ Lucy

Support by Monster

Saturday 30th June | 6月30日 星期六 22:00—Late


他從大學時期開始接觸到DJ,雖然喜歡音樂,但那時候只是單純把DJ 當成興趣。或許是運氣還不錯,所以有許多機會上場磨練技巧,也塑造出一套屬於個人的 風格。*這樣,DJ漸漸的不再只是興趣,而是一項他很重視且用心琢磨的專業技能。如果 要形容他的風格,應該是像他的個性,充滿活力、熱情而有趣。所接觸的音樂種類算相當 廣闊,若以個人喜好來說,以前他比較偏向Hip-Hop、Rock、Punk等這類比較熱鬧一點的 樂風,後來隨著積年累月的接觸後,也慢慢的傾向Indie Rock、Jazz等樂風。近期則是在 2015年發起活動團體Ting Ting Disco。 相信只要是DJ都會希望能夠天天放自己喜歡的、屬於自己獨特風格的音樂。但 他認為除了保有自我風格,應該要將演出場合*適切的風格一同評估考量,這樣才能在適切 的場合,營造出適切的氣氛。

放歌對他而言*像看一場電影, 是一個有高低起伏的格局,而不只是125-128 bpm間的徘徊,也不是一直四四拍的疊歌,或只是一路橫衝,一定是從慢歌開始,進而鋪 成。從浪漫的搖滾、經典老歌、煽情的R&B 再到Disco,Indie Rock 甚至Dance的元素, 才能讓聽眾有機會感受到不同的音樂風格,因為節拍速度的變化感到有趣,尤其面對整晚的 表演,音樂編排的多樣性顯得更為重要。空間營造與氣氛控制不僅限於硬體環境,大多的 PARTY還是著重在DJ上,所以一位DJ是否有把握他個人在音樂上的控制與經驗的評估,對 於一個成功的活動來說,更為舉足輕重。


At very beginning, DJ was just something that I enjoy doing, just an interest for me at college. As an amateur jockey I was pretty lucky, because I got many chances to perform in various parties and events that gave me the opportunity to evolve and grow my very own style. Most recent update would be launching my very own event label Ting Ting Disco on the year of 2015.

My style is like myself, very energetic and jumping. I like all different types of music, though my personal favorites are hip hop, rocks and punk, I love music that you can rock with beats. Later on I expend my liking to indie, jazz hip hop and those that just grooves. If I have chances to play whatever I like, I’ll do just so. But professionally, I think to create a suitable mood that fits the event or party needs is very crucial, and I have the taste and sense to create that right mix for the right place.

For me, playing songs is like watching a movie, because it is an arrangement, having ups and downs. It is neither the hover of the 125-128 bpm nor the stack of the four-four beat song. It must start from the slow songs and be arranged slowly, ranging from romantic rock, classic old songs, sensational R & B, disco indie rock even to the dancing elements, by which the audience can feel different music styles and the beat speed. Then, they would find it interesting. Especially when the music is on all night, the audience is able to feel various music styles. The axis all night is, of course, disco. The old and new styles of disco are played alternately, by which the audience have the feeling of freshness. Most parties focus on DJ, and music is part of the atmosphere. And the construction of space has the same importance as music.



