行走的历史 犹太音乐圣母 Judith Cohen (Judeo-Spanish, Balladry)

演出时间:07月10日 20:00-07月10日 22:00

艺人: Judith R. Cohen

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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演出艺人:Judith Cohen

演出场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

时间/Time: 2018年7月10日 20:00

门票/Ticket: 60(ADV)/80(DOOR)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com


Dr. Judith R. Cohen is a performer and ethnomusicologist specializing in Judeo-Spanish ("Ladino") Sephardic songs, as well as in medieval and traditional music, including Balkan, Portuguese, Yiddish, and French Canadian, pan-European balladry, and songs from Crypto-Jewish regions of the Portuguese-Spanish border.

Judith R. Cohen 博士 是一名表演家与民族音乐学家,她擅长以拉迪诺语歌唱,这是犹太裔西班牙人独有的语言。同样她也擅长演绎中世纪的传统歌曲,包括巴尔干语歌曲、葡萄牙语歌曲、意第绪语歌曲、欧陆民谣以及一些来自西葡边境加密-犹太区的传统音乐。


Her daughter, Tamar Ilana Cohen Adams (b.1986) often performs with her. Judith's performance repertoire and lectures draw on her village field work in several Mediterranean countries and in urban immigrant communities; and on her academic research, presented in a dynamic, accessible style adaptable to audiences from sophisticated cognoscenti to school children. Her commentaries can be given in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese.        

她的女儿 Tamar Ilana Cohen Adams  (出生于1986年),经常同母亲一起登台演出。Judith 将她在数个地中海*与城市中移民社区的实地探访作为表演和讲座中的素材,并在她的学术研究中以流动、易懂的方式为听众呈现了出现在这些*与地区中各式各样的现象。关于她的讨论众多,你起码能在操着四种不同语言的地区听到它们。


She accompanies her traditional-style singing on bowed vielle, 'ud, dulcimer and traditional percussion instruments, and is an accomplished player of recorders and pipe-and-tabor. Tamar Ilana is an accomplished traditional singer, and adds percussion, drawing on her years of flamenco dance training and her travels and fieldwork with Judith.

她在传统风格的演唱上加入了六弦琴、扬琴以及传统的打击乐器。同时她也是一位优秀的制作人和录制人。她的女儿 Tamar Ilana 也是一名以演绎传统歌曲为主的优秀歌手,拥有丰富的弗拉门戈舞蹈表演经验,也一同随 Judith 进行过多次实地考察活动,从中得到了自己的感悟。

Judith is the General Editor for the Spain series of the Alan Lomax project, carried out with the Association for Cultural Equity and Rounder Records. Besides editing and writing extensive liner notes for the series, she has located and interviewed almost all the men and women still alive in Spanish villages whom Lomax recorded in 1952, and is working on an edition of his Spanish field diaries.

Judith 还是*美国民族音乐学家 Alan Lomax 民族乐采集项目中西班牙系列的总编辑,与 Cultural Equity 协会、Rounder 唱片一同完成此项目。除了编辑与撰写每首音乐的内容,Judith 几乎亲自采访过了所有曾在1952年时被Alan Lomax 采风的西班牙村民,并按着 Alan Lomax 当时所作的笔记顺序进行。


Judith was a founding member of Gerineldo, the internationally acclaimed Moroccan Judeo-Spanish ensemble, and the founder-director of Nova Tradicija, an a capella ensemble specializing in Balkan singing, as well as Na Carenza, a women's ensemble specializing in the early medieval repertoire. Judith presents multicultural and medieval programs for children through Mariposa In The Schools.

Judith 是世界*摩洛哥西班牙裔犹太人合唱团 Gerineldo 的创始人之一,以及 Nova Tradicija 的创办人与导演,这是一个专门以巴尔干语歌唱的阿卡贝拉乐团。同样,她还是 Na Carenza 的创办人与导演,致力于向公众提供中世纪早期剧目的女子合奏团。Judith 通过 Mariposa In The Schools 为儿童提供了多元化及具有中世纪特色的少儿节目。

As an educator, she has worked coaching the Balkan vocal ensemble at the University of Toronto, and is currently Contract Faculty and Adjunct Graduate Faculty at York University. Among the courses, she has taught are Music of the World’s Peoples, Music of the Mediterranean, Medieval Music and Folklore of Canada.



Her doctoral dissertation (1989) examined Judeo-Spanish music in Canada, and her M.A. thesis (1980) discussed women musicians in the Christian, Moslem and Jewish communities of medieval Iberia.

她的博士论文 (1989) 研究了加拿大的西班牙裔犹太人音乐,研究生论文则关注于中世纪伊比利亚基督教徒、穆斯林、犹太人社区中出现的女性歌者。

Judith continues to carry out fieldwork among Sephardic Jews around the Mediterranean, and in villages in Crypto-Jewish regions along the Portugal/Spain border, usually with Tamar Ilana. She has done pioneering ethnomusicological research with both the Crypto-Jews (“Marranos”) and with local Cigano (“Gypsy”) groups in Portuguese villages.  Her articles and book chapters appear regularly; and she presents frequent concerts and lecture-recitals in Spain, Portugal, Paris, Israel, Belgium, England and North America.

直到现在,她仍然经常同她的女儿 Tamar Ilana 一起,去到地中海部分地区及西葡边境的加密犹太人地区实地考察。她在葡萄牙村庄中对加密犹太人和吉普赛人的研究已成为民族音乐学中研究的先驱。人们对她的书籍和研究报告热情高涨,她也经常在西班牙、葡萄牙、巴黎、以色列、比利时、英格兰与北美进行演出和演讲。





