
演出时间:06月21日 19:30-06月21日 21:00


场地: 北京 Blue Note Beijing

地址:前门东大街23号blue note 查看地图


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入场时间/Door Time:6:00 PM

演出时间/Show Time:7:30PM

地址/Add:前门东大街23号 Blue Note Beijing

23 Qianmen East Street. Dongcheng District. Beijing

电话Tel:170-0000-0288 188-BLUE-NOTE



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John Beasley - piano
Damien Banzigou - bass
Terreon Gully - drums

迈尔斯·戴维斯的钢琴演奏家John Beasley*次在Blue Note Beijing表演。

Miles Davis’ pianist John Beasley performs at Blue Note, Beijing for the first time.


·John Beasley (Miles Davis, Christian McBride, Chaka Khan)

·Terreon Gully (Dianne Reeves, Sting, Kurt Elling)

·Damien Banzigou(Theo Croker, Andy Summers, Matzka, ChenLi)

“一次,John Beasley给Freddie Hubbard和Miles Davis当键盘手,他的演奏反映出了爵士乐各个世代影响,将Herbie Hancock的强劲和弦,Monk的节奏怪癖和Art Tatum的丰富技巧和智慧,融入了极其完美的个人声音中。”——《洛杉矶时报》


 “John Beasley, the one-time keyboardist for Freddie Hubbard and Miles Davis, whose playing reflects a variety of generational influences, incorporating the emphatic chordal clusters of Herbie Hancock, the rhythmic quirkiness of Monk and the lush intelligence of Art Tatum into a highly refined personal voice.” –Los Angeles Times 

在长达30年的时间里,Mack Avenue的唱片艺术家John Beasley声名远扬。不然,其实他有两种不同的声誉:首先,他是一个非常多才多艺,不同寻常的钢琴家,曾与Miles Davis和Freddie Hubbard等音乐偶像合作。他在20多岁的时候,曾在两个传奇小号手的乐队中演奏,同时与Herbie Hancock Steely Dan, Al Jarreau, Chaka Khan, Christian McBride, Chaka Khan等爵士巨匠合作(还有一晚和James Brown同台)。但Beasley也是一位有成*的作曲家,他与众不同的编曲风格备受好评,他也常为电视节目和电影做配乐,获得五次格莱美提名。他曾在配乐方面投入大量心血,同*电影配乐师Thomas Newman一样令人钦佩,包括James Bond的《Spectre》和《Skyfall》。


Beasley发现,没有任何专辑的编曲技巧比得上《MONK’estra》(Vol. 1和Vol. 2),这个系列的专辑都获得了两项格莱美的奖项提名。MONK’estra是一个由15件乐器组成的乐队,它捕捉到了Thelonious Monk超乎寻常的编曲,同时韵律和节奏也是从非裔古巴爵士乐过渡到嘻哈音乐。评论家称它为“记忆中*迷人的大乐队音乐”。


在韩国平昌,MONK'estra于2017年开始了全球巡演,并于德国法兰克福同HR Big Band乐队一起结束了巡演。2017年1月,MONK'estra在芝加哥交响乐团中心演出,并将在华特迪士尼音乐厅举行电影音乐会“MONK + MONK'estra”的全球首映式,Monk将在舞台上同MONK'estra展示电影中罕见的镜头。


Beasley作为一个多职业者,一直在其中找平衡,包括与前Weather Report的鼓手Peter Erskine,传奇吉他手Lee Ritenour,还有歌手Dianne Reeves共同制作专辑。每年,Beasley都担任Thelonious Monk Institute全球闻名的国际爵士音乐会音乐总监,与该协会主席Herbie Hancock合作。2017年,这场全明星音乐会在古巴举行,并在全国各地播出,还在美国进行了电视直播。2016年的活动由奥巴马总统在白宫主持,并在ABC电视台播出,Beasley获得艾美奖*音乐指导的提名。


In the course of three decades, Mack Avenue recording artist John Beasley has carved an enviable reputation – or actually, two reputations. First and foremost, he is an uncommonly versatile, unerringly exciting pianist who has worked with such music icons as Miles Davis and Freddie Hubbard – playing in the bands of both these trumpet legends while still in his 20s – as well as with Herbie Hancock Steely Dan, Al Jarreau, Chaka Khan, Christian McBride, Chaka Khan (and even, for one night, with James Brown). But Beasley is also an accomplished composer, and a distinctive arranger who works regularly with in film and television, earning five GRAMMY nominations and an Emmy nod along the way. And he has worked extensively on soundtracks, primarily those of famed film scorer Thomas Newman, including the James Bond hits Spectre and Skyfall.

Beasley’s arranging skills find no better showcase than on the albums MONK’estra (Vol. 1 and Vol. 2), each of which received two GRAMMY nominations. MONK’estra is a smashing 15-piece big band that captures the spirit of Thelonious Monk’s singular music in fresh arrangements flavored with contemporary sounds that range from Afro-Cuban rhythms to hip-hop. Critics have called it “some of the most mesmerizing big band music of recent memory.”

MONK’estra began its global tour in 2017 kicking off in Pyeongchang, South Korea and finishing the year with the HR Big Band in Frankfurt, Germany. This year, MONK’estra got the show on the road at the Chicago Symphony Center in January and will have a world premiere of a cinematic concert “MONK+MONK’estra at the Walt Disney Concert Hall where Monk will ‘perform’ on stage with MONK’estra through rare film footage.


Beasley continues to balance a multi-faceted career that includes co-producing albums with former Weather Report drummer Peter Erskine; legendary guitarist Lee Ritenour; and oft-awarded vocalist Dianne Reeves. Every year, Beasley resumes his role as Music Director for the Thelonious Monk Institute’s globally heard International Jazz Day concerts, collaborating with the Institute’s Chairman Herbie Hancock. In 2017, this all-star concert was held in Cuba and broadcast throughout the country and on BET TV in America. The 2016 event was hosted by President Obama at the White House and was broadcast on ABC-TV, gaining Beasley an Emmy nomination for Best Musical Direction. This year, Beasley heads to St Petersburg to direct the Jazz Day concert which will be streamed worldwide on April 30th.

