独家惊喜献演 | 茱莉亚学院爵士乐全明星阵容: Shennel Johns With Juilliard Jazz International All-Stars

演出时间:05月08日 21:30-05月08日 23:00

场地: 上海 林肯爵士乐上海中心

地址:上海市黄浦区南京东路139号美伦大楼4层M401-M402林肯爵士乐上海中心 查看地图


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林肯爵士乐上海中心 Jazz at Lincoln Center Shanghai

Shennel Johns 与茱莉亚学院爵士乐全明星阵容



5月08日 - 5月13日

5月15日 - 5月20日

*场  入场时间:18:30    演出时间:19:30

第二场  入场时间:21:00    演出时间:21:30

周日午间场 入场时间 11:30 演出时间:12:30


电话:6330 9218

票价:边座180元  主座220元 



Special Guest:Shenel Johns

凭借一种体现恩典和激情的嗓音,从爵士乐、R&B到福音轻松切换的个人风格,Shenel Johns已经成为这一代*闪亮新星之一。自14岁演出开始,Shenel*展现出其*的Eclectic式音乐风格,逐渐在行业内起吸引了*表演家的注意。

Shenel在JALC “Billie and the Boys”的纽约制作团队中获得了Billie Holiday的嘉奖。她也在纽约市着名的阿佩尔剧院,进行演出作为对偶像Lena Horne的致敬。 此后,Shenel作为文化大使两次参观了俄罗斯,并成为George Gee Swing Orchestra的成员。


Mark Lewandowski  - 贝斯手

拥有伦敦背景的贝斯手Mark Lewandowski,是近年来英伦爵士舞台上难以忽略的贝斯新星。Nottingham Evening Post 在报道中是这样形容他的:“他的独奏拥有歌唱一般的洪亮音色,拥有灵活而又精准的演奏技术。”

Mark出生于诺丁汉,由于对贝斯有着浓厚的兴趣,他前往伦敦,*读于Guildhall School of Music and Drama。在学校,他与贝斯手Steve Watts和Michael Janisch一起学习,此外他还遇到了对他有极大影响的伟大的Henry Grimes。在学校学习期间,Mark已经不断获得各方媒体*的评价,他在搬去伦敦的两年里经常在多家*的爵士俱乐部演奏。Mark在Guildhall School of Music and Drama,以一等荣誉学位毕业,同年,他获得了雅马哈爵士奖学金。


London based bassist Mark Lewandowski is an emerging talent on the London jazz scene described as having a “huge vibrant, singing tone (producing) some amazing solos with the agility and articulation of a horn player” (Nottingham Evening Post).

Originally hailing from Nottingham, Mark’s interest in the bass took him to London to study at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. During this period he was able to take lessons with bassists Steve Watts and Michael Janisch and also with one of his great influences, the great Henry Grimes. Whilst studying at the school Mark began strengthening his reputation; playing regularly at Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club within two years of moving to the capital. Mark graduated from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama with a first class honors degree. In the same year, he was awarded the Yamaha Jazz Scholarship award.

Mark has performed with some of the most exciting improvisers on the current British jazz scene including Liam Noble, Zoe Rahman Trio, Jean Toussaint, Julian Joseph, Tina May, Soweto Kinch, Peter King, John Surman, Zhenya Strigalev, Jay Phelps Quartet and Buddy Greco.

By establishing himself as a strong and inventive sideman, Mark is in demand in a range of musical settings including straight ahead, original and improvised music; working with a myriad of both up-and-coming and established musicians.



Kasperi Sarikoski – 长号手

Kasperi Sarikoski长号手,来自芬兰赫尔辛基。 他于2013年在Sibelius学院爵士系获得音乐硕士学位,并在巴黎音乐学院参与学习交流项目。 在过去的几年中,Kasperi一直处于芬兰爵士乐界的前沿,并与众多国内*艺术家合作过。 他是着名的UMO爵士乐团的佼佼者,也是斯德哥尔摩爵士乐团的现任成员。 2015年,Kasperi与他的五人乐队Nuance发行了他的首张专辑Essence。 乐团在芬兰巡演并在各种爵士音乐节上演出。


Kasperi Sarikoski – Trombonist

Trombonist Kasperi Sarikoski hails from Helsinki, Finland. He earned his Master of Music degree from the Sibelius Academy’s jazz department in 2013, having also studied at the Paris Conservatory under an exchange program. For the past yearsKasperi has been at the forefront of the Finnish jazz scene and has worked with numerous leading domestic artists. He is the former lead trombonist of the reputable UMO Jazz Orchestra and a current member of the Stockholm Jazz Orchestra. In 2015 Kasperi released his debut album Essence with his five-piece

band Nuance. The group has toured Finland and performed at various jazz festivals.



Francesco Ciniglio – 鼓手

Francesco Ciniglio于1989年3月出生于意大利那不勒斯,5岁时开始打鼓,18岁开始正式学习,然后搬到纽约。 他于2014年毕业于纽约城市学院,并于2015年录制了名为伍德的唱片,现在他是茱莉亚音乐学院Artist Diploma band乐队的鼓手。


Francesco Ciniglio – Drummer

Francesco Ciniglio was born in Napoli, Italy in March 1989, started playing the drums at age 5, took lessons till 18 and then moved to New York. He graduated from City College of New York in 2014, has a record on his name called Wood, recorded in 2015 and now he is the drummer of the Artist Diploma band at Juilliard.


Addison Frei – 钢琴手

纽约钢琴家Addison Frei曾在多场比赛中获得过一等奖,其中包括2017年Parmigiani Montreux爵士钢琴独奏比赛,2016年南非比勒陀利亚UNISA国际爵士钢琴比赛和2015年美国佛罗里达墨尔本爵士钢琴家比赛。他发行了两张专辑“Armored Records,Intentions(2014)”和“Transit(2016)”,合作者是曼哈顿转会联合创始人贾尼斯西格尔。 Frei与TCB Records-The Montreux Jazz Label签约,并将于2018年发行新的三重奏专辑,包括贝司手Tamir Shmerling和鼓手Mario Gonzi。Frei还是AMP Trio的领队,共同作曲Three(2017年),m(y)我们的世界(2015年),这首歌曲在爵士周排行榜上升至第24位,以及Flow(2013年)。 AMP Trio*近完成了一次日本巡回演出,并与主唱Tahira Clayton一起被选为DC爵士乐Prix的获奖者,并在2018年获得了DC爵士音乐节的表演。凭借他的2016年单曲和音乐视频“Postcard”,Frei再次与Clayton 合作,这次合作扩大到更广泛音乐范围。在这个音乐之路中,Frei探索数字EP中的主题,Future Speak(2017)。在纽约,Frei经常出现在北野和Cell剧院。他目前在茱莉亚Artist Diploma Ensemble乐团中担任钢琴手,并一直在学院的flagship jazz ensemble乐团演出。Frei目前是总部位于奥兰多的菲利普斯博士中心爵士乐团的成员,他们在罗德尼·惠特克的指导下*亮相。 Addison Frei同时也是雅马哈艺术家。

Addison Frei - Pianist

New York-based pianist Addison Frei (“Fry”) has won first prize in several competitions including the 2017 Parmigiani Montreux Jazz Piano Solo Competition, the 2016 UNISA International Jazz Piano Competition in Pretoria, South Africa, and the 2015 American Jazz Pianist Competition in Melbourne, Florida. He has released two albums on Armored Records, Intentions (2014) and Transit (2016), featuring frequent collaborator and Manhattan Transfer cofounder Janis Siegel. Frei signed with TCB Records-The Montreux Jazz Label and will release a new trio album featuring bassist Tamir Shmerling and drummer Mario Gonzi in 2018. Frei also co-leads AMP Trio, contributing compositions to Three (2017), m(y)our world (2015), which rose to #24 on the Jazz Week charts, and Flow (2013). AMP Trio recently completed a Japanese tour and alongside vocalist Tahira Clayton, was selected as the winner of the DC Jazz Prix, earning a DC Jazz Festival performance in 2018. With his 2016 single and music video “Postcard”, Frei again teamed up with Clayton, this time expanding into a broader production palette. Following in this sonic path, Frei explored political themes in a digital EP, Future Speak (2017). In New York, Frei has active residencies at the Kitano and the Cell Theatre. He currently holds the piano chair in the Juilliard Artist Diploma Ensemble, consistently performing and touring with the conservatory’s flagship jazz ensemble. Frei is presently a member of the Orlando-based Dr. Phillips Center Jazz Orchestra, in their inaugural season under the direction of Rodney Whitaker. Addison Frei is a Yamaha Artist.



Ruben Fox – 萨克斯手

鲁宾福克斯正在迅速成为英国*杰出的萨克斯管吹奏者之一。 他专注于Swing和蓝调的,Ruben的沙哑撒可惜音色和令人兴奋的音质定义了他的萨克斯风格。

他来自伦敦南部布里克斯顿,他10岁时便与父亲在嘉年华中演出。通过Kinetika Bloco,他被引入了Sun Ra,Alice Coltrane,Fela Kuti等等不同的音乐类型,与Kinetika的同伴一起,他加入了Tomorrow’s Warriors项目,开始彻底投身于爵士乐。 16岁时,他开始在Ronnie Scotts深夜场见习。 目前他正在Trinity音乐学院学习,他有自己的六重奏和五重奏乐队,并在许多其他乐团中扮演重要角色。


Ruben Fox - Saxophonist

Ruben Fox is fast becoming one of the UK’s most outstanding Saxophonists. Steeped in the lineage of Swing and the Blues, Ruben’s husky tone & exciting double time figures define his sound.

Hailing from Brixton, South London, he started playing for his Fathers carnival troupe aged 10. Through Kinetika Bloco he was introduced to the music of Sun Ra, Alice Coltrane, Fela Kuti and many more, with peers from Kinetika he then joined the Tomorrow’s Warriors program where he started to practice and concentrate on Jazz. At 16, he began to cut his teeth at the Ronnie Scotts Late night sessions. Currently he is studying at Trinity College of music, runs his own Sextet and Quintet and appears as a sideman in many other ensembles.



Lluc Casares – 单簧管演奏者

Lluc Casares出生于1990年,从很小的时候确立了音乐志向,成长过程深受 Sonny Stitt和Louis Armstrong的音乐所熏陶,此外还有非洲古巴全明星以及Earth Wind and Fire。 他的父亲Pau Casares是当地的英雄和偶像,也是他*位单簧管老师兼导师。 现在,Lluc住在纽约市,是Juilliard音乐学院着名的Artist Diploma Ensemble团的员。 在他的职业生涯中,曾与Nicholas Payton,Frank Wess,Phil Woods,Lee Konitz,Jon Faddis,Jesse Davis,Arturo Sandoval,Wendell Brunious,Grant Stewart,Perico Sambeat,Ben Van Gelder,Joris Roelofs,Benjamin Herman 等多位大师合作过。

Lluc Casares - Clarinet

Lluc Casares (1990). Devoted to music since a very early age, Lluc grow up surrounded by the sounds of Sonny Stitt and Louis Armstrong but also the Afro-Cuban All-Stars and Earth Wind and Fire to just name a few. His father Pau

Casares, local hero and personal idol, was his very first clarinet teacher and mentor. By now, Lluc lives in New York City being part of the prestigious Artist Diploma Ensemble at the Juilliard School of Music. Through his career has performed with Dr. John, Nicholas Payton, Frank Wess, Phil Woods, Lee Konitz, Jon Faddis, Jesse Davis, Arturo Sandoval, Wendell Brunious, Grant Stewart, Perico Sambeat, Ben Van Gelder, Joris Roelofs or Benjamin Herman among others.

Lluc got his Bachelor’s degree at ESMUC (Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya) and his Masters at CvA (Conservatorium Van Amsterdam) studying with the local legend Ferdinand Povel and having the change to spend one semester at Temple University (Philadelphia) with Dick Oatts.

He has recorded more than 20 albums as a sideman and his first as a leader, RED (Temps Records 2015) made possible for him to play under his name at the most important venues in Amsterdam and Barcelona. He also performed in major Jazz festivals in Europe like the North Sea Jazz Festival, Montreux Jazz Festival, Marciac Jazz Festival, Jazz Middelhein, Baloise Session, Festival de Jazz de Terrassa among others.

Within the education field, Lluc taught at the CSMIB (Conservatori Superior de Música de les Illes Balears) in Palma de Mallorca from 2015 till 2017. He’s also a D’Addario artist using its reeds, mouthpieces and ligatures among other accessories.



总部在纽约的林肯爵士乐中心成立于1987年,现由*的爵士艺术家温顿·马萨利斯担任艺术总监。通过世界知名的林肯爵士乐团和众多客座艺术家,每年制作以爵士为主题的各类音乐节目、教育普及和现场表演, 把爵士艺术的丰富内涵和娱乐性推广到全球。

在庆祝30年华诞之际,由林肯爵士和外滩投资集团共同合作的林肯爵士乐上海中心正式落户和爵士有渊源历史的外滩, 坐落在繁华的南京东路上历史老建筑内。整个空间的设计体现着爵士的"swing"理念, 融汇了上世纪三十年代新欧陆古典主义风情和当代都市艺术时尚气息,在同一个空间上, 演绎不同时空下的故事。为世界*的爵士艺术家和观众创造了一个惬意的私享空间,零距离的交流宛如爵士旋律,使音乐与思绪交织,让灵感与情感迸发。

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