独家【秀动呈献】英国另类流行才子Leo Kalyan首度中国巡演 上海站

演出时间:05月31日 20:30-05月31日 22:00

艺人: Leo Kalyan

场地: 上海 万代南梦宫上海文化中心 2F未来剧场

地址:上海市普陀区宜昌路179号万代南梦宫上海文化中心 查看地图


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演出音乐人:Leo Kalyan


Leo Kalyan是来自英国伦敦的巴基斯坦裔原创流行歌手、制作人,同时,他也是一位视觉艺术家。自2014年*在soundcloud上发布自己的*首歌,Kalyan的音乐一度在Spotify的global viral chart上排名*,同时,还曾进入 Radio 1的播放列表。短短几年时间,Kalyan在SoundCloud上的播放量超过一百万次。称他为英国流行乐坛*潜力的亚裔音乐人,实至名归。




M.I.A是启发Leo Kalyan开始音乐生涯的人之一。M.I.A也是一位来自英国的亚裔流行歌手,在印度音乐的影响下进行R&B和hip hop创作。 Kalyan发现,这样将东西方元素融合在一起的音乐是如此的让人振奋。同时,他还受到90年代的hip hop音乐,R&B和电影配乐的影响。


作为一名同性恋穆斯林音乐家,Leo Kalyan已经实现了各种的目标 - 在Spotify的global viral chart上排名*;进入 Radio 1的播放列表; 在SoundCloud上播放了超过一百万次。




现在,我们很高兴但当一位“引路人”的角色,*次邀请Leo Kalyan,来到中国,将他极具诱惑力的音乐现场呈现给喜欢流行音乐的朋友。


Leo Kalyan is a British-Pakistani singer, songwriter, producer and visual artist from London. 

The word 'authentic' seems like a fitting description for Kalyan. Whether it's in his music, his artwork, his live shows or even down to his limited video output, everything is meticulously planned and executed in the finest way possible and to the best of his ability. More importantly, it's straight from the heart. 


M.I.A was the one who inspired Leo Kalyan to start a career in music. She is also a brown person from the UK doing pop, R&B and hip hop music influenced by Indian sounds. Kalyan found it hugely inspiring that she brought eastern and western sounds together. He also get influenced by 90s trip hop, r&b and film soundtracks. 

As a gay Muslim musician, Leo Kalyan has achieved various unwritten goals – No 1 on the global viral chart on Spotify; playlisted by Radio 1; more than a million plays on SoundCloud and sold-out headline shows.

Kalyan described his own sound as Oceanic, wavey, and ambient. And his latest track, named “stranger” has proved that. It’s a seductive pop gem about finding a deep connection with a stranger while traveling. The hook is catchy enough to give it some pop potential. The beat is smooth but also has just enough kick from the bass to really grab your attention. While Kalyan’s voice is soft and sweet to win over just about anyone. 




