「暴躁的骑士们」Alien Radio, Rhonda, 丢莱卡 (Prog Rock, Punk)

演出时间:05月13日 21:00-05月13日 23:30

艺人: Rhonda/Alien Radio/丢莱卡Wasted Laika

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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演出音乐人:Alien Radio,Rhonda,丢莱卡

时间/Time: 2018年5月13日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 40(ADV)/50(DOOR)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com




乐队 Bands: 

Alien Radio (Classic Rock, Prog Rock)

Rhonda (Prog Rock, Math Rock)

Wasted Laika 丢莱卡 (Punk, Rock)


Alien Radio (Classic Rock, Prog Rock)

Guitar, Vocals: Steve Luke
Drums: Nicolas Dimakopoulos
Bass: Dan Gunn

Alien Radio 由三位分别来自英国,加拿大和希腊的乐手组成,是一支新组建的乐队,主要表演原创摇滚歌曲。这些歌曲融合经典摇滚元素 (Sabbath, Rush, Floyd) 和现代摇滚元素 (Muse, Radiohead). 

Alien Radio is a three-piece (UK, Canada and Greece). They are a new band playing original rock songs. It's classic rock. It's modern prog. It's heavy. It's mellow. It's trippy. It's laid-back. It's in your face. It's quiet. It's loud. It's slow. It's fast. There's a mixture of classic (Sabbath, Rush, Floyd, Marillion) and modern progressive (Muse, Radiohead). 

They're in the process of writing and recording our first tracks; they will be with you soon. These are just simple demos we have made for practice purposes. The quality isn't great, but you get an idea of their sound.


Rhonda (Prog Rock, Math Rock)

Rhonda is a music project started in 2014 in Beijing by 4 friends coming from Italyand USA. Drawing influences from post-rock, post-punk, progressive metal and math rock, they have dedicated themselves to create instrumental music which combines melody and aggression. After a couple line-up changes following the departure of two of their original members, the band now consists of Tommaso (guitar), Nico (bass), Yiyi (drums), Antoine (guitar).

Rhonda 成军于2014年,由来自意大利和美国的4位朋友组成。受后摇滚,后朋克,前卫金属和数学摇滚影响,他们致力于创造器乐音乐,将旋律和攻击性结合在一起,席卷了京城各个音乐现场。在两位原始成员离开后,现在乐队由 Tommaso (吉他), Nico (低音), Yiyi (鼓), Antoine (吉他) 组成。


Wasted Laika 丢莱卡 (Punk, Rock)

A cluster fuck of sound and aggression, while Wasted Laika, the new rock band that’s been brewing up a storm in Gulou, have a hard time describing their bombastic sound, they do most definitely fall into the deviant hard edged punk realm. Best believe the hype. 

丢莱卡 (Wasted LAIKA) 乐队,冉冉升起的难听波普乐队,东欧平原知名偶像团体,拥有钢铁般的意志和似火的激情。乐队风格不确定,每首歌听起来都不太一样。还没被标签化是因为实在不够红。不是相机。



