独家5月03日—5月05日 WLWT 白白 -- White Light White Tower 3 Days Showcase

演出时间:05月03日 21:30-23:59

艺人: Click#15/(作废)4.15

场地: 北京 乐空间

地址:北新桥板桥南巷人美大厦北1层乐空间 查看地图


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演出音乐人:待定,Click 15,DAWEI



A year ago, me Alex, was invited to implement and run the new space that we called White Light White Tower 白光 白塔, or simply WLWT 白白. But after all, what is WLWT 白白? Where it is? and how does it operate?


WLWT 白白 was, initially, a space based on a concept: Be the new reference of urban Chinese young culture. Initially, located in the BaitaSi area in the capital Beijing was designed, initially, to operate as an art gallery, a cd and vinyl store, a bar, an urban fashion store, an experimental music label, a radio station, art studio and hangout space for creative agents, enthusiasts, critics and artists from Beijing, China and the World.


Cool isn’t it? Fuck yeah! On paper it sounds great, but in execution ...


Constantly enter and exit investor, team casting & building, space renovation, delayed rent, delayed salaries, business plans, financial models, budgets, talks with fashion designers, record labels, artists, bar and restaurant owners, landlord, projections, projections, projections and the fucking investment aport that was delayed to enter in. 


When it came in, the half of the budget had already been spent before even the space opened the doors! Amazing!

在这疯狂的疯狂中,它仍然被提出并被接受的想法做出一个特殊事件(Yuespace)年轻的血液:给予新乐队在更大舞台上演奏的机会; b)在舞台上面对我:与亚洲亚热带合作(c)电子资料:支持和鼓励在北京制作的电子音乐;和d)省级展示:将来自中国其他省份的*秀,*不寻常的新乐队带到北京。

In the middle of this fucking madness, it was still suggested and accepted by all of us the idea of making a festival from 4 days a month (March to July) in a single space (Yuespace), making each concert a special event: a) Young blood : giving the chance of new bands to play on a bigger stage; b) Face Me On Stage: in collaboration with Subtropical Asia puts face to face to play simultaneously; c) Electronic stuff: support and encourage electronic music produced in Beijing; and d) Provincial Showcase: bringing the best, most unusual and new bands from other provinces of China to play in Beijing.


Cool isn’t it? Fuck yeah! But who is gonna pay for this?


Well after we took a bump in the face from the capital injection into space, we took another kick in the sack with the costs of the March and April events, added to our total lack of ability to promote the event as a whole, creating successes with low costs and burdensome box office failures.


When we looked at the cost sheets the only thing that I could think was the memory of one of my soccer coaches in Brazil, guiding me when the opponent is stronger, faster and inside the game: "step on the ball and hold, wait for the opponent to get close to you, grab the balls of his sack tightly and right after fall on the ground and pretend to have suffered an injury!” The idea is to reduce and destabilize the rhythm of the opponent's game.


And after of a year of this bullshit, finally the time has come: the time to grab the costs by the balls! 

这样,我们至少为自己付出了代价。告别电子音乐,告别各省展示。五月只会有乐队面对乐队。 Rap乐队反对爵士乐队,乐队Funk反对摇滚乐队,我不知道该怎么办。我们还没有完成排队,如果你想加入:在评论中说些什么。

 In this way, we canceled the most costly events and focus only on the ones that at least pay for themselves. So goodbye to electronic music and goodbye to the provinces showcase. In May there will only be bands facing bands. Rap band against Jazz band,  Funk Band against Rock band and I do not know what the hell for. We haven’t finished the line up, if you wanna join: say something in the comments.



