立减10元 “原野妄想” Dustin Wong&Takako Minekawa 巡演 广州SD

演出时间:10月10日 21:00-10月10日 23:00

场地: 广州 SDlivehouse

地址:广州市海珠区南洲路154号(侨建·HICITY )2F 207 查看地图


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“原野妄想”是野生厂牌为音乐人Dustin Wong 和Takako Minekawa ( 岭川贵子) 在中国特别策划的巡回表演系列。“原野妄想”的名字灵感来源于两人在早前发表的合作专辑《Savage Imagination》。听过这张唱片的人都会觉得整张专辑听起来有一点点实验的音乐风格。



此番借由“原野妄想”系列演出,通过Dustin Wong 和Takako Minekawa 的音乐,希望能够带给人们对音乐*原始的无穷想象力。这种想象甚至是不假思索的“妄想”,以此来享受这场充满灵感的音乐之旅。 除了现场演出之外,还将在部分城市策划工作坊、视觉艺术家协作项目等不同形式的活动。

*Dustin Wong:
Dustin Wong生于夏威夷,长于日本,现居热闹繁华的东京。在开始自己的个人项目前,他是流行噪音乐队Ponytail以及Ecstatic Sunshine的主要成员。Dustin现签约美国厂牌Thrill Jockey,这里曾培养过诸多杰出的非主流乐队,现在依然如此。至今发行过四张个人专辑的Dustin拥有一票忠实粉丝,其音乐风格受到冲浪摇滚和John Fahey的影响。他的演出现场会设置诸多踏板型效果器,以循环踏板为基础,结合高音踏板和变音踏板来改变吉他的质地和颜色,再加上一只延时踏板来控制节奏和音乐形式。他在表演时会亲自操控这些踏板。Dustin曾为许多乐队暖场,包括Slasher Flicks (Animal Collective), Dirty Projectors, Silver Apples以及Beach House。他曾在美国和欧洲各地巡演,参加过SXSW等音乐节。2013年,Dustin与日本流行实验音乐人Takako Minekawa合作发行专辑《Tropical Circle 》,而此番搭配现在也发展为一种现场演绎,见证Dustin与Takako联力创造的特别产物。这对音乐组合将于今年九月、十月在中国进行巡回演出,共同演绎他们的新老歌曲,这也必将会是一个多彩奇幻的旅程。

Initiated by Wild Record Label, “Savage Imagination” is a performance series of musicians Dustin Wong & Takako Minekawa for their upcoming tour in China. The name of this special event originates from the two artists’ early collaborative album “Savage Imagination”, in which they develop all kinds of possibilities about music through their dynamic and joyful experiments. While the so-called “experimental music” is stereotypically taken as grotesque or inaccessible, it actually refers to an innovative presentation of the tunes and notes in their forms. The essence of the music, however, always remains unchanged. As the music is heard and transmitted to our brains, we feel the tunes via our imaginations. By presenting the shows of Dustin Wong & Takako Minekawa, this event series aims to motivate its audience to develop their most primitive imaginations, or even impulsive delusions about the music, and to fully enjoy the inspirations it brings about. Except for the live performances of the two musicians, other events such as workshops and visual design projects will also be held at certain cities on the tour.

Born in Hawaii and raised in Japan, Dustin Wong is now residing in the bustling city of Tokyo. Before starting his solo project, he was a key member of noise-pop bands, Ponytai and Ecstatic Sunshine. He is currently signed to US label, Thrill Jockey, which is also the home to some of the best alternative bands; past and present. He has so far released four solo albums that have gained him a niche of loyal fans. His style is influenced by surf-rock and John Fahey. His live setup is built around a loop pedal, combined with octave and distortion pedals to change the textures and colours of the guitar, plus a delay pedal to determine the tempo and pattern. He manipulates the pedal controls while performing. He has previously opened for bands such as - Slasher Flicks (Animal Collective), Dirty Projectors, Silver Apples and Beach House. He has also toured extensively in the US and Europe, which saw him playing at festivals like SXSW. He released the joint album ‘Tropical Circle’ in 2013 with Japanese pop experimentalist, Takako Minekawa. The collaboration has now blossomed into a live performance that sees Dustin and Takako join forces to create something quite special. They will touring China this September/October, performing old and new songs, in what promises to be a colourful tour.