独家丹麦梦幻电子Lydmor中国巡演 广州站

演出时间:04月21日 20:30-04月21日 22:00

艺人: Lydmor

场地: 广州 191space

地址:广州市越秀区广州大道中路191号(近五羊村地铁站A出口)191Space酒吧 查看地图


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Lydmor这个看上去有点儿奇怪、又很难念的名字,在丹麦语里的意思是“Mother of Sound”(声音之母)。究竟是谁有这么大的口气,给自己取了一个看似有点儿“夸大而讽刺”的名字呢?她*是目前丹麦*值得期待与关注的梦幻电子音乐人——Jenny Rossander。





在过去的这几年里,Lydmor凭借她独特的电子音乐和活跃的现场表演成功地征服了世界各地的观众。她独特的嗓音也引起了许多国际知名音乐艺术家的注意,如德国的DJ Alle Farben和比利时乐队Arsenal诚邀她参与他们的专辑制作;美国歌手Amanda Palmer也曾和她在哥本哈根同台演出;英国乐队Bottled in England邀请她担任乐队的巡演嘉宾;也曾在法国电子音乐人Anoraak的专辑中献声,去年曾作为特邀嘉宾为MEW开场。


近年Lydmor曾与许多不同领域的艺术家有过合作项目,其中*为人所熟知的是与丹麦独立摇滚乐团WhoMadeWho的主唱兼贝斯手Thomas Høffding一起合作的项目“Lydmor & Bon Homme”。Lydmor从为停止过自己的巡演脚步,这几年里她在欧洲、北美以及亚洲举办过多轮巡演,她的现场相比之前更加成熟,表演性也更加突出,舞台上的她已由一个电子音乐精灵蜕变成了一个举手投足都散发着独特魅力的女神。


自2014年的*次造访中国之后,Lydmor对中国有着某种特殊的情谊。2年之后,她再度来华举办专场。去年她曾常住上海长达7个月,她选择在这座日新月异的城市里生活、创作,迎接这张即将面世的新专辑《I Told You I’d Tell Them Our Story》。她说,这真的好像是一趟奇妙的探险,从繁华的都市中获取新的创作灵感,我相信此前应该没有北欧音乐人像我这么疯狂过。

从前不久释出的热门单曲《Money Towers》来看,Lydmor的音乐更加时尚、前卫与符号化了。MV中营造了一种电影《银翼杀手》里才有的未来主义氛围与人与人的生存状况,又带有某种赛博朋克的况味。她说,她从中国随处可见的超级摩天大楼中得到了创作的灵感。这样的城市虽然非常适合居住,但是往往也透露着许多的不安。


此前常常有乐评人将Lydmor得天独厚的嗓音拿来与Grimes, Kate Bush 或是Björk 做比较。但Lydmor始终在坚持做自己,以及忠实于自己的创作。她已经创作了一些只属于她自己的东西,你可以凝视,并尝试着去聆听与解释,找到她想要表达的内容的各种蛛丝马迹。


2018年4月,她即将带着这张融合了各式未来主义元素与创作理念的新专辑《I Told You I’d Tell Them Our Story》再次来华展开新的巡演。这位时尚、前卫、大胆的艺术家将再次用她的独特舞台现场征服所有到场的乐迷。


4.18 - 北京 - 黄昏黎明俱乐部

4.19 - 上海 - All

4.21 - 广州 - 191 Space


预售80  现场100

Lydmor & Bon Homme- Dream Of Fire

Lydmor - I Love You

Money Tower MV

Money Tower Live

Behind the curious and quite self-ironic name Lydmor (Danish for “Mother of Sound”), you find Danish singer, songwriter and producer Jenny Rossander. Despite of her young age, Lydmor has experienced more than most musicians ever will. She have toured most of mainland Europe and southeast Asia on her own.


Collaborated with renowned artists such as Arsenal (BE), Alle Farben(DE), Amanda Palmer (US), Bottled in England (DK), etc. and finally established herself as one of the most promising underground artists in her native Denmark.


The danish girl with the bruised knees jumping down from stage swinging the chord of the microphone like a whip while she sings as much of sex and drugs as emotions and far away places.

At times it can seem like the Danish singer Lydmor is everywhere at once. One moment she is standing on the top of a bar in a venue in Sao Paolo singing her heart out while the beat is pumping over her sweaty dancing audience. Next she playfully coproduces a track with j-pop legend Takeshi Kobayashi, or composes a soundtrack for an animated fantasy series.


In between her myriad of creative collaborations (including critically acclaimed "Lydmor & Bon Homme")the young producer and singer has managed to tour most of the world several times, playing from the biggest festivals and venues to at times in the homes, in tiny living rooms, of her biggest fans.



The eccentric Scandinavian girl balances always on the tip of a knifes edge between light and dark. Between loving and cold. Order and chaos. If you manage to catch one of her shows, she will flirt, dance, cry, scream and hug her way into your heart with a brutal honesty that comes across both in her pumping rhythmical electro sounds as well as her emotional dreamy side.

Multiple media has compared the quirky voice to the likes of Grimes, Kate Bush or Björk but inevitably the comparisons fall short. Lydmor is quite her own and since she returned from a mysterious stay in Shanghai in China she has been working on her coming album to be released in 2018.

HEARTBEAT MANAGEMENT thomas@heartbeatmanagement.dk https://www.facebook.com/lydmor







