【Subtropical X LBM呈现】Absolute Purity, 煮河马,李剑鸿,Run Run Run

演出时间:03月24日 21:00-03月24日 23:30

艺人: 绝对纯洁/Boiled Hippo/李剑鸿/RUN RUN RUN

场地: 北京 黄昏黎明DDC

地址:北京市朝阳区神路街39号地下一层DDC 查看地图


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时间/Time: 2018年3月24日 21:00

门票/Ticket: 70(Presale)/100(Door)

地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)

地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号

Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District

电话/Tel: 010-64078969

邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com

While most kids who grew up in Beijing in the 2000s can list off the Maybe Mars bands that (many claim) redefined the underground scene here - Carsick Cars, Birdstriking, Snapline, Chui Wan, if you dig deep enough and ask any diehard music fan, or better yet, local musicians who their favorite Maybe Mars band was you''ll get a different answer. You'll discover a little band called Guai Li would made quite the splash in the late aughts and then like that, vanished into thin air. Led by singer Wen Jun - they were a force of nature on stage and left behind one of Maybe Mars best releases - Flight of Delusion. The cult is strong with Guai Li, and their influence can be felt in many of the young indie rockers today.  So when I stumbled upon a band called Absolute Purity, I immediately recognized that voice. Better yet, I was in awe of the band's sound, which seemed fully formed - a blissed-out mix of post-punk, electronica, and psychedelic music, with driving bass and drums perfectly punctuated with the vocals of Wen Jun. While the band has been quietly honing their sound for the past year, it seems they're ready to unleash themselves upon Beijing this month. 

那些经历了2000年代北京地下音乐风暴的老铁们,肯定可以列出兵马司旗下一堆重新定义地下音乐场景的乐队们--Carsick Cars, Birdstriking, Snapline, Chui Wan。如果你想挖掘的再深点,去问任何一个死忠乐迷,或者是北京的地下音乐人:D22时期哪只乐队是你们的*?也许你会得到不同的答案--一只叫"怪力"的乐队,他们在当时引起了一些轰动,然后又砰的一下消失在稀薄的空气中。在主场文隽的带领下--怪力在舞台上形成自己独有的一股自然之力,并且为兵马司留下了一张极其优秀的唱片《妄游记》。即使是现在,怪力的影响力还是很大,你能在很多年轻的独立乐队身上找到来自他们的影响。所以当我们偶然发现这支名叫"*纯洁"的乐队时,立刻辨识出文隽的声线。更棒的是,整只乐队的声音真的让人敬畏--后朋、电子、迷幻的美妙结合,而文隽的声线也突出了强劲的贝斯和鼓。去年一年,乐队一直在悄悄打磨他们的歌曲,而现在,他们似乎已经准备好来到北京,释放一把了。

Bound in contrast and contradictions, Absolute Purity pairs fierce desperation against melancholy and innocence. The band was formed in December 2016 by singer Wen Jun (ex-Guai Li), guitarist Tang Ting, drummer Zhang Yun and bassist Dami, each bringing their own musical direction. Drawing on experimental, post-punk, electronic music and psychedelia, their sound spans the aggressive, melodic and pure, going between the everyday mundane and unhinged madness. The band has been quietly honing their sound in their home of Shanghai and will be making their Beijing debut this March at DDC where the band will be joined by some of Beijing's most radical and offbeat noisemakers including: Boiled Hippo, the free wheeling psychedelic world beat groovers who refuse to stick to any script when putting together their music - they had a killer 2017 which saw them release a 7' record on Space Fruity Records; Li Jianhong - a demi-god guitar slayer, who'll turn his guitar into a perpetual motion machine of sound, swaying his entire body to the layers of noise, making you scream out in delight, the man knows how to go big; Run Run Run, the Guizhou raised rockers who provide no nonsense 70s inebriated psych rock that rolls and rolls until it sweeps you into the beautifully orchestrated chaos. Big sounds coming at ya this evening. 

*纯洁,⽭盾的混合着激烈*、不顾⼀切和纯真、伤感的⽓息。2016年12⽉,原怪⼒乐队主唱⽂隽找到 吉他⼿汤庭、⿎⼿张云、贝斯⼿⼤⽶,组成乐队。带着对⾳乐的不同理解开始进⾏。⾳乐中也有暴⼒也有纯情也有⽇常也有癫狂,通过post-punk、迷幻、电⼦、旋律、等元素来传达。乐队一直老家上海悄悄打磨他们的音乐,而他们将于3月正式亮相北京,在DDC带来首秀。

此次阵容还包含另外三组北京*激进和标新立异的音乐人们,包括:煮河马,从自由即兴到迷幻噪音,到第三世界音乐节拍,每次演出他们都拒绝任何预设;李剑鸿--一个半人半仙的吉他手,能把手中的吉他变成制造声音的永动机,演出时会把他的整个身体摇到一片噪音的海洋,让你兴奋的尖叫,这个人真的知道怎么把事情搞大;Run Run Run, 来自贵州的乐队,他们制造70年代的迷幻之声,摇着摇着*把你卷入到一片精心策划的美妙混乱中。


Line up:

Absolute Purity *纯洁

Boiled Hippo 煮河马

Li Jianhong 李剑鸿

Run Run Run

Absolute Purity *纯洁 (Shanghai, Post punk, Psychedelic)  


Bound in contrast and contradictions, Absolute Purity pairs fierce desperation against melancholy and

innocence. The band was formed in December 2016 by singer Wen Jun (ex-Guai Li), guitarist Tang Ting,

drummer Zhang Yun and bassist Dami, each bringing their own musical direction. Drawing on post-punk,

electronic music and psychedelia, their sound spans the aggressive, melodic and pure, going between the

everyday mundane and unhinged madness.

Boiled Hippo 煮河马(Indie rock, World music)

Boiled Hippo is a band from Beijing who formed in 2014 - from serious rock music to boring free improvisation, and then third world music, they don't quite have a fixed style but are always trying different things. After taking a year off, they finally regrouped with new work in 2017 focusing more on rhythm, and absorbing fresh elements from various kinds of music.

Boiled Hippo,煮河马,从 2014 年起活跃于北京,从严肃摇滚到无聊即兴到第三世界音乐,一直多变。在休假一整年之后,17 年新鼓手加入,他们终于又正经排了一些新歌,并开始更加注重律动,融入了更多新鲜元素

Li Jianhong 李剑鸿 (Beijing, Guitar noise) 

Guitar demi-god Li Jianhong, whose drone-heavy, shredful, gut-wailing brand of guitar improv is always a wonder to behold, who'll turn his guitar into a perpetual motion machine of sound, swaying his entire body to the layers of noise, making you scream out in delight as he gives a curling vengeful noise sacrifice to the guitar deities above.  

领衔中国*重要的前卫音乐/即兴音乐十多年,中国*杰出的即兴创作和表演艺术家之一。他演奏的至高点在于震耳欲聋的沉默和灾难之间。他分别于2002年和2007年在杭州和上海组织了二皮音乐节(2pi Festival),6年来,二皮音乐节一直被认为是亚洲地下音乐节的*终之*。

Run Run Run (Beijing, Noise rock)

Established in Guiyang in 2014, Run Run Run blends the together the free-wheeling sounds of the 60s and 70s and finding the patterns and beautiful happenings found in free improvisation, simplifying it and re-forging it into something hypnotic.

Run Run Run于2014年初在贵阳成立,乐队*初三位成员为吉他手窦朝,贝司手Franck,鼓手郑杰,随着2014年末键盘手/吉他手邓杰的加入,乐队形成固定的四人阵容。乐队成员均受到大量六七十年代乐队的影响,乐队名字来源于卢.里德在"地下丝绒"乐队期间创作的一首歌名。

Run Run Run尝试将所吸收过的各种音乐类型加以融合,成员之间以自由的即兴演奏于创作中相互影响,再记录并梳理诸多素材,将其部分简化并重新锻造,转换为固定的音乐形态与乐队所期望表达的声音。







