独家脏手指乐队2015年全国巡演 合肥站

演出时间:12月19日 20:30-12月19日 23:30

艺人: 脏手指 Oh! Dirty Fingers

场地: 合肥 ON THE WAY在路上 大摩店

地址:合肥 包河区 庐州大道56号大摩广场4楼401(祁门路与庐州大道交口南二环麦德龙旁) 查看地图


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每买一张预售票 即送一套乐队成员小牌







在脏手指乐队活跃的一年中,他们成为了中国新生代地下摇滚乐队的领头乐队之一。他们的足迹遍布上海大大小小的live house,在周边城市以及北京也都有过反响激烈的演出。在这些演出中,脏手指与许多知名的老牌朋克乐队同台挥洒汗水,其中顶楼的马戏团和SMZB*代表性。















We Are Dirty Fingers


It was in the middle of the hot asphalt jungle that four monkeys met, all hungry for liberation and adventure, mad for fun, and starving for a playground. As soon as the air brought to their noses the smell of each other they jumped and rolled around like monkeys do, for they knew that they just found their matching troop to battle and conquer their dreamed jungle, the one that they can destroy one thousand times a day because at night it will always refresh itself, a jungle where punk is the sound of the wind, and rock is the nectar that the gods provide to intoxicate you and finally be able to see all the jungles of the universe from above.


Rudy, the founder and singer of the band, wasn't a good student, he didn't like it, studying didn't catch his mind, rock did. It was at the graduation gig of one friend of his that he saw a band of students playing rock, right there he knew what he wanted to do, play his music. In college Rudy met Lao Mo, with him they began their first band, they named it Dirty Fingers, with Rudy singing and writing songs, Lao Mo on bass, Xiaohei on drums. Then Rudy graduated and met Xiao Hai who came to replace their previous guitarist for one gig but ended up staying permanently. Finally Rudy met Alex who joined just few days before the first official gig of Dirty Fingers the Tiger Battle of the Bands, where they broke the rules for playing their own songs and messing up the structure of the show. It was the summer of 2014 when Dirty Fingers crystallized. Later on Lao Mo left, and Hai Ming took his place. This is Dirty Fingers.


Already on their first year of life Dirty Fingers has already established as one of the leading rock bands in the undergrounds of China having played at every relevant rock venue in Shanghai, and several around China. In these venues Dirty Fingers has exchanged sweat and riffs with many of the old solid bands messing around the stages of Shanghai and China, Top Floor Circus and SMZB lead the list.


Dirty Fingers' songs are batteries fully charged to stick in your brain and go as wild as your beast will let you. Once a song is on Alex will push the speed beyond  resistance, Xiao Hai and Hai Ming bring the little sanity that is allowed with their melodies and harmonies, but just enough to maintain the chaos because it's dirty punk. All the noise of the instruments form a playground for Rudy's raw voice to deliver the maddening clarity that these songs are meant to awake. Each song is a pill that might cause headaches, dizziness, spasmodic shakes, tremors, and in some cases even nausea. THIS IS NOT APT FOR CUTIES.


Dirty Fingers are the the rising bastard lords of punk in China, the destroyers of the peace that has established in yaogun these days, the builders of the new chaos in your mind. You might be worried to let them in (you should!) but no matter your strength, as the wind can't be destroy, Dirty Fingers can't be stopped. The bastard monkeys will rule you.







《猴子王》 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI4ODExNjM0MA==.html

《Ska Jam》 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI4Nzk5Nzc0MA==.html