独家仓库现场:WHAI乐队专场 | 中国迷幻摇滚领军乐队 Ft. DJ KOMATSU

演出时间:03月02日 21:00-03月02日 22:30


场地: 北京 宝钞仓库(Soi Baochao)

地址:北京市东城区宝钞胡同10号(近南锣鼓巷)宝钞仓库 查看地图


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WHAI(发音 “坏”)。成立时间为2012年10月24日。由四位民族艺术家组成,致力中国原创音乐。

WHAI不断演化成一支先锋摇滚乐队。他们哲学化的歌词、声音实验、不断创新的CD封面艺术和精心设计的现场表演都闻名于世。WHAI于一零年代在张巍的带领下在中国迷幻方面已经比较成功,并将噪音音乐引入了主流。张巍是乐队的*和主创者。在张巍的领导下乐队录制了数首歌曲,并且以2012年的《中国》、2013年的《寻找到冰山旷野生命的意义,才能够忘记一切欢乐与忧伤 》、2014年的《动物》和2015年的《天堂》取得了世界性的成功。


WHAI was founded in 2012 by four Chinese ethnic artists back grounds, each playing original music with distinctly Chinese elements. 

WHAI plays a mixture of Trip-Hop,Dance,Chinese folk,Psychedelic, Avantgarde,Experimental,Rock,Industrial,Techno and Noise.However,their sound cannot be boxed into one category;it flows free like the songs' subject matters which range from China to phoenixes to the meaning of life. WHAI's music is dark yet dreamy,transporting those who listen to a mysterious world where anything is possible. Like its members who do their own thing despite societal pressure,WHAI's music refuses to be shaped by rules and predetermined norms. WHAI also incorporates techno music,thanks to special guest member Mickey Zhang. Mikey Zhang is one of the most influential DJs in Asia,who's influence on the Asian,especially the Chinese electronic music scene,cannot be over stated. Those who choose to listen can fly to another world while moving to the beats.

WHAI is the alternative in the popular,it's the newest and most underground band out there today.

主唱:张巍 http://weibo.com/u/3103186197


The No.1 female Chinese Rock-roll lighting engineer.

鼓手:刘淼 http://weibo.com/u/2155385887

刘淼1982年出生于宁夏银川,16岁学习架子鼓演奏。同年组织自己*支乐队【破皮硕鼠】,乐队解散后,2000年来北京寻求新的音乐和人生梦想*点。2005年和好友高峰在北京开了“两个好朋友”酒吧,是北京Live house中*有特点*火爆的酒吧之一,深受国内外朋友的一致认同与好评,也是北京*人情味,*玩的音乐人聚集地。刘淼鼓风生猛,彪悍,律动感强,与大量中外艺术家合作。曾为立東乐队、核乐队鼓手,现任WHAI乐队鼓手。

Liu Miao was born in Yinchuan, Ningxia Province in 1982.He began playing the drums at 16, and in the same year founded his first band Popi Shuoshu. After the band broke up in 2000 LiuMiao headed to Beijing to grow as a person. In 2005, he opened a bar named 2Kolegas(“two good friends” in Chinese)with his good friend GaoFeng. The bar went onto become one of the most unique and popular live music bars in Beijing–avenue highly praised by foreigners and Chinese alike.2Kolegas has hands down become one of Beijing’s most down-to-Earth, laid back and fun night life hang outs. Liu Miao currently drums for Li dong band, Nucleus and WHAI, his drumming is vigorous and powerful, with a strong sense of rhythm—Liu Miao is a key member of the band.

DJ Mickey Zhang http://weibo.com/u/1062344550

Mickey Zhang(张然)是中国电子舞曲文化的领军人物。在将近20年的音乐生涯中, Mickey不仅仅以DJ、制作人、派对活动主办方的身份推动着中国电音文化的发展,他更像是中国乃至亚洲的电音大使,是*被国际认可的亚洲电子音乐人之一。
*个在柏林传奇俱乐部Tresor演出,*个登上ADE(阿姆斯特丹电子音乐节)、西班牙Sonar(享誉全球的前卫艺术、科技及音乐节)、法国MIDEM(法国戛纳国际音乐博览会),以及Wire(日本*的室内 Techno 音乐节)等国际*音乐节,*个在国内发行原创电子乐专辑——Mickey创造了中国电子乐发展史上的许多个*。他还曾与Laurent Garnier、Ken Ishii、石野卓球、Technasia等国际级DJ同台献艺,在不断与众多电子音乐高手的切磋中磨砺出猛烈纯粹的Tehcno风格,并逐步确立起他在中国电音界的领军地位。2004年,Mickey参与成立「凹凸文化」,推出了派对活动品牌「焱-YEN」。为了推动中国电子音乐文化的发展,「焱-YEN」更青睐于冉冉升起的本土明星,而不是为了短期票房去盲目追求国外艺人。历经三年,「焱-YEN」已成为代表中国电子音乐的国际知名Party品牌,吸引和培养了大量的电子音乐从业者和爱好者。
不仅如此,Mickey还将自己对电子音乐的热爱延伸至其他诸多领域。他的作品 China 和 Good evening Beijing 被娄烨选中,作为配乐分别呈现在电影《春风沉醉的夜晚》(第62届戛纳电影节*编剧奖)和《浮城谜事》之中。他还与哥哥张巍组建WHAI乐队,尝试催化电子节拍与中国古典乐器之间的化学反应;还曾担任汽车广告片、Burning Man Promotion Video (中国版)、上海时装周等项目的音乐总监;为叶明子的 Listen to Your Heart(由小室哲哉谱曲)、Ken Ishii 的The Axe Murderer、华人乐坛一哥陈奕迅《娱乐天空》制作Remix;参与ADE、加拿大音乐周、IMS亚太峰会等音乐论坛与交流项目;受邀担任2017年迷笛电子音乐节总导演……

Mickey Zhang is the leading figure in the growing Chinese Techno music scene. As a producer, DJ, event organizer and ambassador for the Chinese underground music scene, he ha s pushed forward the development of Electronic music in China, and remains one of the most in-demand Chinese DJs in Asia. As part of the first generation of Chinese electronic producer/DJs, Mickey was the first Chinese DJ to play at Berlin’s original Tresor Club, Amsterdam’s ADE, and France’s Midem Festivals, first producer to release an album of original work in China and first Chinese DJ to play at Wire Festival, Japan’s biggest techno party. More recently, his music featured at the Cannes Film Festival. Mickey branched out into music production in 2002, remixing the World Cup Chinese theme song, producing music for television. Mickey may well be the Chinese Electronic music scene’s most travelled ambassador, having played in many countries around the world, all through Europe, Japan Thailand, Canada. For the 50th anniversary of Chinese-French diplomatic relation of 2004, Mickey was invited to France to play in four cities. In 2009, Mickey was invited to Canada to perform and speak about the Chinese music scene at Canadian Music Week. In2010, Mickey moved to Berlin to explore the European scene and expand his musical horizons. Mickey and his older brother, Zhang Wei, are also hard at work on a new album featuring electronic beats, classical Chinese instruments and modern production.

受德國極簡音樂的影響,開始嘗試Ambient和Dub Techno的製作。善於製造低沉底鼓和空間感強烈的音樂,冷靜與瘋狂的矛盾內核。

Influenced by German Minimal music, he gave his first kick of producing Ambient and Dub Techno. His strong suit is to craft deep bass drumming and music with super ambient atmosphere, conflictive inner core of sanity and insanity.







