独家【秀动呈献】Theatres Des Vampire 中国巡演 CHINA TOUR 2018 杭州站

演出时间:03月16日 20:30-03月16日 22:00

艺人: Theatres Des Vampire(吸血鬼剧院)

场地: 杭州 杭州 MAO Livehouse

地址:浙江省杭州市上城区中山南路77号尚城1157三楼MAOLiveHouse杭州 查看地图


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Theatres Des Vampire(吸血鬼剧院)是来自意大利的殿堂级金属乐队,哥特金属风格强烈。

在他们的职业生涯开始,吸血鬼剧院被大众广泛地认为是黑色金属。在他们1999年的专辑“吸血鬼纪事报”中,他们开始向大家介绍更多他们音乐中的哥特式的元素。除了Moonspell和Cradle of Filth,吸血鬼剧院经常被认为是结合哥特式和黑色金属的先驱之一。随着时间的推移,黑色金属的影响减弱,直到2004年他们出了一张可以被视为哥特式/工业金属的录音棚专辑“Nightbreed of Macabria”。而他们近期的专辑“月光华尔兹”在交响乐方向转弯,为大家带来了乐队史上*轰动的声音。

作为继Cradle of Filth、Graveworm和Siebenburgen之后又一支迷恋吸血鬼文化的乐队,Theatres Des Vampires的吸血鬼/歌特黑金属风格非常纯正。乐团继承吸血鬼黑金属的一贯惊骇造型,女主唱Scarlet一袭白沙长裙,阴森的眼窝,唇边流淌着鲜血的造型可谓此风格之经典.乐队的过人之处在于其对氛围的把握,歌曲极显歌剧气势。乐队现任成员主要有主唱Sonya Scarlet,键盘Necros (Fabian Varesi),吉他手Stephan Benfante,贝斯手Blutsauger (Zimon Liyoi)和鼓手Blasfemator (Gabriel Valerio)。

Theatres des Vampires于2004年5月发行了他们的第六张专辑《Nightbreed of Macabria》,专辑讲述的是杰出的歌特电影导演Tim Burton以自身非凡的想象力编导的音乐剧,作品将带领你深入一场美丽奇特的音乐旅程。乐队的这张作品自始至终大量使用交响乐和管弦乐,还有*是乐队具有拉丁血统的女主唱令人惊骇的意大利式歌剧演唱,这些造*了他们成为乐界*独特和*值得人津津乐道的黑暗歌特金属乐队之一。2007年发行的LIVE版+混音版的2CD精选专辑《Desire Of Damnation》。Theatres Des Vampires也经过很大的人员变动,现在已经以女主唱Sonya Scarlet为主,没有了男声主唱。混音版的歌曲也颇有电子歌特的味道,风格也从早期的旋律黑金转变为歌特金属。2009年推出的专辑《Anima Noir》,依旧以女主唱Sonya Scarlet为主,男声主唱部分很少,减弱了电子乐器的运用,加强了金属的味道。


Theatres des Vampires is an Italian gothic metal band with strong symphonic orchestra influences, mostly noted for the predominant theme of vampirism within their lyrics.

The name “Theatres des Vampires” was inspired by a fictional location created by Gothic fantasy writer Anne Rice of the same name. Rice’s Theatres des Vampires is a Parisian theatre in which vampires pretend to be mortal actors, their performances consisting of the feeding on mortals disguised as part of a play and staged in front of human audiences. The location is mentioned in several of Rice’s books, including Interview With the Vampire and The Vampire Lestat.


Theatres des Vampires was formed in 1994 . The band’s members expressed a fascination with vampires and anything connected to them, earning themselves and their music the title “vampiric metal” from their contemporaries. The band created a coherent image of vampirism intheir stage performance and within the lyrical themes and atmospheres of their music, which contributed heavily to the gaining of their fanbase.

During their career, the band was first primarily influenced by symphonic black metal, but later tended to include differing influences, including: classical music, opera, darkwave, deathrock,gothic rock and several industrial subgenres.

Throughout this stylistic deviation, a few characteristics of the band’s music have remained consistent; melancholic atmospheres and lyrics, vocal stylings akin to gothic metal, and their vampiric image.

The band has produced ten albums in ten years with the English label Plastic Head, and has gained more recognition within the metal scene in Europe, South America and Russia, partially because of the band’s participation in various festivals around the world. These include Vampyria III in London in 1999, Gods of Metal in Italy in 2000, Wave-Gotik-Treffen in Leipzig in 2003 , 2006 and 2013, Gotham in London in 2004, Female Voices Festival in Wieze, 

Belgium in 2006, Battle of Metal open air festival in 2007, Germay, Castle party festival in 2010, Poland and more..

In 2003 the band toured with Christian Death throughout Europe, and recorded an album with Valor of Christian Death and Gian Pyres of Cradle of Filth as special guests.

The band’s shows have always seen a reasonable level of attendance, and have become more dramatic over the band’s career, incorporating fireworks and “out of line” appearances by Scarlet.

Since 2004 Sonya Scarlet has remained the solo vocalist and front of the band, replacing her previous role as backing vocals.

Scarlet sometimes cuts herself with razors at performances, freely letting fans drink her blood, promising them the gift of immortality. In 2005 several English clubs forbade her performing the display of bloodletting, because it violates English laws against the incitement to commit suicide.

On 28 November 2005 Aural Music released the album Pleasure and Pain. Distributors throughout Europe bought the album and it was published with permission in Europe, South America, the USA, Russia, and Japan.

On 19 March 2007 they released Desire of Damnation. It is a double CD, with live songs from The Addiction Tour 2006 and some new studio songs and remixes.

On 2008 Anima Noir, produced by Christian Ice was released and the Anima Noir Tour brought the band touring for the first time in South America and Russia, playing also important festivals like Castle Party in Poland and Battle Of Metal in Germany.

Moonlight Waltz is the 9th studio album of the band, produced again by Christian Ice and released by Aural Music/Sony BMG in January 2011, the album got very good reviews all around the world, getting also very good sales, selling out the first printing in only two months. In March 2011 the album has been reprinted.

The “Moonlight Waltz Tour 2011” brought Theatres Des Vampires on tour playing more than 30 shows all around Europe, Russia and Turkey. The show in Moscow of the 2011 MWT was filmed and released on the live DVD in April 2012, just before the new leg of the European tour.

The Moonlight Waltz Tour ended at Wave Gotik Treffen 2013 after a successful tour in Central and South America in February/March 2013 

Candyland is the 10th studio album released on October 2016 via Scarlet records and produced, mixed and mastered by Christian Ice at Temple of Noise studio . Candyland boasts the special guest appearance by legendary Moonspell frontman Fernando Ribeiro on the song “Seventh room” . After the release of Candyland the band played in some European festivals and new latinoamerica and Russian tours on 2017. 


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